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Posts posted by Georg

  1. Thank you for your reply!


    58 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Dynamix Cache Dirs plugin may help.


    I tried that one a while a go but never got it to work. I will git it a second try then.


    10 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Be careful with this one since (as I recall) it uses 'free' memory to cache the information.  If you are caching large numbers of files, it can run out of this memory and 'flush' earlier entries.

    Thank you for the heads up! That may be a big issue since there may be 10x that amount of files on there. I will give it a read.


    1 hour ago, trurl said:

    Also Dynamix File Manager plugin

    I do have krusader for the rare cases i need it but both would not help the indexing need for windows.  


  2. Hello
    I am using windows 10 while accessing unraid via a network share. By now the system grew to a huge number of files and many drives. As a result real time searches, as forced by windows, take ages. Is there a solution and preferably one that is realizable for a beginner?

    Unfortunately the discussions I have found are rather old and/ or mostly not in connection with a network share.

    So far I learned that Windows does not index network shares and there is nothing for a Windows sided indexing unless you use an external file manager which I am a bit reluctant to do since I mostly like the one windows provides. 


    The server sided solutions for indexing are often outdated discussions or seem to be regarding a search within unraid or a file manager docker but not for users accessing files via e.g. a windows network share. 

    I don't mind where it is indexed but I just would like to have a faster search result on windows. As a last resort, is there a better file manager for windows I have missed?

    On the side, is it really that infrequent that people use a similar setup as me? Am I missing something?
    Thank you in advance!

  3. Have ordered another cable now. Thx for the help

    5 hours ago, Benson said:

    Actually no special BIOS setting need.

    Just FYR, if you connect the blackplane by MB ( SATA ), then corresponding disks LED won't work anymore.

    Oh, that explains the difference in some cables... Well I see that as a plus and anyway it will be until I need to connect the other disks. By then I anyway need to free up a slot or buy a bigger hba card. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Benson said:

    I think 2 possible reason, 1) the two 8087-SATA wasn't a reverse type. 2) Does all 6 molex power connecter have connect to PSU.


    I would suggest you buy a reverse cable from other source and try. 

    Thank you for your answer.

    1) I think I should go for that on then an try another source.

    2) Yes they are all connected.

    Or do you have a bios setting in mind that could case it to not being recognized?

  5. On 3/29/2020 at 9:05 PM, Benson said:

    The backplane was raw type have 6 minSAS port or 24 SATA port ?

    Sorry I have missed, that you have answered. 

    My backplane is an SAS846A. The ones with an expander have an EL1 or 2 instead of the A. The "A" version has 6 SFF8087 connectors, each connecting to 4 drives. My HBA only has 4 connectors (=16 drives). The remaining 8 drives are not yet connected.

    At least as a mid term solution I wanted to use the reverse breakout sata (MB) to SFF8087 (backplane) cable for four of the remaining drives.
    Unfortunately they are not even recognized by the bios.

    I think I was able to test everything but the cable itself without any issues. As I don't think the cable is already broken I don't know where else the problem could be.


  6. Hi all,
    My system consists of a 24 bay case with an SAS846A Backplane. 15 of the drives are connected via LSI 9300-16i and are in use. As I need to connect more drives to the MB I have ordered a reverse breakout sata to SFF8087 cable (4 sata at MB and SFF8087 at backplane).

    Unfortunately the bios does not recognize any of the disks attached with that cable. The port of the backplane connected to the HBA works. Also the sata ports work with other drives. The only idea I have is a cable issue or something with the bios settings.

    Any idea if i have to change settings in the bios or where the mistake could be?  The cable is the correct one right?


    I am using the AsRock X470 Taichi Ultimate and an AMD Ryzen 7 2700X. 

  7. On 12/4/2019 at 8:13 AM, johnnie.black said:

    LSI firmware update is very easy, like doing a bios update.


    Sorry for the long time...
    I have successfully updated the HBA card, thinking at first that this was the solution but it wasn't... I also tried another PSU, switching drives around, changing cables. By doing so, I think, I could narrow down the error to one SFF8643 port of the SAS 9300 i16. In that plug it is always the first bay/hdd of the four which has the error. I also got the impression that it occurs more often when writing to that disk than when reading from it but this might be wrong.
    Do you think there is a way to further trouble shoot that error?

