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Everything posted by rnaimon

  1. Disk 3 on the internal storage, or the external?
  2. I just recently moved my unraid installation from a desktop pc with external storage to a rack mounted server with the same external storage. The server however has 4 900gb hard drives in it that I'd like to use. My external storage has 8 4tb drives. The internal drive are SAS and the External are SATA. Unraid seems to see only a couple of the internal drives. but it won't let me add them to the array. Is there a way around this issue? I'm attaching my diagnostic logs. nas2-diagnostics-20190605-1607.zip
  3. ok, I feel stupid now. That was the problem and I should have known that.. thanks for the help.
  4. I have multiple vm's on unraid, both win10 and debian. The debian systems are fine, but the windows systems keep pausing. Not all of them, but most of them. I'm sure this isn't a running out of space issue. I have no cache drive. I'm only using 485gb of 3tb.nas3-diagnostics-20190602-1750.zip My diagnostic logs are included. I appreciate any help you can provide.
  5. I added the diagnostics to my original post. I hope we can figure this out. I have a lot of data there I don't want to have to move somewhere else.
  6. Over time, my Unraid server will become slower and slower to transfer files. An attempt to reboot will be unsuccessful and a forced restart becomes necessary. This seems to be happening at least once a week if not more. Does anyone know what I can do to stop this? Diagnostic logs attached. nas2-diagnostics-20190317-2141.zip
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