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Everything posted by Tommy10606

  1. Hello, I have a PCIe m.2 ssd on a carrier card in my R720xd that has dropped off the radar when I updated unraid. It shows fine in the 6.12.0-rc8 but when updated to 6.12.0, the drive no longer shows. I have made sure the drive, and the carrier card, works in other systems. I downgraded back to rc8 and it showed again. I then updated to 6.12.1 and the drive was no where to be found. Any suggestions would be amazing as this is my cache drive and has multiple VMs and docker containers on it. unraid-diagnostics-20230620-1421.zip
  2. I have found a solution to get Office365 working for UNRAID notifications. Make sure you have an active outlook/exchange license on your account. I am using Exchange Online (Plan 1). Make sure to assign this to your notifications user. At this point, go in an incognito window and login to this user at login.microsoftonline.com. At this point, if you see a blue outlook icon on the side bar, click on it and setup your mailbox. If not, you will need to wait a few. Anyway... first things first. I am running 6.10.0-rc4. I am not sure if these settings will change in the future but here is what I have on the UNRAID side of things. Preset Service: Office365 Sending Email Address: EMAIL@DOMAIN (Same as Username) Email Recipients: MYEMAIL@DOMAIN Priority in header: Yes Email Subject Prefix: 'Unraid Status:' Mail Server: SMTP-LEGACY.Office365.com Mail Server Port: 587 Use SSL/TLS: Yes Use STARTTLS: Yes Define a TLS certificate: No Authentication method: Login Username: EMAIL@DOMAIN (Same as Sending email Address) Password: MFA APP PASSWORD **If you test this now, it will fail. I would open a new window and continue. We will eventually get back around to this.** In admin.microsoft.com Users -> Active users -> YOUR USER -> Mail -> Manage email apps -> Select Authenticated SMTP (This should work but I have all selected) *To enable app passwords Users -> Active users -> YOUR USER -> Scroll Down -> Manage multifactor authentication -> YOUR USER -> Enable -> enable multi-factor auth -> YOUR USER -> Enforce -> enforce mutli-factor auth *To get an app password Login to login.microsoftonline.com with your user -> click your profile -> view account -> Security Info -> Add method -> App password -> Add -> Give a name -> copy your app password and use this as the password in unraid SMTP settings. In admin.exchange.microsoft.com Settings -> Mail flow -> 'Turn on sending from aliases' + 'Turn on SMTP AUTH protocol for your organization' + 'Turn on use of legacy TLS clients' Now for the very last thing to do. I cannot tell you how pissed I was when I figured this crap out. We need to turn of security defaults. Head to azure.microsoft.com sign in with your admin account and head into the azure portal. After that, we need to find the section to manage azure active directory. For me, this is in the middle of the screen with a white on blue button saying view. From there... Properties, Manage Security Defaults, move the slider from Yes to No. I am not sure why this prevents unraid from connecting but it does. Disable this at your own risk. At this point, you should be able to click on test in unraid and after 2-5 seconds, it will give you a green "Sent mail from NOTIFICATIONS EMAIL".
  3. This worked AMAZINGLY!!! Thank you so much! When booting, I had to wait for it to give me my boot options for GUI/CLI/SAFEMODE, and when I saw those, I moved down with my arrow keys so it would not boot automatically. I then hovered over what I wanted to boot and hit tab. This allowed me to add the 2 arguments that you had. After wards, it booted perfectly!
  4. I am having the same issue but I never had it setup in the first place. I am trying to set it up but it will not send the email. It just gives me authorization errors. I do have MFA enabled and have tried the account password and an app password.
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