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Posts posted by lolouk44

  1. Thanks for replying.

    I'm not sure how it's setup, never changed this so I guess bridge?.

    Here is my docker-compose:


          image: linuxserver/letsencrypt:latest
          container_name: letsencrypt
          restart: unless-stopped
          - NET_ADMIN
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /NAS/letsencrypt/config:/config
          - /var/www/html:/var/www/html
          - PGID=1000
          - PUID=1000
          - EMAIL=[REDACTED]
          - URL==[REDACTED]
          - VALIDATION=http
          - TZ=Europe/London
          - "443:443"
          - "8000:8000" 

    Where should I change the setting to try Custom: br1 ?

  2. Thanks @ich777


    I guess I wasn't clear enough.

    Port forward is setup ok in docker-compose and if I forward the traffic on the camera's port 80 it works without trouble, but if I forward the traffic to port 8000 I get the errors as posted above. I guess I must be missing something in the headers so the communication works well, I just don't know what is required.



  3. Hi

    I have a few Hikvision cameras. I’m trying to create a rule on an NGINX proxy on letsencrypt docker to forward traffic to the cameras.
    If I do a simple port forward on my router to the Camera’s IP address and port, it works, but trying the same in nginx fails.

    For some reason I can forward the port 80 traffic (access to admin console, which I don’t actually want to forward from outside) but not the server traffic (port 8000 needed to access the camera via the iVMS 4500 phone app).


    Do you have any idea/examples of the NGINX rules that are required?

    Here is what I have so far:

    server {
        listen 8000;
        server_name [REDACTED]
        access_log /config/nginx/app.log;
        error_log /config/nginx/app.error.log;
        location / {
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
                proxy_redirect off;

    The error_log gives me errors like this:

    2019/04/05 13:00:43 [error] 348#348: *1 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: [REDACTED], request: "GET /ay HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "[REDACTED]:8000", referrer: "http://[REDACTED]:8000/"

    The access_log gives me this:

    185.69.144.xx - - [05/Apr/2019:14:11:57 +0100] "\x00\x00\x00\xE0Z\[REDACTED]\x00\x00\x00\x016~\x02" 400 173 "-" "-"


    Any ideas?


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