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Posts posted by thescorpio32

  1. On 7/20/2023 at 2:32 PM, cheesemarathon said:

    OK so in the docker screen, tick the switch in the uptime column to enable auto start. Unraid will start the containers in the order they are on the screen. Make sure your database starts before ghost or it will fail to start.

    Thanks, I had the orders messed up (ghost before the DB).

  2. On 7/17/2023 at 11:46 AM, cheesemarathon said:

    Yes those are all my templates. You mentioned you couldn't get one to autostart. Which one could you not get to start. You have none of the templates in your screenshot installed.

    OH! - I feel terribly bad I haven't realized this isnt a 'ghost' thread - Sorry I was talking about the ghost container 

  3. On 7/13/2023 at 8:39 AM, cheesemarathon said:

    Which constrainer are you referring to. This thread is for support of all the containers I have written an unRAID template for.

    oh my bad, im using your container 'cheesemarathon repo', couldn't get IBRACORP's to work

  4. So I just updated my unraid to 6.11.0, but I am now unable to access the unraid webGUI, 


    and the local access isnt available it just transfers me to the xxxx.myunraid.net which gives me a 404 error.

    however I do know that it is functional 100%, my VM/dockers are working. I just don't have access to the main webGUI.


    is there a way to edit files off the flashdrive or something to disable "my-server" and go back to Lan/local access? just to update the thing.


  5. After further tinkering, I discovered that I can use Wireguard instead of OpenVPN since it can open port via UpnP, still struggling with nextcloud through, I installed nextcloudpi by ownyourbits, it has a upnp function but that one for some reason refuses to work, I tried changing port numbers as well, still same issue.

  6. Hello everyone, 

    I am a relatively new unraid user, I've been meaning to build a machine for a long time and finally got the time + money to do it and currently testing on a very old Core 2 Duo Machine until I receive my parts somewhere in the following month if not more.

    My question is as following:

    My ISP gives me a dynamic IPS just like most people (that's not an issue I can just use DuckDNS or any other service)

    The problem is that they also block all port forwarding unless you pay 10$ a month for a business line (Static IP + Ability to Port forward) which honestly doesn't sound like a bad deal.

    However, I've noticed that when I turn Upnp on my router, many programs that have the ability to upnp will magically open ports on their own (Like Plex) and when I test these ports, they show as successful on sites such as canyouseeme.org and when I shut down plex, these ports don't show as open anymore.

    Here is a screenshot from my router:

    It shows that I have two instances running on my which is my unraid box (it shows 2 because I deleted an old plex docker and re-installed new one, router hasn't updated its page yet thats all)

    and 1 Instance on my which is my main gaming machine. and these ports actually work.





    My question is that since UpnP works, are there any docker containers or any plugins that have the ability to do that? Like, I'd really like to setup reverse proxy and Nextcloud and just test many things but not having the ability to manually open ports is very limiting :/

    I guess worst case scenario I just suck it up and pay up! 🙂


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