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Posts posted by NLDer

  1. Good morning

    I apologize if this is posted in the wrong section, I'm new to the support forums as I don't ever have any issues. However, this past week I had to catch up on a bunch of updates as I had moved and hadn't gotten time to look at everything in a while. So, without further ado, here's the error message I get: 

    2022-10-17 08:18:59,036 DEBG 'radarr' stdout output:
    [Error] FluentMigrator.Runner.MigrationRunner: database disk image is malformed
    database disk image is malformed
    While Processing:
    "UPDATE "ImportListMovies"
    SET "MovieMetadataId" = (SELECT "MovieMetadata"."Id"
    FROM "MovieMetadata"
    WHERE "MovieMetadata"."TmdbId" = "ImportListMovies"."TmdbId")"

    [v4.2.4.6635] System.Exception: database disk image is malformed
    database disk image is malformed
    While Processing:
    "UPDATE "ImportListMovies"
    SET "MovieMetadataId" = (SELECT "MovieMetadata"."Id"
    FROM "MovieMetadata"
    WHERE "MovieMetadata"."TmdbId" = "ImportListMovies"."TmdbId")"
    ---> code = Corrupt (11), message = System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x800007EF): database disk image is malformed
    database disk image is malformed
    at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset(SQLiteStatement stmt)
    at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step(SQLiteStatement stmt)
    at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.NextResult()
    at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor(SQLiteCommand cmd, CommandBehavior behave)
    at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
    at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandBehavior behavior)
    at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    at FluentMigrator.Runner.Processors.SQLite.SQLiteProcessor.ExecuteNonQuery(String sql)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---



    I am running portainer as well and have an earlier image, however, I don't know how to recover this, or fix the DB malformed error. As I mentioned, I have never really had any difficulties other than initial setup and learning curves when I started using unraid for all of this. I was previously a Windows install ... some 3 or 4 years ago now, maybe more. 


    Thanks in advance for anyone that can offer me any insight in to this and how to recover so I don't have to set up from scratch. 

  2. I know this is an old thread.... though I am hoping I can tag on to this one with the following: 


    My Plex Docker won't update past version The latest version is stated to be:

    I've run the update several times, and the command completes successfully, however the docker continues to remain on the same version. 


    Also, since recently, my library's are showing no content. However the continue watching, recommendations, collections, and playlists all show just fine. 


    There was an unexpected error loading this library

    Please visit our forums if you continue to experience problems

  3. 48 minutes ago, gfjardim said:

    Yep, that's the bug I fixed yesterday.

    THanks for fixing... am running it again on a different drive. The one from above I simply let unRaid rebuild it and take a chance. This second drive is now running pre-clear. Will update to let you know how it goes.... 


    Thank you gfjardim

  4. What I am unsure of at this time, is the Preclear still running, or not? 

    There is no "duration" information shown on the Main page any more. However the red X to sop Preclear is still available. 




  5. 1 minute ago, itimpi said:

    This the array operation. The fact it is a "Read Check" implies that you have at least as many drives marked as disabled as you have parity drives.  Is this actually the case?

    I have one drive I am replacing at this time. ANd I have only 1 Parity disk. 

  6. Any help would be appreciated. 


    I am running in to PreClear errors... without any actual errors showing, except a warning? In the MAIN tab I see an error stating: 


    "Error encountered, please verify the log"


    The log: 


    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] 11721045168 512-byte logical blocks: (6.00 TB/5.46 TiB)
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] 4096-byte physical blocks
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk
    Dec 10 08:15:32 Tower emhttpd: WD-XXXXXXX
    Dec 10 08:25:18 Tower preclear_disk_WD-XXXXXXX: Command: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh --notify 2 --frequency 1 --cycles 1 --no-prompt /dev/sdb
    Dec 10 08:25:23 Tower preclear_disk_WD-XXXXXXX: Pre-Read: dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/null bs=2097152 skip=0 count=6001175126016 conv=notrunc,noerror iflag=nocache,count_bytes,skip_bytes
    Dec 10 08:30:31 Tower preclear.disk: Pausing preclear of disk 'sdb'
    Dec 10 08:30:51 Tower preclear.disk: Resuming preclear of disk 'sdb'
    Dec 10 12:40:07 Tower preclear_disk_WD-XXXXXXX: Zeroing: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=2097152 seek=2097152 count=6001173028864 conv=notrunc iflag=count_bytes,nocache,fullblock oflag=seek_bytes



    And the Preview shows the following:


    unRAID Server Preclear of disk WD-XXXXXXX

    Cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 64. 

