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Posts posted by zonik

  1. now there is something new going on, i can connect now and login but i only 1 folder in the media folder and that folder is empty i have tried to edit the mountscript file but nothing works, this is how i have it currently set:


    # put your commands for creating mount points and mounting here
    # they will be executed when the array starts
    # e.g.:
    # mkdir /mnt/cache/FTP/movies;mount --bind /mnt/user0/movies /mnt/cache/FTP/movies

    # Mounts just media for read only
    # Directory Structure
    mkdir /tmp/FTP/
    mkdir /tmp/FTP/Media
    mkdir /tmp/FTP/Media/anime;mount --bind /media/user/Media/Anime /tmp/FTP/Media/anime
    mkdir /tmp/FTP/Media/movies;mount --bind /media/user/Media/Kvikmyndir /tmp/FTP/Media/movies

    # Mounts for Apps/Tools/ISO ect
    # Apps and Tools are Read only
    # Uploads are Read/Write
    mkdir /tmp/FTP/Uploads;mount --bind /mnt/user/Media/ftp/ /tmp/FTP/Uploads/


    i should not that the anime folder is the only one visible and thats empty

  2. still keep getting errors at least its not a timeout this timebut it is this : Jul 10 23:21:27 Samwise proftpd[59560]: ([]) - chroot to '~/' failed for user 'tester': No such file or directory
    Jul 10 23:21:27 Samwise proftpd[59560]: ([]) - error: unable to set DefaultRoot directory

  3. well this is the gift that keeps on giving,

    i used krusader to copy the mountscript to a share so i can access it from my pc and i used notepad++ to edit it, edited the rules for it and now it start the plugin but its unresponsive cant access the server via ftp even on a local network

  4. hello fellow unraiders

    i am having a little issue beeing not as smart as i would like to be

    i am editing the config file

    i am trying to setup a rule in proftpd so that users cannot delete anything and can only upload to one folder

    as it is now the user lands on /share and in that share are alot folders folder 1, folder 2 etc

    and i would like to have only lets folder 3 to be writable and the rest read only

    p.s. i did find a rule to ban deletion of files and for some reason that stopped working

    please let me know if i need to clarify something

    also i have been through this : http://www.proftpd.org/docs/howto/Directory.html

    and http://proftpd.org/docs/howto/FTP.html

    iam just not smart enough to cobble together a functioning command or rule to achive what i want

    this is the command i wrote wich for some reason worked but doesnt anymore

    <Directory /mnt/user/share>
     <Limit DELE>



    sorry if something like is here i just didnt see it

  5. hello fellow unraiders

    i am having a little issue beeing not as smart as i would like

    i am editing the config file

    i am trying to setup a rule in proftpd so that users cannot delete anything and can only upload to one folder

    as it is now the user lands on /share and in that share are alot folders folder 1, folder 2 etc

    and i would like to have only lets folder 3 to be writable and the rest read only

    p.s. i did find a rule to ban deletion of files and for some reason that stopped working

    please let me know if i need to clarify something

    also i have been through this : http://www.proftpd.org/docs/howto/Directory.html

    and http://proftpd.org/docs/howto/FTP.html

    iam just not smart enough to cobble together a functioning command or rule to achive what i want

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