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  1. khager's post in Cannot access web interface or SSH - but everything works (?) was marked as the answer   
    <for posterity.;
    I pieced together what happened:
    I did NOT have a static IP address set on the unraid server like I remembered. Instead, I had a DHCP reservation set on my router. I vaguely remember doing this when my ISP decided to change DNS servers and not tell anyone. Using a reservation let me keep the local IP address the same but passed through whatever name servers the ISP decided on. That's the piece I forgot.
    A few days ago, my router decided to revert back to factory settings so I lost that reservation.
    My mistake was not associating the router event with the problem accessing the unraid server via the web interface.
    So - I got a random IP address assigned to the unraid server. The IP addresses on the dockers didn't change so they kept working. My shares are "remembered" by OS-X  (as opposed to a script I used to use to mount drives) so those kept working.
    Mystery solved (except for why my router decided to reset to factory settings - but that's for another day).
  2. khager's post in Docker fails to start was marked as the answer   
    I've run Balance and Scrub but no dice.
    is memtest a RAM tester? Can you provide the syntax? It's not a valid bash command on my server.
    I'm fine with a 128GB - I just thought it might have run out of space (forgot I did that).
    Is it possible to reformat, recreate the docker image, and copy the apps/files back over to the cache disk?