    Step 1 of 5 - Pre-read verification: [4:14:25 @ 393 MB/s] SUCCESS

    Step 2 of 5 - Zeroing in progress: (99% Done)

    Time elapsed: 11:22:38 | Write speed: 86 MB/s | Average speed: 146 MB/s

    Cycle elapsed time: 15:37:07 | Total elapsed time: 15:37:08

    ##### # # #

    S.M.A.R.T. Status (device type: default)


    5-Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0 - 

    9-Power_On_Hours 0 - 

    194-Temperature_Celsius 25 -

    196-Reallocated_Event_Count 0 - 

    197-Current_Pending_Sector 0 -

    198-Offline_Uncorrectable 0 -

    199-UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0 - 

    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED 


    It looks to be running, but no time indicator anymore. I still have the red X option to "Stop Preclear" 


    Anyone have any thoughts on this before I hit the X in error when I should be letting it do it's thing? 


    At the bottom of my window it does state: "Read Check 46%" but I don't know if that is to do with the Preclear. I think this is to do with the Array Operation, not this disk itself since the disk size is 6TB and it is currently at: 

    10 TB

    Elapsed time:11 hours, 1 minute

    Current position:4.82 TB (48.2 %)

    Estimated speed:105.7 MB/sec

    Estimated finish:13 hours, 38 minutes


    I assume this is the Parity drive, which is a 10TB drive. 

  7. I am running in to PreClear errors... without any actual errors showing, except a warning? In the MAIN tab I see an error stating: 


    "Error encountered, please verify the log"


    The log: 


    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] 11721045168 512-byte logical blocks: (6.00 TB/5.46 TiB)
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] 4096-byte physical blocks
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
    Dec 10 08:15:08 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk
    Dec 10 08:15:32 Tower emhttpd: WD-XXXXXXX
    Dec 10 08:25:18 Tower preclear_disk_WD-XXXXXXX: Command: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh --notify 2 --frequency 1 --cycles 1 --no-prompt /dev/sdb
    Dec 10 08:25:23 Tower preclear_disk_WD-XXXXXXX: Pre-Read: dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/null bs=2097152 skip=0 count=6001175126016 conv=notrunc,noerror iflag=nocache,count_bytes,skip_bytes
    Dec 10 08:30:31 Tower preclear.disk: Pausing preclear of disk 'sdb'
    Dec 10 08:30:51 Tower preclear.disk: Resuming preclear of disk 'sdb'
    Dec 10 12:40:07 Tower preclear_disk_WD-XXXXXXX: Zeroing: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=2097152 seek=2097152 count=6001173028864 conv=notrunc iflag=count_bytes,nocache,fullblock oflag=seek_bytes



    and the Preview sits here:


    unRAID Server Preclear of disk WD-XXXXXXX

    Cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 64. 

    Step 1 of 5 - Pre-read verification: [4:14:25 @ 393 MB/s] SUCCESS

    Step 2 of 5 - Zeroing in progress: (99% Done)

    Time elapsed: 11:22:38 | Write speed: 86 MB/s | Average speed: 146 MB/s

    Cycle elapsed time: 15:37:07 | Total elapsed time: 15:37:08

    ##### # # #

    S.M.A.R.T. Status (device type: default)


    5-Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0 - 

    9-Power_On_Hours 0 - 

    194-Temperature_Celsius 25 -

    196-Reallocated_Event_Count 0 - 

    197-Current_Pending_Sector 0 -

    198-Offline_Uncorrectable 0 -

    199-UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0 - 

    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED 


    It looks to be running, but no time indicator anymore. I still have the red X option to "Stop Preclear" 


    Anyone have any thoughts on this before I hit the X in error when I should be letting it do it's thing? 


    At the bottom of my window it does state: "Read Check 46%" but I don't know if that is to do with the Preclear. 


  8. Morning fellow unRaiders! 

    Wondering about my hard drives and if they need replacement. I am attaching log files, and asking for help as I am not in tune with hard drive diagnostics these days. My parity check identified some read issues, and then I performed the SMART tests on both drives. Should I replace these before they die? or are these errors that can be ignored? 


    Any help / insight is greatly appreciated. 

    Disk4.txt Disk3.txt

  9. On 1/11/2020 at 1:22 AM, ConnectivIT said:

    I think a number of people are having issues with how long backup/verify is taking (particularly users of Plex docker with hundreds of thousands or even millions of files)  I had an idea that might resolve this:


    So in the settings you could specify something like:


    online backup folders:

    /mnt/user/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata,

    /mnt/user/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media



    You mention excluding these folders from the backup config in CA Backup / Restore. Will this reduce the time it takes to restore? I have been running my restore for the last 3 days, and so far I see no indication of where it is at in its progress. Is it supposed to take this long to restore the AppData folder? It's about 19GB in size... I still think it should be faster than that. 

