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Posts posted by BlueLight

  1. I've been experimenting with hosting a cs2 dedicated server. It was working up until yesterday. the docker container for cs2 dedicated server runs fine, nothing looks wrong in the log, but when I try to connect to the server, an error from the client side says "Unable to connect to server, app id specified by server is invalid" the gameid in the container template was set to 730, and was working fine. I've just tried changing it to 740, neither of them are working. Any clue how I can fix this?

  2. On 1/3/2023 at 1:37 AM, KluthR said:

    Yep. Because your USB flash backup destination points to your appdata. This usb flash backup uses rsync. Rsync is being told to make a 1:1 copy and therefore deletes any additional file which was not at the source. This mechanism is about to change in the future!


    I hope to make further progress soon to catch everything :)

    I am rebuilding my appdata from scratch at this point. Big lesson learned!

    Thanks for your hard work!

  3. 2 hours ago, BlueLight said:


    ex.: My NginxProxyManager docker starts up and takes me to login, but cannot verify my credentials to login. // Myplex app works fine, but can't connect to libraries. // Krusader opens up but don't see any of the folders/shares configured.



    Krusader is working. I had to manually type in a location that was set up and now i see all the shares and confiring krusader has no issues.


    After investigating some more, i think the containers that need mariadb cant connect to it.

    How I attempted to replace mariadb folder with backup:

    stopped container maridb

    deleted mariadb folder in appdata

    copied over folder from a duplicated mariadb folder from 2 weeks ago

    started mariadb

    restarted problem containers


    still can't seem to get this to work with simple move/rename. Is there a tool within unraid i should use if any for this proccess?

  4. My appdata got deleted, I think?


    I upgraded to v3 around the same time as upgrading to 6.11.5 and set backups for 4am on the 1st of every month. Even with the red warning,s I misinterpreted it as in USB flash backup has been deprecated ( and taken out on the docker side), so i mindlessly filled in the usb backup location and bing bang boom...

    After the backup on the 1st, I woke up to finding that unraid is fine, but something happened within appdata (my suspicion).

    Some apps can't start, most apps are running but not making connection to the server while in their GUI.

    ex.: My NginxProxyManager docker starts up and takes me to login, but cannot verify my credentials to login. // Myplex app works fine, but can't connect to libraries. // Krusader opens up but don't see any of the folders/shares configured.


    I've tried to restore using the backup file that was generated, and it did not work.


    I copied my appdata folder to make a duplicate. This backup was right before upgrading to 6.11.5... 

    I've tried copying this duplicate folder over and I don't see that it made any difference.

    What are my options moving forward? Is there any advice on how to make my duplicate appdata folder usable?


    Thanks for any help in advanced! Happy 2023!




  5. @dabbler455 Yes, his channel is an invaluable resource! I found an updated list compared to the one in his video. Turns out, PIA updates that specific post. So i had seen a page more updated than in the video, and now can't find it because that page has been updated!


    I didn't read carefully enough, but once I did, I realized they stated plain and simple:

    "At the moment, all of our non US Servers offer port-forwarding functionality and you can find a list of all of the servers we offer, here: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/network/ "


    source: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/helpdesk/kb/articles/how-do-i-enable-port-forwarding-on-my-vpn


    Sorry I can't give input on your issue. I'm sure all parties involved are working on compatibility. I don't use the torrent part, but used the container for vpn/proxy so I switched over to privoxyvpn and had success with that.

  6. Hi Guys,



    Do all of the next-gen endpoints support port forwarding? or do I have to find the PIA webpage that shows which endpoints allow port forwarding? (Does anyone have the link to that page bookmarked by any chance? I can't find it in my bookmarks, and not showing up in a google search)

  7. Thanks @disbedan015 I had so much hope..


    I added 8089 as EXTERNAL SERVER PORT, and at first, it seemed to be working. I can pick up all 3 devices from step 1 (selecting the client), and when I get to step 2, it will attempt to connect, but fails with the same message after 20-30 seconds.

    This time the error on the bottom of the page shows:

    'Failed to connect to http://sl.xxxxxxxxx.xxxx:8089/slserver'


    I was hopeful because it would instantly show the error message before I added the external server port. After adding it, it stopped showing the Ping or Load, yet when I clicked 'connect', it showed the loading circle, which led me to think it was working... but i got juked.


    Any additional suggestions to try?



  8. Hey linuxserver


    Thanks for this.

    I've managed to set up the container without any issues.

    In the template, I entered my reverse proxy url for synclounge (under 'EXTERNAL URL', and left all the optional stuff blank.


    So, now I'm in the webuil but after I login and select a client, I cannot move past Step 2:Join a Room.

    Seems synclounge can login and see my server, but cannot connect.

    It connects fine if I use the actual synclounge website..but the point was to self host synclounge in the first place.


    My log at startup:



    User uid: 99
    User gid: 100

    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-config: executing...
    Fixing permissions. FYI, you don't need to set the PUID env var because this app is stateless
    [cont-init.d] 30-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: executing...
    [custom-init] no custom files found exiting...
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    [services.d] done.

    > [email protected] server /app/synclounge
    > node server.js

    SyncLounge Server successfully started on port 8089
    Running with base URL: /slserver
    servers/SERVERS must be an Array of JSON objects. Attempting to convert it for you.
    - Done.
    SyncLounge WebApp successfully started on port 8088
    Running with base URL: /slweb
    Access URL is sl.xxxxxx.xxx/slweb
    Servers List: [
    name: 'LSIO Server',
    location: 'Self-Hosted',
    url: 'http://sl.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/slserver',
    image: 'https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/12324908?s=200&v=4'


    After starting, my log keeps repeating this:


    Catch all: /slserver/health
    Catch all: /slserver/health
    Catch all: /slserver/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=NL8lQ1g
    Catch all: /slserver/health
    Catch all: /slserver/health
    Catch all: /slserver/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=NL8lQuE
    Catch all: /slserver/health
    Catch all: /slserver/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=NL8lRH5
    Catch all: /slserver/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=NL8lRH5





    Any support on this would be greatly appreciated!

  9. 6 hours ago, Djoss said:

    /etc/letsencrypt in the container is mapped to /mnt/user/appdata/NginxProxyManager/letsencrypt/ in unRAID.  Do you see certs there?

    I saw a some folders and files, in them were some .pem files. Did not investigate further..



    I ended up solving my issue by completely uninstalling and reinstalling. I thought I had tried it without any luck, but I just tried again, and I can add certs now, the container is working again. Before figuring this out, I checked dynamic dns, cloudflare DNS Cnames, and my router settings, denying it was the container throwing error. I'm glad it was as simple as uninstalling and reinstalling.


    Here' what I did:

    -Delete container

    -Delete appdata (I needed to do it through krusader)

    -Delete from "previous apps" in apps tab.



    The first time around, I did everything except clear it from Previous Apps.


    I was thinking about copying files over from old appdata folder, but this container is so easy to use, I'm just going to keep it clean and reinput all the certs and proxies again. 


    Hope this helps someone!


  10. All my subdomains stopped working suddenly. I went through the whole container and could not find anysettings that were off. also, checked my cloudflare account, CDN is off and only running on DNS. 

    I get this error when it starts, and it continually shows that error the rest of the time container is running.

    nginx: [emerg] BIO_new_file("/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-12/fullchain.pem") failed (SSL: error:02FFF002:system library:func(4095):No such file or directory:fopen('/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-12/fullchain.pem', 'r') error:20FFF080:BIO routines:CRYPTO_internal:no such file)

    any ideas on how to get this file? I don't even have a lettsencrypt folder in my /etc/ dir

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