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Everything posted by Jabouty

  1. I'm almost 100% certain this is an issue on my end, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what exactly is happening. That said, Everything on LL works to my happy, except GoodReads ... 02-May-2019 10:13:14 - DEBUG :: EBOOK_SCAN : librarysync.py:LibraryScan:624 : [/books] Now scanning subdirectory /Carrie Ryan/The Map to Everywhere (59) 02-May-2019 10:13:14 - DEBUG :: EBOOK_SCAN : librarysync.py:LibraryScan:659 : book meta [] [en] [Carrie Ryan] [The Map to Everywhere] [epub] 02-May-2019 10:13:14 - DEBUG :: EBOOK_SCAN : importer.py:addAuthorNameToDB:65 : Author Carrie Ryan not found in database, trying to add 02-May-2019 10:13:14 - DEBUG :: EBOOK_SCAN : gr.py:find_author_id:259 : Searching for author with name: Carrie Ryan 02-May-2019 10:13:15 - DEBUG :: EBOOK_SCAN : cache.py:get_cached_request:313 : Got error response for https://www.goodreads.com/api/author_url/Carrie%20Ryan?key=ckvsiSDsuqh7omh74ZZ6Q: Resp onse status 403: forbidden 02-May-2019 10:13:15 - DEBUG :: EBOOK_SCAN : gr.py:find_author_id:267 : Error requesting authorid However, if I take that url (https://www.goodreads.com/api/author_url/Carrie Ryan?key=ckvsiSDsuqh7omh74ZZ6Q) and paste it into my browser: <GoodreadsResponse> <Request> <authentication>true</authentication> <key> <![CDATA[ ckvsiSDsuqh7omh74ZZ6Q ]]> </key> <method> <![CDATA[ api_author_link ]]> </method> </Request> <author id="1443712"> <name> <![CDATA[ Carrie Ryan ]]> </name> <link> https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1443712.Carrie_Ryan?utm_medium=api&utm_source=author_link </link> </author> </GoodreadsResponse> It works no problem. But *ONLY* if my VPN is turned on. If I have the VPN turned off, all is well, and full of literary rainbows and unicorns. Is this an issue with LL, the container, or GoodReads itself blocking the VPN? I should probably post my docker-compose.yml as well: version: "2" networks: default: external: name: dockerNet services: lazylibrarian: container_name: lazylibrarian image: linuxserver/lazylibrarian environment: - PUID=1001 - PGID=1001 - TZ=America/###### volumes: - /dockers/lazylibrarian/config:/config - /nas/Media/Unsorted/Complete/eBooks:/downloads - /nas/Media/Library/Books:/books - /nas/Media/Library/AudioBooks:/audiobooks networks: - default ports: - 60105:5299 restart: unless-stopped dockerNet is an external bridged subnet I have running so docker can run happily behind the VPN. I simply created it: docker network create --subnet dockerNet I'm not entirely sure why it works, but without using the "external" default network for the containers, none of my containers work behind the VPN.