    The two file paths above, are these all files related to the media itself? or does it also include the "watched" markers data? I ask because I would like to know where I am at with my shows, but I do not need to back up all the show metadata, album and cover pictures etc... Plex can re-scrape this info, as long as it still has the actual information of each show and movie. Just not the larger image files. 

    Is it normal for a restore to take this long? 


    On 1/11/2020 at 1:22 AM, ConnectivIT said:



  10. Bare with me on this one. As I am pretty sure it is an underlying problem with my unRaid configuration I am using application examples to help illustrate the problem. 


    I run an unRaid (UR) server Version: 6.8.3 at home using docker containers. Currently trying to get Jitsi to work, however I fear there are underlying issues that I have not yet identified. I came across this after installing "LetsEncrypt" (LE) and finding out that in order to have LE work properly, the dockers need to be connected to the "ProxyNet" (PN) that was set up for LE to handle reverse proxy communications. In the tutorials that I followed, when changing the network in the docker container to the PN web access to the UI of the docker should still be accessible on the original network that UR is installed on. However, once I change the docker instance's network I am no longer able to open the WebUI link on the UR IP address and associated port number for the docker. 


    It is because of this issue that I fear nothing is working as it should... including Jitsi, as it is setup to be configured with the LE proxy on the PN. All the necessary ports are opened and forwarded to the UR primary IP address. When connecting to my URL. I do get the main landing page for Jitsi - hosted internally - however once I create  meeting and start it I briefly see my own camera preview and then changes to a message stating something went wrong and it will try to reconnect in X seconds. 


    This screen continues to loop. 


    Authentication is enabled on the the Jitsi instance, and without a username and password you wouldn't be able to start an actual meeting. I am supposed to get the credentials prompt after creating the meeting room, instead, the error pops up.  


    Subsequently, I figured that while I had LE installed that I would add access to dockers such as Sonarr and Radarr. I configured the relevant files in the LE directory. Understanding that I then need to change the docker network to the PN custom network, and following spaceinvaders video for LE, when I do so I am no longer able to access the WebUI as spaceinvader demonstrates should work. It is in this where I believe my problems are stemming from. 

    Hoping someone has had similar issues and is able to identify, or steer me int he right direction to solve this. 



  11. 12 hours ago, NLDer said:

    Alright, so I have this almost working... It's been a bit of a pain, and recreating everything - fixing my own mistakes, etc... 
    Thank you so far with everyone's support on previous posts. I feel that I have only one problem left.... 

    I can now reach my jitsi server online through https://meet.mydomain.ca, however when I connect to it and create a meeting, the page turns to an error message which states: Unfortunately, something went wrong. We're trying to fix this. Reconnecting in X sec... " 

    This counts down, and attempts to reconnect. 


    So I do not get a prompt for authentication. And my meeting won't start.... 


    Has anyone experienced this and knows where to resolve this problem? 

    Well... seems there's more trouble in paradise.... In attempting to make this work, I figured I could play around with some other containers to see if I could get it to work externally with letsencrypts, etc. 

    Since I have a wildcard, and validate by DNS, I figure I'd use Radarr and Sonarr to test with. Realizing I missed a step - changing the network to the proxynet - as per spaceninvaderone's labeling - however, as he shows in his video, one is supposed to still be able to access the page on the original local network/port number. This does not work for me, at all. Nor is external access available... 

    I have double checked the docker settings and they are configured as per the video. 


    I know this is straying from Jitsi - and I have looked around, but can't find anything. Hoping  someone may have a rabbit up their sleeve on this one. Maybe it will make other problems clear for my Jitsi issues I am having. As it stands now, nothing is really accessible through the LetsEncrypt configs. (And yes, I have updated the conf files for the subdomains needed for Radarr and Sonarr. 

  12. Alright, so I have this almost working... It's been a bit of a pain, and recreating everything - fixing my own mistakes, etc... 
    Thank you so far with everyone's support on previous posts. I feel that I have only one problem left.... 

    I can now reach my jitsi server online through https://meet.mydomain.ca, however when I connect to it and create a meeting, the page turns to an error message which states: Unfortunately, something went wrong. We're trying to fix this. Reconnecting in X sec... " 

    This counts down, and attempts to reconnect. 


    So I do not get a prompt for authentication. And my meeting won't start.... 


