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Posts posted by Redness

  1. On 1/1/2019 at 12:51 AM, 1812 said:


    I hope your new year resolution is to learn to not be so obvious in your sales attempts, and understand that everyone can see through you, and to have the honesty when caught.


    Merry early Presidents Day.

    Are you serious right now? What did I sell in this specific thread? Oh no, you cought me asking a question, God please forbid this!

  2. On 12/28/2018 at 1:34 PM, PSYCHOPATHiO said:

    I use a VPN, but I do not trust any commercial or private company. I build my own VPN servers on a VPS & as always if compared to the highly priced low quality commercial providers mine are very fast & reliable.

    The VPS I'm using has gigabit uplink, 2GB ram & 2 cores for the high price of 2.5 USD a month, while connected though my pfsense I also forward some ports.

    Interesting, will look at this possibility. Thanks for the insight. 

  3. On 12/28/2018 at 3:12 PM, 1812 said:


    MAN I KNOW RIGHT! I always want to create new accounts on boards i've never posted on and ask questions that are crazily discussed at holiday parties! It's like the other day, for the second night of Hanukah, me and Ishmael were having some friends over, and some guy was like "if I was going to do 10gbe in my house, I would go fiber, i don't care about the cable expense!" But this other guy was all "MAN, you gotta go copper. It's a little pricey now for the cards, but it's the future!" So after that, I went and created an account on the synology forums and posted:


    Do you use 10gbe?
    I have tried several 10gbe hardware providers like Intel, Quanta and as of lately, Mellanox. Would rank Mellanox the highest because it has the best quality for a very low price, really impressed with the provider.
    What do you use? 


    Totally legit. Welcome to the forums.

    How else am I supposed to post something besides creating an account? :)
    I hope your next year's resolution is to become more open-minded and understand that different people have completely different knowledge and opinion which results in distinctive discussions. Happy new year.

    • Upvote 1
  4. On 12/28/2018 at 3:30 PM, trurl said:

    What often happens is someone will put up a first post that isn't really about Unraid but might be genuine. And they don't even put any links into that post. Until later after they have been approved. Then they edit it to include links to something they have a commercial interest in.


    The reason we require approval of first posts is precisely because we get a lot of spammers.


    We will see ...

    Have nothing to link. Just interested in other IT literate people opinion. Doesn't seem that friendly by the older answers.

  5. 12 hours ago, trurl said:

    Well, since somebody (not me) approved this first post of Redness, I'll just go ahead and ask.



    Are you a spammer for your preferred VPN service?


    Are new members of these forums always treated as spammers?

    There was a hot discussion regarding VPNs at my Christmas dinner and that's why I asked a genuine question. I'm interested in other people opinions because I want to use the best price/quality ratio, provider. 

  6. I have tried several VPN providers like Express, Ipvanish and as of lately, Surfshark. Would rank surfshark the highest because it has the best quality for a very low price, really impressed with the provider.


    What do you use?

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