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Posts posted by joebot

  1. if I backed up appdata that should pretty much cover me for my dockers, right?  There's also a libvert backup, but I don't have any VMs on this machine.  I've confirmed that nothing has changed with my dockers since the last back up.  All the plugins reside on the flash drive, right?


    All my shares are set to either cache "Yes" or "No" with the exception on System Data, which i set to prefer... 


    Since system data is set to prefer and there's nothing in the backup directory for that, does that mean that I will have problems if I wipe the disks and use plugin's restore function??  Is there anything else that I could conceivably have only on my cache disk?  I haven't made any transfers to the array in quite some time before the crash.

  2. 57 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Best to reboot after the crash/segfault.

    ok that helped! now, another important question - how do I mount one of my array drives without messing up parity?  I'm asking because I got as far as mounting one of the disks (manually, through CLI, to /mnt/rescue) and added a folder called 'cachedump' before realizing that this might be a terrible idea.  did I totally donk up the array?


    I haven't written to that folder I made on the array disk, but I did create the folder.  Also, after starting the array in safe mode, I did not find a /disks folder in /mnt.  should I have?

  3. 7 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Yes, cache filesystem is crashing, you need to re-format the pool, some recovery options here if needed.

    Im trying to mount the cache pool as prescribed in that link.  I have a pool of two ssds.  i tried to mount the first disk with:


    mount -o usebackuproot,ro /dev/sdd1 /x


    and it returned "Segmentation fault" - what is that all about?!


    ...so I tried mounting the other drive with:


    mount -o usebackuproot,ro /dev/sdc1 /x


    and the cursor simply did a carriage return when I pushed enter and nothing has happened... what does that mean, if anything?

  4. 11 hours ago, akshunj said:

    I'm relatively new to unraid, but I do have some linux knowledge.  Are you on stable (just curious)?  


    From your syslog, it looks like your cache filesystem has become corrupt (maybe from your first dirty reboot?) and the kernel is squawking about not being able to mount it.  I don't think the cache filesystem is mounted in safe-mode, but I could be wrong (again, I am an unraid noob).  I think there's a way to repair the file system from safe mode using "maintenance mode" on the webgui, but someone else would have to give you more guidance.  I'm also not sure if this is your only problem.

    5 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Yes, cache filesystem is crashing, you need to re-format the pool, some recovery options here if needed.

    Yeah I'm on the stable branch. Two questions:


    1. What in the syslog data tipped you off about the cache filesystem?  I totally didn't see that.
    2. Considering that my server hard crashed, what were my options for returning to normal operation? Hard reboot seemed like the only option since it was unresponsive...
  5. A few days ago, after making a simple change to my router (probably unrelated, I was testing pi.hole and told my router to use public dns instead of pihole), I looked over at the dash board and noticed that it had frozen.  At the time that it froze, all of my CPU indicators were maxed out.  I waited for a while, and it didn't come back.  None of the disks were being accessed, and seeing as how it was hard-crashed, I figured I better just cycle the power.


    On reboot (boot to gui, normal mode), the unraid gui environment loaded, but the webserver would not start and none of my server's services were operational.  I can reboot into safe mode and see the webui just fine.  I have verified that the server is connecting to the network (it pings just fine, and ifconfig reports the correct network configuration).


    I really need help figuring this out, as all my home automations are down and it's making the wife angry.


    Facts recap:

    • server hung during normal operation (pegged CPUS, no disk access, webui crashed)
    • server will boot to normal mode, but the webui does not function
    • server will boot to safe mode with functional webui
    • server has no problem talking to the network
    • I don't know what I'm doing
    • Wife is mad :(


    A few other interesting things:

    • When booted to normal mode (webui doesn't work), I can see that one of the cpu cores is pegged at 100%. I have no idea why.
    • Upon trying to access the webui from a different computer (while booted into normal mode), SYSLOG reports "rcu: INFO: rcu_bh self-detected stall on CPU"


    I have attached a syslog (starts with enabling logging to flash booted to safe mode, followed by a reboot to normal mode, followed by me fruitlessly trying to safely shut the server down again) and my diagnostics file.


    Please help!! Thanks!

    syslog skippy-diagnostics-20200927-1553.zip

  6. 7 hours ago, jademonkee said:

    Also: do you use mysqueezebox.com (or whatever the online thing is)? I've disabled mine. May be worth seeing if that's causing any problems, too.


    no, not in a long time.  I'll have to check if my credentials are in the server.  the radios don't want to connect to that either, but I haven't really tried to connect to it.  I'll look into disabling it and I'll also try that reset you mentioned.