    Has anyone experienced this and knows where to resolve this problem? 

  13. 12 hours ago, Iceman1199 said:

    Was checking to see if anyone could provide any insight for me.  I have followed SpaceInvaders One's newest video setup (I previously used his for letsencrypt and such so that part was done already).  Once I load the jitsi .conf file into the letsencrypt proxy-conf folder and restart the letsencrypt docker, it start throwing errors, yet letsencrypt still works for other applications. The errors state:


    nginx: [warn] could not build optimal variables_hash, you should increase either variables_hash_max_size: 1024 or variables_hash_bucket_size: 64; ignoring variables_hash_bucket_size


    Any thoughts on how to adjust the .conf file in order to remove this warning?


    Also noticed that I can hit jitsi from my internal network, but when trying to hit it through the reverse proxy I get the "Welcome to our Server: The website is currently being setup under this address."


    Thanks in advance.  

    Are you stopping the docker before moving the file in? It can't be running while you do that 

  14. Turns out my ISP is not the problem: 

    Hello Andrew, 


    We are sorry for the trouble caused.


    We confirm that no ports are being blocked from VMedia's end as we do not have access as such. May we kindly request you to connect hardwired to the modem and check if the issue still persists? 

    If the issue still persists, kindly reset the modem and check again on a hardwired connection.



    So I also found out that I renamed some containers incorrectly. Went back to the video and made the changes. I will go through the video again to validate all the settings including those for Letsencrypt - although DNS validation is working. What I can do now is get to the local ip on port 8000 and this time I get the login prompt when creating a meeting. 

    Still no video or audio... browser is blocking it, and can't change it for some stupid reason. 



  15. Hmmm.... well, I wonder and wonder... 


    I've tried Chrome and FIreFox (IE not supported) 
    I've changed the default permissions in FF to allow camera and mic, still nothing.... 


    This... is frustrating. 

    Back to the port 8000 ... is this something that needs to be forwarded also on the FIrewall? 

  16. I use Chrome.... 

    I checked those settings and I am unable to change them. The Camera and Mic are both blocked, and grayed out? Odd, I am an admin on that system with full privileges. 

  17. Ok, I can also... however there is no notification to allow the system to use the camera and microphone. I just get a blank screen pretty much. 


    No add blocker in effect for my local server IP.... 

  18. 49 minutes ago, enigma27 said:

    I believe that is the case yes. it separates them from other containers and directs the traffic via lets encrypt.


    For me I have my own domain so mine goes


    Domain CNAME for jitsi (Points to) --> single duckdns domain (Maintains my public ip) --> Firewall has dynamic DNS setup for duck DNS (updates my public IP to duck DNS) --> ports forwarded in my firewall as per Lents encrypt video (443 to 1443 & 80 to 180) --> lets encrypt container includes my jitsi domain & letsencrypt config (proxy conf) setup with my domain rather than the default.


    nothing else changed. if any of that makes any sense as i am far from an expert on any of this.

    I have my own domain - which I point to my public IP since it never changes (Hasn't in three years). I used the DNS validation for Let's Encrypt, also allowing me to do a wildcard cert. CNAME is "meet" that points to the root domain "mydomain.ca". So, in theory I should be bale to get to "meet.mydomain.ca". 


    When I check online for open ports using my public IP both 80 and 443 are unreachable. Using the meet.mydomain.ca 443 and 80 are open. I'm starting to think that my ISP blocks 80 and 443 inbound, and therefore does not reach my server. meet.mydomain.ca is open because of the CLoudFlare handling of the proxy, but from CloudFlare to my server, nothing works. I have run packet captures on my firewall and see nothing hitting my interface on 80 or 443 to give me any indication that it is reaching me. SO now I am left with trying to figure out how to get CoudFlare to use a different port to proxy the connectoin, while maintaining the use of letsencrypt certificate. 


    let's encrypt includes my jitsy domain as the default "meet.*;" (or something to that effect) since I am using a wildcard that should cover any subdomain I point back to my server. The container includes mydomain.ca 

    I think I am officially starting to tunnel vision on the problem. I'm starting to lean to the ISP blocking this traffic being the root cause, though am still checking all my configs regardless. I wish there was a way to get to it locally, to see if I can even get it to work on my LAN network - I just don't know how to do this. In portainer I can see the port allocations, but clicking on them - as SpaceInvader already mentioned int he video - does not result in anything. 

    Wondering if anyone else is running in to this problem - it started with CloudFlare's 522 Connectoin Timeout Error when attempting to connect to the meet.mydomain.ca URL which of course is not "mydomain" (used to illustrate the method) 



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