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Everything posted by thagen8

  1. I want to mention, I do not see the ports listening using netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
  2. Currently getting a refuse to connect on port 32400 for the web UI. I have no issues with other Dockers on my array. Any reason why this port isn't open?
  3. I will also say that I had an old Minecraft docker image that I turned on, and was able to access it's interface on 8443. And Ncat also connected. So it seems like the ports aren't open for some reason.
  4. One more quick test I did. I configured a custom IP in br0 Mode. I was able to ping the IP. Connection still refused using Ncat.
  5. Hey everyone. I made sure to do some digging before bringing this here. I just recently replaced my ISP Router/Modem combo with a third party router and modem (separate devices). We had the 10.0.0.x IP Address, but they got changed to 192.168.0.x. I was able to change the network settings in Unraid without issues, and can connect to the interface without an issue. I also have a VM running a web server that I have no issues connecting to locally on that 192 address space. I'm now seeing an issue with my Docker. Specifically my Plex Docker and possibly another, but the Plex is my current issue. The Docker starts without any visual error when starting the Docker. I also looked at the log from the Unraid interface, it's showing that the "Server is unclaimed" and "No custom files found, skipping" but I don't think that could play in part to the issue with connecting. I also looked in the following log directory: /mnt/user0/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs But all of the logs are dated back to 2018. So is this a logging issue, or is everything fine? Permissions for those files is -rw-r--r--, so it shouldn't be permissions. Is there another location I can get logs that will actually tell me something? I am running this Docker in Host mode. And it is getting the following: <Media Server IP>:1900/UDP <--> <Media Server IP>:1900 <Media Server IP>:32400/TCP <--> <Media Server IP>:32400. I just ran netcat from another host on the network. nc -zv <Media Server IP> 32400 | with a "Ncat: Connection refused", is there a way to allow that port?
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