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Posts posted by Gabriel_B

  1. Updated to the latest Unraid, took less then 24 hours to make the UI mess up again. Reboot did not fix it this time, restarted Docker and now the UI populated again. All Dockers are latest versions (Cloudflared too), Unraid logs show no errors when it started with the UI messed up.

  2. 30 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

    When using this container for Nextcloud, YOU are responsible for keeping the Nextcloud app up to date...


    Ok. So, when there is a docker update I should check to see if there is an update for the app first to prevent this in the future? Do I understand that right?


    EDIT: It's working again though with the downgrade fix.

  3. In the process of re-seting up those tunnels. Will update.


    EDIT: I re-configured my most important tunnel (bitwarden), without a reverse proxy, updated the 'cloudflared' docker container to the latest, this is now up and running. No errors so far, will be adding more tunnels for more services. Now the test of time comes in to see if the problem with the UnraidUI is resolved.


    This video helped me along the way:


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