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Everything posted by coptician

  1. Thanks! It's going to take a day to parity sync so I'll check in then if I'm unsure. But I think I get it now, so thank you!
  2. Yeah, I did get warnings about that disk, but unfortunately it took a few days for the new drives to get here. Okay, so I am going to take parity 1 ouf of the pool, create a new parity 1 with the 8TB drive, and letting it rebuild based on that. Then I can reassign current parity 2 into a data drive and transfer data over to that. That makes sense to me. Thanks, I'll get to work on that! Edit: The other drives are all showing healthy, so we should be alright.
  3. Here you go. bifrost-diagnostics-20200825-1747.zip
  4. Do you want me to start the array without either of the 8TB drives, or only without the 8TB data drive?
  5. Thanks! I've attached the file. So what I'm gathering here is that adding the new 8TB parity drive was not the right procedure, and it'll need to calculate parity again. The way I understand it, I'm essentially turning the 4TB parity into a 4TB data drive this way, at least in terms of assignments. Is that right? bifrost-diagnostics-20200825-1709.zip
  6. Hey all, I noticed last week that one of my drives was dying, so I ordered 4 new drives to replace all of them. I am going to switch from: 4x4TB (one parity) to: 4x8TB (one parity) Potentially adding 2x4TB to that. I thought I understood what to do, so yesterday I installed a new drive to act as parity. It's currently the second parity drive. During the rebuild, the 4TB drive errored out, so now I am in a strange state where I have a 4TB parity, an 8TB parity, 2 working 4TB drives and a broken 4TB drive. I added another 8TB drive to serve for data, but I can't add it to the pool because of the 4TB parity drive. (I can add the other 2 8TB drives when needed) How should I proceed from here to get the data transferred over to the 8TB drives?
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