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Report Comments posted by mhorn

  1. Both the ReadyNAS and the unRAID were connected to SubnetA.


    When my Mac is connected to only SubnetA:

    -- both ReadyNAS and unRAID can use TimeMachine and visible shares in Finder


    When my Mac is connected to only SubnetB:

    -- ReadyNAS can use TimeMachine and visible shares in Finder

    -- unRAID not working


    When my mac is connected to both SubnetA and SubnetB:

    -- ReadyNAS can use TimeMachine and visible shares in Finder

    -- unRAID could use TimeMachine (most of the time), but no visible shares in Finder -- fails to connect



    Now that I have also connected the unRAID directly to SubnetA and SubnetB, both TimeMachine and visible shares in Finder work when my Mac is also connected to both Subnets.


  2. After finally getting some time to test this more, the problem seems to stem from my Mac(s) having network connections to two different subnets.


    If I have both a wired connection and a wireless connection, which are on different subnets due to a Google WiFi managing wireless and my Linksys managing wired, then I can not access the unRAID NAS which is only on the wired network.


    My ReadyNAS AFP shares can be seen on my Mac regardless if I have either wired, wireless, or both active.


    When I move the UNRAID to the wireless network, then my Mac could only see the UNRAID when only the wireless was active.


    As I have two network ports in the UNRAID, I'm working around the issue for now by having a direct connection to both subnets which seem to avoid the problem.


    My ReadyNAS didn't have any such problems, and I don't see anything special setup for the ReadyNAS in my router. 


    I don't see any setting on the UNRAID system for AFP accept enable or disable.

    Can UNRAID not share AFP across a router?


  3. 4 hours ago, jonathanm said:

    Restart in safe mode and see if that makes any difference.

    Restarted in safe mode, started the array, but I still do not see any of the shares from a client under AFP. :(


    I don't see any errors in the logs.


    One strange thing is that when I try some of the AFP commands to get info python and perl don't seem to be there:


    root@Tower:/var/log# afpstats
    /usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory
    root@Tower:/var/log# macusers
    -bash: /usr/bin/macusers: /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
    root@Tower:/var/log# asip-status.pl
    -bash: /usr/bin/asip-status.pl: /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

    Is that expected?  Or maybe due to safe mode?


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