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Posts posted by hkinks

  1. Had also the same issues with installing RSA. Looks like in `/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/openvpnserver/scripts/rc.openvpnserver` line 376 it tries to get the easy-rsa zip url, but something must have changed and it fails to parse it out correctly:


    EASYRSA_DL_VERSION=$(curl  --fail --silent https://github.
    com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa/ | grep zip | grep archive |  cut -  
    d\" -f16 | cut -d\" -f1 | sed 's#^#https://github.com#g' |
    grep -v "sig")                                            

    For a quick dirty fix I just hardcoded the package url there.

  2. On 8/17/2020 at 12:04 AM, Kru-x said:

    No  worries,


    Personally I can't see any benefit using the same DB to different sites more then in a multi-site setup. It is no disadvantage to run different DB's and it benefit separating each instance witch makes it easier should something go wrong. That's the main reason I have not added more variables to the template, I tried to make it as simple as possible.


    But having said that, each person have it's own preferences and a more confident user can add any variables himself, you can add a WORDPRESS_DB_NAME  environment variable to your template.


    But if I can give an advice I wouldn't bother as per above, still if you insist i would use a software to connect to my database and manually manage the DB's/users/ and passwords. You can leave the WORDPRESS_DB_HOST blank for a new instance then you get presented with the WP installation on startup where you can do it all manually, but with this the user needs to understand what the container and DB is about (thus use a software), in regards to username password and db names etc. 


    The MariDB container is setting the user to root with full privileges and the WP container is using the same to use the DB, in a production environment this should be done manually and should not be using root.




    Thanks, not specifying the WORDPRESS_DB_HOST was basically what I was looking for. I was somehow under assumption these env vars are obligatory. Without it I was presented with Wordpress installer's own database credentials view and could specify the database name there like you said.


    Personally I just prefer to manage databases from one dbms instance, better overview and easier to remember what is going on.

  3. Thanks for answering!

    I would simply like to name the database differently than the default 'wordpress' since I can have multiple wordpress sites using the same MariaDB server. Would be really convenient to set it as a docker env var when running it, e.g. WORDPRESS_DB_NAME.

    Maybe if I explain my setup workflow it is better understood or maybe I am overlooking some easier solution. I want to set up a wordpress site for a blog let's say. I create database 'wp_blog' and user 'wp_blog' with access rights to that db. I configure the Wordpress docker, however I can only specify database host, user and a password at this point. When I start the container and visit the site I would get message "Error establishing a database connection". The reason is that it expects database name to be 'wordpress'. So what I do in this case is
    1) go to mapped volume /mnt/user/appdata/wp_blog/wp-config.php
    2) modify the line
    define( 'DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); to use 'wp_blog' instead.
    after that everything works as expected and can continue installing WordPress.

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