  8. First of all thank you for your answer!


    13 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

    This would suggest for example a power issue, do you have another PSU you can use to test?

    Well not easy but I could use the one from my PC. I think I will first try to update the SAS 9300 16i as it should be done anyway. Do you coincidentally have some tips for that? How likely is it that I kill the card when having no experience with it at all?^^ (I would try to follow that thing https://www.broadcom.com/support/knowledgebase/1211161501344/flashing-firmware-and-bios-on-lsi-sas-hbas) I will probably try it on the weekend.

    When switching the PSU, would you suggest a specific test or should I just try, use it and see what happens? The one installed is a Corsair HX850i and te one currently in my PC is a Corsair RM750x.  

  9. Hi all,

    I have some weird disk errors that occur when I for instance start to copy files with the windows explorer onto a network share or otherwise use the system. It is not exactly logical to me what triggers the error. They happen usually on multiple disks at the exact same time and it does not seem to affect the system to hard but usually resulting in a copy error. After a restart they are obviously deleted but reoccur again.

    image.png.171eea7f9f8a196ff725883541bd9138.png    image.png.f76baf45860d18c76c57602bafa848b3.png



    I am also not sure whether it is is connected to reaching a high water level mark. In those cases I get the following windows copy error: 


    Do you know how to avoid this kind of error? Each time a high water level is reached I have to at least once stop and restart the array to be able to start the copying process again. Shouldn't it normally switch automatically to another disc?


    A third thing which may could play a role in this is that I sometimes see this and are then subsequently not able to view the log file:





    Those errors have happend several times now, so I have multiple diagnostic files:




    Thanks in advance!





  10. 2 hours ago, atoaster said:

    @Georg did you ever get this figured out? Mine is the exact same way with -62.50 temp on my 3700x

    Unfortunately not. I don't even know where to start...
    From what I have read in forums and all, it gives me the impression that it appears  if Linux (unraid) and a X version of a Ryzen processor come together. Please keep me up do to date in case you find a solution.

    It kinda makes me worried whether the CPU gets sufficient cooling. As the MB reads them correct, I guess the fan is not affected.

  11. Hi all,

    Unfortunately I don't know any further and google could not help...
    In the bios I have enabled SVM Mode (CPU configuration) as well as SR-IOV (Onboard device configuration) but Unraid still gives me an IOMMU disabled:

    Is there an option called "IOMMU" I have to enable additionally? If yes where?


    I have also noticed that there are no IOMMU groups shown in system devices (this may happen after unraid recognize IOMMU as enabled?)



    Thank you for helping in advance!




  12. Sorry i did not get that you have answered. 


    On 11/16/2019 at 6:42 PM, itimpi said:

    What makes you think those are negative temperatures?    Isn’t it just a case of a dash being used as a separator?

    Could be but then the separator is not always transferred:

    (I have set the CPU as cpu temp and the smbus master as MB temp)


    Also the bios states different temperatures.

    Even if I read it wrong it does not move at all. From right after the start to continues loads of 50% it always says -62.5 C. 


    Also because of: 



    I understand that maybe not all the sensors are connected/ used but the CPU one?


    In the system is also an Avago SAS 9300-i16 card. I was not able to find out if it has a temp sensor or how it is called. 

    Does someone know something?


    Thanks a lot,


  13. Hi all


    Have a problem with the plugin in combination with the Ryzen 2700X and a AsRock X470 Taichi Ultimate (bios P3.30). 

    The temperature displayed do not make sense as most of them are in the negative area. Temperatures I have found in the motherboard seem to be correct. Has someone any experience and hopefully a solution for that issue?



    Has someone an idea where I could start troubleshooting or at least gather more information?


    Thanks in advance!


  14. Sorry but I don’t see which one has growing CRC errors. If we are talking about disk 8 (7HK8YNSF), it has 5 counts since they occurred a month ago. In the meantime, I have moved disks many times and added or at least physically touched several components and I have never noticed that there was a count added.


