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Posts posted by present_absence

  1. 9 hours ago, ibphantom said:


    The error was fixed by changing /mnt/disks/user/docker-settings/omada-controller/ instead of /mnt/disks/extrassd/


    is that because extrassd is full but /user/docker-settings is on a share spanning other disks and is not full? your new error is also a failure to write to file, perhaps that location is still on a full disk

  2. 7 hours ago, taprackpew said:

    Ok, gonna show what is quite possibly my stupidity here. I’ve installed the container with default template, I didn’t change anything. When I try to go to the webui, I get a “cannot connect to server”. Did I miss some required change to the template or something else perhaps. Also, after some time the container appears to be stopping itself. I’ve removed and redownloaded once already with no fix. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. 



    Check your MANAGE_HTTP_PORT / MANAGE_HTTPS_PORT variables on the omada-controller container and make sure that's the port you're connecting to (http:// or https:// respectively)

  3. Also seeing this happen again within the last few days. Still on 6.11.5, had the issue a few weeks ago and applied the patch as described previously in this thread. But about a week ago container versions started sporadically disappearing and becoming "not available" on the ui again. No pattern. Different maintainers on each image and everything. No funky DNS settings or anything either. 


    Uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin made... some of the update links work again. Some are still showing not available. 

  4. 1 hour ago, mbentley said:

    Hey all - I'm the Docker image author.  If people are having specific issues with the image not running or unexpected errors, I can help but would appreciate issues being posted to GitHub.


    @hedrinbc - No idea where or how the container image is published to the marketplace but there may be an update needed to change how the container is run as it looks like some people are hitting ulimits as you can see here: https://github.com/mbentley/docker-omada-controller/issues/298#issuecomment-1491937963


    This would be a change to how the run command is defined assuming it uses docker run type parameters.

    Thanks for chiming in. I still haven't had an issue at all with the container/image but I added that parameter just in case. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, flyize said:

    So I've been having a ton of wifi issues. I saw mention that someone fixed their issues by setting up the controller in an Ubuntu VM. All my problems are seemingly gone after doing the same. I would agree that there appears to be some sort of issue with this container.


    Cliffs: If you're having issues, try installing the software into a VM.

    Define "wifi issues"? I've been running the container most of 2022 without problem. What should I look out for?

  6. 2 hours ago, Skidmark said:

    Is /mnt/disks/extrassd/docker-settings/omada-controller the expected location for the container to use?  At least on my machine, that directory wouldn't persist after a reboot.


    My setup: 


    Path in container <--> Path on host OS

    /opt/tplink/EAPController/data  <--> /mnt/cache/appdata/omada-controller/data/
    /opt/tplink/EAPController/work <--> /mnt/cache/appdata/omada-controller/work/
    /opt/tplink/EAPController/logs <--> /mnt/cache/appdata/omada-controller/logs/

  7. First off, thanks for the container, very useful.


    On 10/24/2022 at 10:05 PM, nxtiak said:

    So the controller updated to 6.5.3 and now my router ER605 v2 is constantly provisioning, adopting, provisioning in a loop. Power cycled it and still doing it.


    TL-R605 v1.0 here no issue but I have heard of others having this issue - maybe its a device/version/firmware combination with the new version of the controller software?

  8. On 8/26/2020 at 2:23 PM, trevormiller6 said:

    I can't get flarum to connect to my mysql database. I don't have this issue with any of my other dockers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Checking database connection...
    Waiting 60s for database to be ready...
    ERROR: Failed to connect to database on <my ip>



    I didn't see a correct response to this, the answer is flarum doesn't use the newer default mysql password encryption. Assuming you have already created a user and a database, and given that user permissions to the database, I was able to fix this by going into my db and doing:


    ALTER USER 'flarum_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'flarum_user_password';


    I discovered this by quickly going into the console of the container before it shutdown after that 60s wait and attempting to connect to my database in terminal


    mysql --host=$DB_HOST:$DB_PORT --user=$DB_USER --password=$DB_PASSWORD flarum_database_name


    which displayed an error: Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: dlopen(/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/caching_sha2_password.so, 2): image not found

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