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  1. Sometimes these "resistances" are also sound business decisions. Chasing every potential sale is a fools errand since sooner or later it will just not become financially viable due to the increased production and maintenance/support costs compared to additional sales. And as Hoopster said, it could alienate more existing customers than bring in new ones. Othertimes it's more of a "why add something only a single person wants" kinda thing. These kinds of "resistances" are to a certain degree needed to keep a project spiraling out of control with feature bloat. I can't say for certain if a full DE would be that point for Limetech but I suspect it is too close for comfort. There is nothing wrong with voicing your concerns or wishes but if you want them to seriously consider something you have to make a case that it will be worth it for them to do it, and one factor would be more sales than just you. Outside of an effectively maintenance free distro for your specific use-case (that is a desktop distro with pre-installed KVM environment) I just don't see the big appeal of this for the larger community.