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Posts posted by -MacGyver-

  1. One thing to take note of, as you said "original" USB. If that was the USB key you transfered your license from,and not the one transfered to, be mindful of OS updates. In a future update that prior key will be blacklisted and the array won't start.


    If you meant the USB key that you transfered to and recreating it worked that one won't have the blacklist issue.

  2. 6.11 array drives are XFS or BTRFS. 6.12 array drives are those and can also be ZFS. Any of these can be popped into a machine with Linux, or even a live CD/USB, and you can recover your data. For ZFS you would need to be sure to use a distro that has openzfs included.


    There is no lockin with unRAID.


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  3. The "Critical: libusb_init failed" isn't an issue and can be safely ignored. I'm using LSIO plex container and for many years have had that same message. Hasn't cause any problems.


    What device is dev/sdb? If that is where appdata resides then that disk looks to be RO (read-only) from the I/O error. If it is that is most likely why plex gui isn't working. Check the filesystem on that drive, the gui help or DOCUMENTATION link at the bottom of the forums can help. I'm not a checkdisk guru, aapologies for not giving you more discrete guideance there.

  4. Should work and start as you outline. Few changes though. Disable auto start of the array, as well as disable auto start for docker and vm if you use those. Do a non-correcting parity check.


    Manually shutdown to ensure you have a clean shutdown. Perform your swap then power back on. Depending if/how you reserve the ip to your server some network setting updates may be needed, unless you use same nic or static config setup in unraid. If you updated network settings reboot again. Start array, do another non-correcting parity check.


    Start Dockers/VM's and then reboot again. This is to ensure clean shutdowns on new hardware as well as checking auto starts work.

  5. Disable auto start for array, docker and VM's (if you have any). Be sure to have a clean shutdown.


    For good measure make a copy of config folder, found on your unRAID USB. This way if something happens you have a backup already prepared.


    Swap over to the new, then start. I've done this a few times over the 10+ years with unRAID, it's a treat it works this way.


    If you want to be a little more sure you could:

    Verify the new motherboard can boot ok from USB before you migrate over. Maybe start with an Ubuntu, or other distro, live USB. Then you can use a trial version of unRAID to verify that boots. This could save you before you transfer everything over. Also from trial unRAID can verify if your network card/onboard works too.

  6. You mentioned the unRAID webgui and docker restarts are slow in your initial post. These are internal and your internet connection has no impact on. The iperf test is to test your internal network. Still suggest you test the network.


    If this was after a power cut restart all of your network equipment. Some part may not have come online properly. With all network equipment turned off, turn back on in the order of modem, router and then any switches. Wait until each has stabilized before continuing to the next.

  7. What you describe in your initial post sounds like network issues. At the very bottom of your screenshot are very slow bond0 inbound/outbound speeds.


    Have you done an iperf test, both directions, to rule out network issues (  Full disclosure - I haven't used that tool, can't help on setup, operation )

  8. Correct media location is where movies, music, tv ( I have photos too ) are. Haven't heard of anyone setting up a DVR media location. There is no place I see to configure the DVR to place content in another location.


    You'd probably have to Google, or ask on the Plex forums, if DVR content can go in its own media library.

  9. Plex DVR recordings would go to your configured media location(s). If that is cache enabled the initial write is to the cache. Then mover moves to array. If not cache enabled recordings go to the array.


    My hdhomerun is the 4 tuner (currently all ATSC 1.0) and I can record from all 4 at the same time to the SSD cache.

  10. An email should have been sent, not just an announcement post, about forum security updates.


    The 12 character password has completely ruined my password management process. 


    Also, when force logged out on my Android device unread posts never showed as all posts were unread. That's backwards to me. Meaning I didn't see the announcement post until *AFTER* resetting my PW and logging in. Very frustrating.

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  11. In the screenshot your motherboard temp is 41.1c (106F), CPU could be warmer than that. If the machine was only on for a few minutes, as you mentioned, it's entirely possible you still have thermal issues. Your CPU load isn't that high either to warrant that MB temp.


    Could be the CPU isn't seated properly and not making contact with the sensor.

  12. 15.x.x.x is not a private address, you should avoid that if at all possible. If you were to try to hit the public site that has those you could have issues. You didn't say, but if you are the business or entity that owns that public range you can use it. Otherwise don't use public on a private network.


    These are the private address spaces you should be using:

    Class A: to

    Class B: to

    Class C to


    Outside of using proper classes it's your network setup how you wish. It's then the network rules you need to get right for moving data around. For that best to Google and see what others have done. I'm sure there are a lot of pfsense blogs and YouTube on rules to setup. For example, I needed several rules on my network ( not pfsense) for Sonos and Chromecast devices.


    When I switched from consumer grade to prosumer I used all 3 classes, the only reason is because I could. Class A 10.x.x.x for vlans, Class B  172.20.x.x for the internal network equipment and Class C 192.168.2.x for guest.


    TBH Google is your best friend for this.



    Try ing to edit these out on mobile,won't let me...


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  13. This is an issue with the Samsung 980 nvme. Search the forum and you will see a lot of similar posts, some will have more details on the why if you are interested.


    Here is a link to a known solution to prevent the warnings (I'm posting what Jorge, or other mods would post 🙂 )



  14. You may have searched "This topic" only had you searched starting here. The text is light in color and easy to miss.


    When BRiT suggested that did you go up and try to search while still in THIS topic? If so then that is all you searched. If you try again from this topic be sure to change the drop down from "This Topic" to "This Forum" or "Everywhere". This will be between your search term and the magnifying glass... Or return to the Main forum, where you can see all sections and perform your search there.


    Searching "Everywhere" will return 40+ pages of topics, a lot more than one 🙂.

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  15. The issue is that the shell is different in the docker that is running your script. Try a script with sh --version to see the version of the interpreter you are dealing with.


    The version of the docker interpreter cannot handle the space in the show, Love Island, after expansion in that if. While the one where you tested can. Because of that space after expansion your if is seeing Love and Island without an operand.


    By no means am I a coder, did some googling and found possible solution on stackexchange.


    You can, and from what I'm reading you should, double quote your vars, like this:

    if [[ "$FILE" =~ "$REGEX" ]]; then


    Don't just plug that in and run it blindly, make a script that prints out what you want it to do and see if it works.


    BTW, here is what I googled "sh variable has space after expansion cannot equate to another"


    Lastly, this isn't an unRAID issue, it's a general command interpreter programming issue. This should be in the lounge, or another advise section of the forum and not unRAID general support.

  16. Yes, it is as easy as you describe. swap out your old MB and CPU and use the new MB and CPU. On my third setup now since being on 6.x series as it is much easier now that drive assignments are based on serial numbers.

    Turn off Array Auto Start and get a clean shutdown before you perform the swap.

    Make sure to double check the seating of the power and sata cables to the drives on the new setup before powering on.

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