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Posts posted by ZestyChicken

  1. So I have a similar problem. I get the SESSION ERROR issue but it's only under the following situations when I'm trying to set up a reverse proxy:

    - I use my domain name for the Server Network Settings - Hostname/IP Address

    - I use a custom network rather than bridge


    Under these situations, I can get to the admin page from my domain or from my home network url:943. However, if I try to login to the admin page, it fails with the SESSION ERROR and the vpn service does not work. If I revert to using my home IP and BRIGE, everything pretty much works (though of course I'm not using the reverse proxy.


    The three console commands posted above did not work for me. 


    [as an aside, using the INTERFACE variable seems to do jack and shit]

    [as a further aside the fucking invalid certificate errors that seem to keep me from using chrome to access the site are annoying AF]

  2. So I rebooted my unRAID server to install some fans and when I booted back up, the other computers are no longer able to connect to the Samba shares. This is affecting both Mac and PC computers.

    • I can ping the sever name "unRAID".
    • I can ping the IP address.
    • I can connect to the server via the web address.
    • I can connect to the AFP shares from Mac clients.


    I just can't connect to the server via Windows Explorer/Finder. Finder just states "connection failed." If I try to use Connect to Server on mac, I get "The file server will not allow any additional users to log on. Try to connect again later"


    Windows explorer says "Windows cannot access //UNRAID"  If I diagnose the problem, it says "The remote device or resource won't accept the connection"


    I have a pretty default setup for the most part. I use Workgroup settings. I use a local master (but not using it doesn't fix it).


    Anyone else have this problem??? No idea why the reboot would have created such havok...

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