    These below mentioned disks are connected to different cables (at least if I follow the numbering of unraid). 0 is the parity and on one cable, 8,9,10 is on another (but just two of them with errors) and 11 is on a third cable. Disk 29 however I don’t know what this one is. The Unraid USB stick maybe, which is connected to an internal USB 2.0.

    1 hour ago, johnnie.black said:


    Oct 26 00:47:43 Atlas kernel: md: disk9 read error, sector=12884901840
    Oct 26 00:47:43 Atlas kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=12884901840
    Oct 26 00:47:43 Atlas kernel: md: disk11 read error, sector=12884901840
    Oct 26 00:47:43 Atlas kernel: md: disk0 read error, sector=12884901840
    Oct 26 00:47:43 Atlas kernel: md: disk29 read error, sector=12884901840



    The two facts above and that the error occurred seconds after I have added a share make me feel that it is not logical to conclude to the cables.


    The cables in the system are not so cheap ones from china (but still a bit cheaper than supermicro ones). I know price does not necessary correspond to quality. It will take some time but I try to get another cable from an other manufacturer to test it.
    Now I hate me for being cheap…


    Can cable management also be a factor in terms of creating interfearance?


    Regarding controller I would not know where to start. Should I connect a few shares via sata directly to the mb an see if I can trigger an error?


    Power: My 850W power supply is definitely sufficient with no big consumer in there yet. The HBA should use 27W (nominal) according to the manufacturer. It has a 6 pin power connector on it but it is not connected as I concluded that the mb will provide this power via PCIe. Was I wrong with my assumption or should I connect it to the power directly for troubleshooting reasons?   

  15. Thank you for your help!


    17 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

    UDMA CRC errors are almost always a bad SATA cables, but can also be a bad enclosure, controller, port.

    How am I going to find out which cable it is? 
    I did a preclear in each bay and could not trigger an error. Do you have a better idea?

    Btw I did a new config now and did the parity check. Everything was fine and looked good until I have added a folder:

    My only clue is that it might be connected to the trial key which expired today.




  16. There is no data yet, wanted to have it stable before. So new config it is. 
    Regarding the cable, I already had that idea and run 8gb preclear ein each bay but could not trigger the error again. Do you think the cable is just the cause for the SMART errors (issue 2) or also for some of the others?


    Should I do the new config and then run preclear in each bay again to test the cables again?

    How would I correctly set up a dual parity? Is it possible to leave bays empty between disks for later?

  17. 14 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

    Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics ideally containing a syslog from when the disks got disabled.

    There you go:


    Unfortunately I have restarted the server since then as part of my problem solving attempt.
    I could set up a "new config" and try to triger it again. It would be surprising to me if some issues would not come back... 
    Thx for investing the time!

  18. Hi community


    I just joined the unraid community and trying to set up my new built server. I tried to find solutions online but often ended up in outdated treats or unraid wikis. Btw I am using unraid 6.7.2, asrock X470 Taichi Ultimate with a Ryzen 7 2700x. This is connected via a used 9300 SAS 9300-16i to a Supermicro backplane (BPN-SAS-846A).


    1. When preclearing my first disks I have noticed that it says:




    Is this normal? I did preclear 4 external drives in their cases via USB and two Ironwolf drives via the backplane. If I recall correctly it sad it only with the ones connected to the backplane. Having connected all of them via the backplane all of them mentioned this one above.

    What consequence has that?

    Does it need some response fom my side?



    2. While finalizing an extended SMART test a drive showed a “UDMA CRC error count” error. I have read that this is may due to bad cabling. Is this correct?
    Unfortunately by the time finding out I was not able to tell anymore in which bay it happened. Consequently, I have tested (doing one preclear per bay, 8tb) all bays without being able to reproduce the error.  I feel like it has nothing to do with the disk as it got precleard 4 times after that without another incidence.

    Are there other things that can produce that error or can I do something else other than hoping for the best?



