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  1. Yeah I tried outside my network, didn't work. Only worked if I typed
  2. I got it working now. Port 80 was not blocked. I had to go to /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/letsencrypt/nging/site-confs/default and remove the "#" signs on line 5-10. Then all HTTP traffic will be directed to HTTPS.
  3. Thanks for your reply. According to my ISP and other people also using the same ISP, no they do not block port 80. I checked port 80 using this and it tells me "Connection refused". Here are my settings in Letsencrypt I have forwarded port 80 to 180 and port 443 to 1443. HTTPS works so I think everything is pointing correctly?
  4. How do I redirect HTTP to HTTPS? I am using the included ombi.subdomain.conf in proxy-confs. Currently I have to write to go to Ombi. I would like to be able to only have to write in the browser to get there. If I try this right now I just get an error saying "This site can’t be reached". EDIT in case anyone wants to do this too: Go to /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/letsencrypt/nging/site-confs/default Remove the "#" signs on lines 5-10. Now everything should redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.