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Posts posted by matt31751

  1. First off, sorry if this is a FAQ. I've been searching around and haven't found a definitive answer.


    I want to set up a ZFS pool for the first time on one of my unRAID servers, using this plugin. But part of my heat/power management strategy is to spin down disks when they're not in use (I know there's a debate about this, but it makes sense for my use case). If my ZFS pool disks are listed in Unassigned Devices, will the UD plugin spin them down automatically while the pool is mounted but not in use? If so, do I need to do anything special in the UD plugin to spin them down, or will they spin down according to the same policy I've set for the main array?

  2. Hey all, got another "what's the best way to do this" question. I've googled around, and seen various answers to this, and I'm not sure which is the best/safest way to do this.


    I'm running unRAID 6.8.3, and I want to upgrade several small drives in my server to larger drives. If possible, I'd like to do this all at once, instead of replacing the drives one at a time and rebuilding from parity. My parity disks are 14tb, and so rebuilding a drive generally takes over a day and puts a lot of wear on my other drives.


    One idea I had was to use unBALANCE to move all the data off the small drives (I have plenty of free space for this), remove the small drives using the "Remove Drives Then Rebuild Parity" method from https://wiki.unraid.net/Shrink_array, pull the small drives from my server, rebuild parity once, and then install the (precleared) larger drives and add them to the array. It seems like this should only cost me one parity rebuild. Before I do it, though, is this going to work the way I think it is?


    If not, is there a better solution?



  3. 9 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    Just replace one at a time, the other parity drive will stay valid.


    After you replace one, I'd do a correcting parity check before replacing the other, just as a verification that things went as planned. If you get anything other than exactly zero errors, stop, collect diagnostics before rebooting, and post the zip file here if you want help diagnosing things.

    Thanks! That's exactly what I wanted to know.


    I'll give it a shot and will follow up if I encounter any issues.

  4. Hi everyone, sorry if this has been asked before; I googled this question, and found some similar questions, but didn't find anyone discussing exactly the situation I'm in.


    I have an Unraid server with 2x 10TB parity drives. I want to replace both of those drives with 2x 14TB drives, which are tested and ready to go. But I'm not sure what the best way to do it is.


    Should I replace one drive at a time, and plan on rebuilding parity from scratch when I replace each drive? If I do that, will the other parity drive--the one that's not being replaced--still give me parity protection? Or does rebuilding parity in this scenario rebuild both parity drives? If I lose parity protection while replacing a single drive, it seems like I should just replace both parity drives at the same time.


    I've also looked at the "Parity Swap Procedure" on the wiki (https://wiki.unraid.net/The_parity_swap_procedure), but it seems like that doesn't apply, since I'm not replacing any data drives. On the other hand, could I still copy existing parity information from my existing 10TB parity drives to my new 14TB drives, if all the drives are installed at the same time?


    Just for background: I'm on Unraid 6.8.3. I do have a full backup of all data on this server, in case anything goes wrong, and I'm planning on pulling the old 10TB parity drives for use elsewhere when the whole procedure is done (not using them as data drives). I'm fine with a couple days of downtime while I do this, if necessary.



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