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Posts posted by beckp

  1. Were you able to copy your key file to the raspberry pi zero?


    Most of the time users have errors in the go, fetch_key or delete_key files.


    What editor did you use to create the fetch_key and delete_key scripts? The files can't contain DOS/Windows line endings.


    Where did you save the delete_key and fetch_key files? Does it match the location defined in the go file?


    Carefully follow bonienl's instructions.




    Can you manually run the fetch script? Is the /root/keyfile file present?



    12 hours ago, eras said:

    1) Nobody rants here. 

    Please look up the definition of rant. “To speak or write at length in an impassioned way.”  As a member of this forum, as of this date you have a total of 12 posts. All of them within this topic.

    12 hours ago, eras said:

    2) Good for you that you experienced a HDD failure and survived it without data loss. I see that you consider that a major achievement of yours. From here, it looks a bit funny though that you based your elitist attitude on that. 

    It is a good achievement not only for me but for Unraid. Try recovery with TrueNAS or OMV. Try up sizing and down sizing with the alternatives. This is an area where LT marketing can improve by educating the prospective user. Please note, I know some of you may say neither systems are meant for backup, I agree. I also have JBOD backup, luckily I have not had to use. Perhaps it's Unraid, clean shutdowns using an UPS or just monitoring my system.

    12 hours ago, eras said:

    3) You do understand LT needs a lot of those "new users" you seem to consider of lesser importance? Because you and me won't be paying for that subscription model. You think someone who considers buying a license later this year and reads your statements is more likely to shell money out in order to share a forum with you?

    Please see #2 above. LT marketing has a challenge. A new user needs to understand the differences. They all three have their pros and cons. A new user needs to know what they want.  


    I’ve have helped colleagues switch to Unraid when they could get what they wanted using OMV on a Raspberry Pi because they saw it on YouTube.


    Remember, LT stated the system does not stop functioning when you elect to not renew the license for another year. I won’t call it a subscription.  I sat on the fence for a few years before upgrading from 4.7 to 5. If this license program were in place  then I would start the licensing again once I was comfortable with the upgrade.


    As for security update, that was a Docker issue and not an Unraid security issue. Yes, Docker is part of Unraid, I am pretty sure it could have been patched on Docker side or Slackware side. LT made it convenient in the upgrade.


    I said my peace and I will move on...


    • Upvote 1
  3. I had to chime in, this hit a nerve. I agree with 1812, they want everything for free. Even downloading movies. They will spend the money for hardware but software they want for free or next to nothing.


    Take a look at the users that rant the most. They are fairly new members. I doubt they have experienced a hard disk failure. This is where Unraid shines. If they complain about pricing, I doubt they use parity drive(s). I say let them leave and go to an alternative.


    I chose Unraid 14 years ago. Back then the biggest concern was LT’s risk management since Tom was a one man show.


    I wanted a system to be expandable, I wanted to use my various sized hard disks. I wanted the disk to spin down and I liked the idea that you could still access a disk by itself. It had to be an unconventional server, Unraid fit the bill. I went with the pro license at that time since it was the only one that covered my hard disk count. I just checked my email invoice from “Tom” and it was on sale for $109 ($10 discount) at that time. I spent more for a UPS.


    Soon I was maxed out and bought two 1TB drives, then larger drives and survived through the 2TB limit! I have experienced the introduction of Joe L.’s creations; cache_dirs, unMENU and preclear. We endured a number of LT re-locations. Unraid has come along way. Thanks Tom!


    Sorry, I haven’t been active on this forum lately, I been busy doing other things and frankly, Unraid just works. I have recovered through a number of hard disk failures, parity swaps, array up sizing and array down sizing. All painlessly. BTW, I still have the original flash drive. I didn’t cheap out on that.


    I’ve recommended and help setup Unraid using the Pro license to lots of people and not one complained about the cost. When my kids finally move out, we will happily pay for the “Lifetime” license no matter what the cost.

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  4. Now that the Raspberry Pi Zero W is available and we’re not being scalped, I thought I’d share how to make your own key server. It is tailored to the Raspberry Pi Zero W for various reasons. A Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W could be used, it will slightly cost more and consume a little more power. Any other Raspberry Pi may or may not function properly. 


