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Everything posted by klinoj

  1. Thank you. I will try it...sounds like the power cable is the ONLY thing I haven't yet replaced.
  2. I have a consistent problem with disk 5 on my array failing. I have replaced the drive 3x, I have replaced the SATAe board, replaced cables, and have repaired, reformatted, pre-cleared, zeroed out ad nauseam. No matter what I do, the disk runs great for a while then fails. Can someone please tell me what the problem is. It must be hardware related, because I've swapped out 3 new drives and the same thing happens over and over. unraid-diagnostics-20200714-1627.zip disk5err.rtf.zip
  3. thanks you for your time and quick reply! I really do appreciate it.
  4. Heres the diagnostic after i've enabled VT-x and VT-d on the Bios. The array starts off line with an error on Disk 5 of the array and shows the disk missing. Also the cache drive does not mount. No disks are showing in unassigned devices. unraid-diagnostics-20200527-1023.zip
  5. Sorry about that.....please find zipped diagnostic attached. unraid-diagnostics-20200526-1553.zip
  6. I have been trying to enable VM mgt. My unraid works great without it. All drives mount, everything perfect. But when I enable VT-X and VT-d in bios my entire array fails to mount properly. Any ideas on how to investigate cause. see system config attached.
  7. Thank you I am a newbie, and i appreciate your help and clarifications. Thanks for the info on the cache. I will implement that. And, thanks for the link. Hopefully, this Newbie will be able to understand it and follow along. Having fun learning all of this... 😀
  8. sorry about that....... thanks in advance for your hard work! unraid-diagnostics-20190513-1655.zip
  9. Hello, I am running Sonaar with Sabnzb. Having problems with getting files out of my \downloads\complete\XX directory and into my \Media directory. The error is "No files found are eligible for import in /downloads/TV" . It is the same for ~/downloads/Movies, etc.... all Config files attached . I tried this with NZBget as well, and had same problem, so downloaders are working correctly. Sonaar passes to downloader, downloader puts in correct file, Sonaar can not move file out of completed folder. i know this is a typical problem from reading forums...but i have not seen a straightforward answer. Your help is appreciated. unraid-diagnostics-20190513-1655.zip
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