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  1. Good to know, thanks for the heads up. I did try and search the forum before posting but didn't see anything, couldn't have looked hard enough.
  2. HI There, I'm new to Unraid and have been testing to see if it'll become my daily driver. Music is a big thing for me and I've been using the Musicbrainz docker to speed up metadata lookups on my collection with beets but I've suddenly started getting this error from the webui along with beets saying it's unreachable; undef error - Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/app/musicbrainz/root/static/build/rev-manifest.json' at Object.statSync (fs.js:851:3) at statSync (/app/musicbrainz/root/static/manifest.js:40:22) at Object.pathTo [as css] (/app/musicbrainz/root/static/manifest.js:69:55) at css (/app/musicbrainz/root/layout/components/Head.js:60:15) at processChild (/app/musicbrainz/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js:2122:14) at resolve (/app/musicbrainz/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js:2048:5) at ReactDOMServerRenderer.render (/app/musicbrainz/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js:2333:22) at ReactDOMServerRenderer.read (/app/musicbrainz/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js:2307:19) at Object.renderToString (/app/musicbrainz/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js:2679:25) at renderToString (/app/musicbrainz/root/server/response.js:76:31) at Socket.getResponse (/app/musicbrainz/root/server/createServer.js:72:31) at bound (domain.js:395:14) at Socket.runBound (domain.js:408:12) at Socket.emit (events.js:182:13) at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:441:20) at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:283:12) at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:264:11) at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:219:10) at Pipe.onStreamRead [as onread] (internal/stream_base_commons.js:94:17) at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Plugin/React.pm line 18. I haven't made any changes to my config or modified any perms or the like, this just started happening as far as I can tell. I'm trying to rule out any plugins I might have had running but has anyone else experienced this or can someone point in the right direction to troubleshoot please?