    To save power it is configured to be headless, blue tooth and serial console disabled. The time synchronization daemon (ntpd) is not installed and time is synchronized only once a day and at boot.  The activity LED is limited to off, and two styles of flashing. 


    I’ve attached a photo of my Diet Key Lime Pi.


    What's in a name? Why Diet Key Lime Pi?


    • Diet, as in DietPi, the lightweight Debian based operating system (O/S) the Diet Key Lime Pi uses.
    • Key, for the key file the server needs to store.
    • Lime, for Lime Technology Inc., the creator of Unraid.
    • Pi, for the Raspberry Pi the server uses.
    • Last, I like key lime pie.


    Why the Raspberry Pi Zero W was chosen?


    • The Raspberry Pi Zero W has built in WiFi. There is no physical connection to the unRAID server. It can be placed in an inconspicuous location within Wi-Fi range.
    • The Raspberry Pi Zero W is the smallest form factor Raspberry Pi to have wireless connectivity. The PCB for the Raspberry Pi Zero series is approximately 2.6" x 1.2" (66mm x 30.5mm), almost credit card size.
    • The Raspberry Pi Zero W is the least  expensive  Raspberry Pi to have wireless connectivity. The Raspberry Pi Zero W is approximately $15 USD.
    • The Raspberry Pi Zero W is the lowest powered Raspberry Pi to have wireless connectivity.  The Raspberry Pi Zero W has only one core. My Diet Key Lime Pi consumes approximately 0.5 Watts idle. Something ideal for a system that will be operating 24/7.


    Why was the DietPi image chosen?


    • DietPi is an extremely lightweight Debian based operating system (O/S). It is 3X lighter than Raspberry Pi OS Lite.
    • DietPi is highly optimized for minimal CPU and RAM resource usage, ensuring the Diet Key Lime Pi will always run at its maximum potential.
    • DietPi boots faster than Raspberry Pi OS Lite. You want the key server up before the Unraid server needs the key file.
    • DietPi can be optimized for the Diet Key Lime Pi system. Only the software the Diet Key Lime Pi needs is installed.
    • DietPi allows for a complete automated installation.


    Please find attached two files. KeyServerInstallationGuide.pdf, a tutorial to create your own Diet Key Lime Pi key server. MyKeyServer.zip, files to be used to configure the automated installation.


    The most difficult portion of this process will be determining your static IP address. Google can be you friend here. 


    KeyServerInstallationGuide.pdf MyKeyServer.zip

    • Like 1
  5. Glad it worked for you.


    Install makes a cleaner and simplified go file. Perfect for the noob. Just as you stated, it makes the directory, copies the script and sets attributes with one command. I took if a step further and reduced it to a one liner and a one file solution. Although, it's a little more complicated to setup. I shared it before the permissions needed to be set thus it was six lines at that time. Fortunately it also sets the attributes.





  6. Your script file contains DOS/Windows style line endings (\r\n), this is what confuses your shell. Try to save it with unix line endings (\n). 

    You can execute

    sed -i "s/\r//" /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/starting/fetch_key

     then check it again.

    If that works, you'll need to convert the fetch_key and delete_key on the boot drive. You should try to simplify the go file by using the install command.


    • Upvote 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Thorsten said:

    After updating to Unraid 6.10, the scripts no longer working. Were there any changes to the events (starting/stopped/started) ?



    Although I have not upgraded to 6.10, I have not heard of any problems. What was your previous version? Starting with 6.8 the scripts (fetch_key & delete_key) stored on the flash drive do not have the executable attribute set for security reasons. When copied to the event folders they will not be executed since the attribute is not set.


    Update your go file to add three change modes (chmod) command lines after the three copy (cp) command lines.


    chmod a+x /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/starting/fetch_key
    chmod a+x /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/started/delete_key
    chmod a+x /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/stopped/fetch_key


    Hope this helps.

  8. I too have 14 years plus. It's a ScanDisk Cruzer Fit. 


    Lately there have been a lot of counterfeits of name brands out there. Especially ScanDisk and Samsung. One Samsung lasted less than a week. The packaging  is a give away, full of typos. Buyer beware of some of the vendors selling on Amazon.


    If your flash drive has an activity LED you can see how often it is accessed. I know it indicates both reads and write, mine flashes at startup and shutdown and occasionally some where in between. Please note, my system is used as a NAS only.