    3. System temp plugin: Since the beginning I was never able to get correct temperature values. They are all minus and and not changing at all e.g. the cpu says always -62.5. I also could not install an other driver than the suggested one although there are at least 4 types of fans in the system present (3 of which are noctua). (Assuming the driver refers to noctua).  What am I doing wrong?




    My final goal would be to set one of them to the temperature of the hottest drive after the data issue is fixed. If the HBA card has one as well I would like to connect one to that too.


    4. Additionally, the numbers (Fan #) detected by unraid are also different than to the plugs on the MB or in the bios. Can I change that?


    5. At one point this was shown and I assumed it is just wrong data. After a restart this was gone and never occurred again. I assume this was just a harmless one?
    Right know I kind of realize that I might have destroyed helpful information with that restart…

    (btw it has now 16 gigs of ram)



    6. How do I set up dual parity correctly?
    Just starting the array after preclearing and formatting the disks is not the solution. Also not letting it do a parity check.  



    I don’t know where the errors come from and I don’t know why parity two is disabled. I think the errors came after the second parity check where I hoped it may build the second parity disk.

    State of now is that the second parity is disabled as well as one array drive (not the one with the SMART error). How do I get these going now or what is the issue there?

    It could may be connected to that but the working and the disabled drives say that:



    Or could it be that the second parity does not allow empty bays between the disks?


    7. In an earlier attempt there was suddenly data on the drives. What is this?



    8. Overall this is the current status of my array but I think there is a lot not how it should be…

    It would be very nice you could give me some hints on there I should search to fix this problem. Btw Disk four is the one with the SMART errors.




    latest SMART reports:







    I thought it could help to number the questions to avoid missunderstandings if you use it in your answer.
    Thank you very much in advance for your efforts!



  19. On 7/15/2019 at 10:52 PM, jbartlett said:


    1. OS updates are outside the scope of unraid as you would still face them if you built a bare metal system. In the case of Windows 10, you can "defer" updates for up to three months with Windows Pro.

    2. Intel has handicaps too. You can expect to lose a few FPS running a gaming rig as a VM but not anywhere near you'd be able to notice assuming your video card is sufficiently powerful. I have not noticed any video performance drops if the video card & pinned CPU's aren't on the same NUMA node but I did see a CPU hit.

    3. I haven't check for new BIOS updates in the past month or so but there was no option to select which PCIe slot the BIOS used for it's primary video card. I would believe that if you could change it, you would still experience the same thing but with whatever slot is given. Note: This is a known issue with nVidia cards, I have not tried any AMD video cards. The problem is that the nVidia driver can detect that the card was in an active state when it took over and then is coded to not load (Error 43)

    4. You still need a video card in PCIe #1 for the BIOS to bind to. Omitting a video card in that slot would just cause the BIOS to bind to the next available slot with a video card.



    Thank you very much John for taking the time to answer!

  20. Hi guys,
    First of all, very good documentation work you have done here. Very appreciated!

    I am also planning to build an unraid system, where as one build option is the Threadripper 2920 or 50 with the discussed mainboard. This option should serve as an Unraid server but also contain a VM used as my normal PC. This VM should not only be capable for gaming but also not be too high maintenance due to whatever reason (e.g. Windows updates). The alternative to this option would be two separate builds which would be more expensive.


    Now I have some questions relating to the Threadripper build if you would be so kind to answer:

    1.      From your experience, would I, as a newbie to Unraid and advanced bios settings, be able to set up such a machine and keep it working? (as mentioned e.g. due to software updates or pass through stability issues)

    2.      Threadripper has its handicaps with gaming in comparison to other modern CPU‘s. Do you think, adding another difficulty level (running games on the Windows VM instead on the base platform) will result in material performance losses?

    3.      As far as I understood you were not able to pass through a GPU in PCIe 1 to a VM. Thus PCIe 1 is just usable for an Unraid GPU or another PCIe card other than a passed through GPU. Is this still correct or would it change with an AMD GPU?

    4.      In connection to question 3. Is it correct that it is not possible to put the GPU dedicated to Unraid somewhere else than in the very valuable PCIe 1 slot (x16 + space)? Ideal would be the PCIe 4 (x4) but that does not work I guess.


    Thank you very much in advance!

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