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Posts posted by pronto

  1. So I tried both builds before and after I changed the blacklisting.


    amdgpu only got me:



     - command failed

     - no log file on attempted start



     - command failed

     - no log file on attempted start





    Reboot and amdgpu and radeon on got me:



     - command successful


    Project: PhoenixMiner 5.5c
    Author: lnxd
    Base: Ubuntu 20.04
    Target: Unraid 6.9.0 - 6.9.1
    Wallet: 0x9498eb2019EBeD208977FE73d473810b36fE0641
    Pool: us1.ethermine.org:4444
    Starting PhoenixMiner 5.5c with the following arguments:
    -pool us1.ethermine.org:4444 -wal 0x9498eb2019EBeD208977FE73d473810b36fE0641.pronto-server -tt 75 -tstop 85 -tstart 80 -cdm 1 -cdmport 5450 -amd
    Phoenix Miner 5.5c Linux/gcc - Release build
    [0mNo OpenCL platforms found
    [91mNo avaiable GPUs for mining. Please check your drivers and/or hardware.




     - command successful


    Project: PhoenixMiner 5.5c
    Author: lnxd
    Base: Ubuntu 20.04
    Target: Unraid 6.9.0 - 6.9.1
    Wallet: 0x9498eb2019EBeD208977FE73d473810b36fE0641
    Pool: us1.ethermine.org:4444
    Starting PhoenixMiner 5.5c with the following arguments:
    -pool us1.ethermine.org:4444 -wal 0x9498eb2019EBeD208977FE73d473810b36fE0641.pronto-server -tt 75 -tstop 85 -tstart 80 -cdm 1 -cdmport 5450 -amd
    Phoenix Miner 5.5c Linux/gcc - Release build
    amdgpu_device_initialize: DRM version is 2.50.0 but this driver is only compatible with 3.x.x.
    ./mine.sh: line 15: 6 Segmentation fault ./PhoenixMiner -pool $POOL -wal $WALLET.$PASSWORD -tt $TT -tstop $TSTOP -tstart $TSTART -cdm 1 -cdmport 5450 $ADDITIONAL


    Attached is Diag after I changed both drivers to "ON"



    Cheers...? lol




    # ls -alh /boot/config/modprobe.d/
    total 8.0K
    drwx------  2 root root 4.0K Mar 28 09:18 ./
    drwx------ 12 root root 4.0K Mar 28 09:27 ../
    -rw-------  1 root root    0 Mar 27 13:00 amdgpu.conf
    -rw-------  1 root root    0 Mar 28 09:18 radeon.conf


    Don't know if anything needs to be in these files, so right now they are empty..




    • Like 1
  2. Awesome, haha, I got this card randomly as a second-hand gift. I actually have 2 in the system right now, but Unraid is using one card as its primary right now, instead of the onboard graphics. A separate issue I'll deal with later. One thing at a time. It's a BIOS thing I believe, but I'm not too familiar with iDRAC in a Dell T420.


    I'm not physically at the server right now, doing everything remotely, but I'll be at it next week. Seeing how the OP listed the W5100 as compatible, makes me think this isn't a real FirePro, yet the packaging it came in seemed pretty legitimate. I did see the discrepancies in the lspci, but I never have used a compute card before, so I believed this to be normal.


    A beta build with the enterprise drivers would be awesome, and once I get back to the server, I'll have a gander at the card and packaging, and send along a few pictures.


    Till then, I can't really do too much, except try another build.


    Thanks for all the help so far, makes learning the innards of Unraid a little easier



    • Like 1
  3. Hmmmm, i blacklisted it... i think...


    but now I get:


    lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display'
    06:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. G200eR2
            DeviceName: Embedded Video                          
            Subsystem: Dell G200eR2
    08:00.0 RAID bus controller: Broadcom / LSI MegaRAID SAS 2008 [Falcon] (rev 03)
    0a:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Bonaire [FirePro W5100]
            Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] FirePro W4300
            Kernel modules: radeon, amdgpu
    0a:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Tobago HDMI Audio [Radeon R7 360 / R9 360 OEM]


    So to me, the driver isn't loaded and radeontop, gives me a few errors at the beginning, failed to find DRM.


    I must be blacklisting wrong, or my amdgpu isn't loading...


    to blacklist I changed /boot/config/modprobe.d/radeon.conf to /boot/config/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf.

    I read that somewhere on this forum to auto blacklist and autoload mods.


    So when I try to run the docker, I just get a system error



  4. Having a few issues trying to get this to go.


    Dell T420
    AMD Firepro W5100


    I'm trying to get this to work, I have followed the 1-7 steps.

    The only output I'm getting is:


    Project: PhoenixMiner 5.5c
    Author: lnxd
    Base: Ubuntu 20.04
    Target: Unraid 6.9.0 - 6.9.1
    Wallet: 0x9498eb2019EBeD208977FE73d473810b36fE0641
    Pool: us1.ethermine.org:4444
    Starting PhoenixMiner 5.5c with the following arguments:
    -pool us1.ethermine.org:4444 -wal 0x9498eb2019EBeD208977FE73d473810b36fE0641.x -tt 75 -tstop 85 -tstart 80 -cdm 1 -cdmport 5450 -amd
    Phoenix Miner 5.5c Linux/gcc - Release build
    amdgpu_device_initialize: DRM version is 2.50.0 but this driver is only compatible with 3.x.x.
    ./mine.sh: line 15: 6 Segmentation fault ./PhoenixMiner -pool $POOL -wal $WALLET.$PASSWORD -tt $TT -tstop $TSTOP -tstart $TSTART -cdm 1 -cdmport 5450 $ADDITIONAL


    I have radeontop installed and shows my stats, suggesting the GPU drivers are installed properly.
    Attached is my diagnostics.zip

    Any ideas what's going on? I'm not too savvy in this space, so any help would be appreciated.




    EDIT: I may have just found it... using radeon drivers vice amdgpu, gonna try to blacklist and let you know what happens...


    root@pronto-server:~# lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display'
    06:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. G200eR2
            DeviceName: Embedded Video                          
            Subsystem: Dell G200eR2
    08:00.0 RAID bus controller: Broadcom / LSI MegaRAID SAS 2008 [Falcon] (rev 03)
    0a:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Bonaire [FirePro W5100]
            Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] FirePro W4300
            Kernel driver in use: radeon
            Kernel modules: radeon, amdgpu






  5. Hey all, 


    Just a thought I had while installing some Community Apps.


    I have 25-30 containers running now, and had the idea of somehow "organizing" the layout. I've recently installed a bunch of SteamCMD and along with my  ***arrs and Jackett and other containers I have, it might be cool if you could sort them by type, or tag them to group up similars together.


    Have all your SteamCMD's together in a drop down menu, all your media gathering in one and have another for your Nginx/LetsEncrypt/etc. Tags for Games, Media, Network/System.


    I'm short on time and can't do up a concept image to help my point get across better.

    I'll update when i have the time to properly MS Paint a piece of concept art.






    Browsing, and saw this one just down the page

    Would sort of tie into my idea.

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