    Thanks guys!!

  7. 6 hours ago, jademonkee said:

    So, if multicasting was already allowed on your network, then my advice isn't related to your problem.

    i just noticed that the device doesn't disconnect from the network. It still has an IP and it reports the server's address.  However, in the diagnostics menu, it says that it can't connect or ping the servers ports (9000 and the other one).  I know that the ports are setup right in the docker and are visible on the network because all my other players can connect just fine.  Keep in mind that my SB touch devices are also on wifi and they connect and play just fine, too - so it's not a problem with the AP.  It's something specific to the SB radios and their ability to access the ports.


    also, this is what my AP reports when the radio stops working:



    Also my AP is on the LTS branch of the ubiquity thingy, hence the older version.

  8. 2 hours ago, dlandon said:

    Are they connected wired or wifi?

    Both radios are on WIFI.  I tried putting one on Ethernet and it worked just fine (for many days without a problem). 


    1 hour ago, Cessquill said:

    My radio seems OK, although TBH it's an alarm clock that I tend to turn off fairly quickly at the moment.  I'll try and leave it on in the morning and see how it goes here.

    Turning my radio off and then back on again is the only way to get it to reconnect.  After reconnecting, I can get it to play through about half an album's worth of music before the wifi icon turns red and it disconnects.  We use one of the radios as a white noise machine for our baby (via the sound effects app).  If I power cycle the radio, I can connect to the server long enough for it to let us play the white noise.  It plays the noise all the way through the night, but it disconnects at some point.  In the morning, I have to power cycle the radio to reconnect for nap time white noise.  I think the sound effect app works differently than streaming music, so that's why it plays all night.  Not sure if that helps, but I figure that i'd mention it just in case...


    Im pretty sure this started with an update to the container about two months ago. I have no idea what changed in the update.

  9. On 9/11/2020 at 4:59 AM, dlandon said:

    Sounds like a network issue.  Have you made any changes to your router lately?

    No not lately. We recently let Microsoft's time server through pihole... But that's about it. The thing is that our two Logitech Touches and (the one player that is headless but comes with a remote - I forget the name) work just fine. It's only our two Logitech Radios that stop connecting. They will connect just fine for about five minutes after reboot, but then they disconnect. It's making me crazy! I've been trying to get them to work for three weeks now...

  10. I've been using this docker for a long time now. I have a bunch of different players. I'm not sure what's changed - maybe a new version of this docker - but all of a sudden my squeezebox radios started disconnecting from my server after about 5 minutes. It seems to only happen with this particular device and only with WiFi. The devices won't reconnect unless I reboot them, and then they connect for about five minutes and stop. I've installed the version checking patch, but that didn't help (maybe I did it wrong?)


    Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem? Any clues as to what might be going on? If anyone is willing to help me, I will dig my logs out next time I have access and share them.

  11. Thanks for the reply!  Yeah, the NVMe's are passed as PCIe devices.  So, wouldn't I need to unmount the drive in the VM to dd it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that means that I would need to boot the VM off of something like a bootable gparted USB drive/image and then make the copy out to the array? ...Not sure if I can access the array via network share in that case - maybe I can.


    Does your answer change if I mention that I am using unraid not as a server, but as a hypervisior (I have an unraid server as well, this is for my main PC)?  I have no problem with shutting down the VM's occasionally (and maybe forgo the automatic backup aspects) to copy the disks.

  12. I have two daily driver VMs that run off of dedicated NVMe's that are passed through.  Is there a way (preferably by docker app) to have my machine periodically create images of these drives (and possibly the VM configs) on my array?  Both of these NVMe disks are bare-metal bootable, and I'd like the backup images to be such that I can just dd them to new drives in an emergency. Thanks!

  13. I managed to get my gpu passed through without breaking the web gui, however one of my cpu cores is pegged.  Is there a way to force the computations to be GPU-only?  My server only has four cores, and I'd rather not impact its primary functionality.  Here's my configuration:



      <!-- Client Control -->
      <fold-anon v='false'/>

      <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
      <gpu v='TRUE'/>

      <!-- HTTP Server -->
      <allow v=''/>

      <!-- Remote Command Server -->
      <password v='PASSWORD'/>

      <!-- Slot Control -->
      <power v='MEDIUM'/>

      <!-- User Information -->
      <passkey v=''/>
      <team v='227802'/>
      <user v='my_name'/>

      <!-- Web Server -->
      <web-allow v=''/>

      <!-- Folding Slots -->
      <slot id='1' type='GPU'/>


    Thanks for your help!

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