  9. Hi Towley,


    Before I answer your question,  your go file needs three additional lines. Add the following lines after the copy "cp" lines.


    chmod a+x /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/tarting/fetch_key

    chmod a+x /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/started/delete_key

    chmod a+x /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/stopped/fetch_key


    As for your question,  do I understand it correctly?

    In your fetch script you have the share as "files". If it's "ip" you need to change it.  The copy line after the mount needs to be:


    cp -f /unlock/files/keyfile /root/keyfile


    Hope this helps.

  10. JPs - 

    On 8/11/2020 at 7:20 AM, JP s said:

    Is there a way i can store the keyfile on a usb stick then when unraid boots up it would see that other usb stick that is plugged in to the server and auto boot the keyfile 


    like would i just edit the "GO file" if so how would i do that so it would work? Thanks 



    Take alook at this post...


    • Like 1
  11. hasown - Glad you like it. It even solves the permission issue before it became an issue. Sure makes the go file clean. It's been over a year and it appears only you have tried it.  I "obfuscated" the fetch_key script. The IP address, user name, share name and key file name are obscured. Sure it can be hacked, but it's better than plain text.  If anyone is interested I'll share it.  As stated earlier in this topic, I've got a headless Raspberry Pi Zero W operating as my server. 

    • Like 1
  12. I thought I'd share how you can enhanced the go file by reducing the six lines to a single command and it's not by using another script.  You can create a tar ball that contains the fetch_key and delete_key scripts. The go file calls the tar command. The tar ball files are extracted and event directories are created.


    You MUST have a fully functioning auto-start that unlocks using the event directories. This works with FTP or SMB fetch_key scripts.


    If you have changed the script names (fetch_key, delete_key) or changed the path where you store the scripts (/boot/custom/bin/), you will need to use your alternative names in the following procedure.


    1) Create a tar ball call "events" from the existing files in the event directories.


    At the terminal prompt enter the following:

    tar -czf /boot/custom/bin/events -C /usr/local/ emhttp/webGui/event/starting/fetch_key emhttp/webGui/event/started/delete_key emhttp/webGui/event/stopped/fetch_key

    2) Update the go file. Comment out the existing lines in order to test.



    # auto unlock array
    mkdir -p /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/starting
    mkdir -p /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/started
    mkdir -p /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/stopped
    cp -f /boot/custom/bin/fetch_key /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/starting
    cp -f /boot/custom/bin/delete_key /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/started
    cp -f /boot/custom/bin/fetch_key /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/stopped


    # auto unlock array
    # mkdir -p /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/starting
    # mkdir -p /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/started
    # mkdir -p /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/stopped
    # cp -f /boot/custom/bin/fetch_key /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/starting
    # cp -f /boot/custom/bin/delete_key /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/started
    # cp -f /boot/custom/bin/fetch_key /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/event/stopped
    tar -xzf /boot/custom/bin/events -C /usr/local/

    3) Once you're confident that everything works, rebooting IS necessary. You can clean up by deleting the event scripts (fetch_key, delete_key). Your files are now stored in the "event" tar ball.  And, updating the go file by removing the commented lines and any references to "unlock".

    # auto start array
    tar -xzf /boot/custom/bin/events -C /usr/local/

    I hope some of you may find this interesting.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. What a great suggestion.  I think I am going to try this on my next build.   I am going to use an inexpensive Raspberry Pi Zero W loaded with DietPi OS as my remote server. It's non-obtrusive  size can be placed anywhere within wi-fi distance. Technically my "DietKeyLimePi"   only needs to be available at boot up time.


    DietPI is an extremely lightweight Debian Jessie OS. It can be configured to be a headless samba server and have SSH capability.  Power consumption is under a watt at idle.

  14. I don't think the ups shutdown works on the cyber power ones. It certainly doesn't work on mine and others reported the same.


    You are correct S80_UK. Stay away from Cyber Power. Stick with APC.

  15. Joe,


    There is an error in spinup_when_accessed.sh that could cause a premature flash drive failure. I noticed that the flash drive LED was constantly flashing, therefore the drive was constantly being accessed. I didn't  seen that before. Reviewing the flash drive I noticed a file named "0" was the newest file.


    Line 316 is the offending line. It creates a file with the name "0".


    if [ $exclude_share_count > 0 ]


    it should be


    if [ $exclude_share_count -gt 0 ]




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