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Posts posted by Keelhaulers

  1. 11 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    I know has it is the way I coded it 🙂 but you can move to any where you want. now on 6.12 by clicking on padlock top right side.

    Yep, appreciate that. 


    Last question and I will go away...


    The NVIDIA has an Active Apps section (mine currently running Tdarr).

    I don't see it for the iGPU, is that a setting or just not a thing for this situation? (I run Plex off the iGPU)


    Thank you again for everything. I hope at least my situation will help folks in the future with my same issues.




  2. 58 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    lspci is not showing the igpu. do you have it enabled in the bios?



    I'll pretend I know what your talking about...lol


    per screen caps attached, I did not have the iGPU multi-Monitor function enabled. Once enabled, I have the selection for both NVIDIA and the iGPU RocketLake graphics.


    Can't be certain this was what you meant, but it seems to at least get me moving forward. 


    I did think checking BOTH cards in the GPU Statistics Unit ID would show both on the Dashboard, but that's not the case. at least I can toggle between the two of them.


    Thank you for taking the time and providing some information, it's much appreciated.



  3. My GPU Statistics was working a few Unraid versions ago. I could switch between the iGPU and installed Nvidia. However there was an UNRAID version that said the GPU Statistics plugin was incompatible, so it uninstalled upon upgrade.  I decided this week to check to see if there was any movement on it and I was happy to see that there was.


    Yesterday, i reinstalled GPU Statistics and it only shows the Nvidia card. I reinstalled Intel GPU Top and rebooted and still no change. I took some advice above and set my bios default to CPU Graphics and still no change.


    The GPU Statistics works fine with the Nvidia and I can see processes, but it would be nice to figure out how to show the iGPU or at least switch back and forth again.


    Diagnostics attached.


    Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


    CPU: Intel Core i7-11700K

    MB: ROG STRIX Z590-E

    RAM: 64 GB DDR4

    Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050Ti





  4. See attached image.


    Disk 4 in my array has 8TB of data on it, but is only showing 83GB of usage in the GUI.

    I can run Krusader and it reports that there is 8.3TB of occupied space, which is correct.


    What's going on and how can I fix this?




  5. yep, as you suspected. New CMOS battery had no affect. Still getting Kernel Panic.


    I've wasted enough time with this and trying to fix things. I am just going to pull the trigger on a new MB, CPU, and memory. 


    Gonna stay away from AMD Ryzen this time and look for a mid range Intel CPU and board.


    Would like something with at least 3 M.2 slots, the search is on.


    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Just hosting Plex, I don't do any gaming...


    Thanks again to everyone who chimed in.



  6. No go on this either. I do keep noticing that the errors state that there is a time sync issue.  So I decided to check on the BIOS, the time is wrong. I reset it, but after about an hour it changes again.  I'm going to change out the CMOS battery and see if I can at least get different results.  I don't have high hopes though.

  7. Good Afternoon – I’ve reached the point where I’ve just decided to ask for help or guidance here.


    I’ve had an Unraid server for approximately 3 years with little to no issues over that time. At least not anything I couldn’t figure out myself.


    Approximately 10-12 months ago, my server just started randomly not responding. Essentially just locking up. I would have to power cycle to reboot and bring it back online. Of course, then a Parity check would ensue upon coming back online. The server would never last more than 24-30 hours before locking up again.


    As I said, I suffered thru this for the last year until about 3 weeks ago when I just couldn’t take it any longer.


    I decided to completely install Unraid from scratch.  I pulled my key off the flash drive, pulled all the data drives out. I took a deep breath and just dove right in.


    First thing I wanted to do was a MemTest, so I ran 4 passes on the RAM without any failures. BIOS was confirmed up to date. I then started building the array. I began with 2 Parity drives and then would add my data drives one at a time.


    I did not want to keep the configuration of the old array, and just decided that for me, it would be just as easy to mount an Unassigned drive, copy data to the array, then add that Unassigned drive to the array. Essentially shuffle my data very slowly back in. Is this efficient, probably not, should it work without a problem, yes.


    But we come full circle back to the Unraid server just not staying “Active” and becoming unresponsive. While copying data or trying the pre-clear a drive, the server just becomes unreachable. The GUI seems to be active at times, but if you try to make any changes or stop the array, it just spins.


    Attached to the post is my SysLog from a reboot to the lock up. In addition, I’ve captured a picture of the Server monitor show the last portion where it flashes up some errors.


    Done some basic research and I do have an AMD Ryzen CPU and I have turned C-States on and off, the same results occur no matter the settings.


    I know this isn’t an Unraid issue per say, and it most certainly is on my end, but I’m at a point where I just want to build a Windows box with JBODs via USB.


    If anyone has any insight or suggestions, I would be indebted to you.


    Thank you



    UNRAID: Version: 6.10.3 


    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core @ 3600 MHz


    Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. X570 AORUS MASTER

    BIOS: American Megatrends International, LLC., Version F36e, BIOS dated: Thursday, May 12, 2022


    RAM: 64GB DDR4

    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti           








  8. 37 minutes ago, Squid said:

    In Radarr when you're referring to "localhost", what that basically translates to is the IP address of Radarr itself.  You want to refer to the IP address of the server


    Appreciate the feedback. Did you mean the SABnzbd Web Server? Which is


    Switching Radarr to point to vice localhost has no impact. Still the same results:


    Test was aborted due to an error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, HTTP request failed: [503:ServiceUnavailable] [GET] at []


    My search for a resolution continues...

  9. 29 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

    So, Plex is removing the ability to customize the home menu?

    Yes, server side settings now vice Client side.  Which could be good, but they made some changes that don’t work for my viewing pleasure.  Mainly the combining of “Continue Watching” and “On Deck” into one row hub. It doesn’t work for me as I usually have 30+ items that I’m viewing and scrolling for 2 minutes through this looking for what I want doesn’t work for me. 

    There are other changes as well, like if you have TV/DVR setup and have it pinned on the left, you can not get rid of the “what’s on” and “Recent channels” hubs. 

    again, all of this may be ok for a lot of users, it just isnt for my needs. 


  10. 12 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

    IIRC you should be able to use these tags- https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-plex/tags


    Thank you for the list - much appreciated.  


    I'm doing something wrong it would seem though. 


    1) I've deleted my plex docker completely

    2) Reinstalled docker while plugging in the tag for the version I want into the VERSION configuration


    but this method still installs the latest, not really sure how to actually accomplish this.  Looking for some further advice, thank you all.

  11. Help on rolling back to an earlier version.


    Just realized the latest version of Plex is incompatible with ME !!   I hate the combined "Continue Watching" and "On Deck" hubs, for me this is a deal breaker.  Besides all the other small details with not being able to customize the Home Screen any longer.


    Is there a way to roll back versions on the docker?  I see in the setup there is a "version" key that states "docker".  If I can roll back, would this be where the old version would be put?  What are the older versions? Is there a list?


    Sorry for so many questions, as a Lifetime Plex subscriber, I've about had it.  Just not working for me anymore, unless I can roll back.




  12. Probably just me, I don't watch things until they break or don't work any longer.


    I use binhex-privoxyvpn for routing a virtual Windows 10 machine.  This container stopped worker for me as of a few hours ago (that I noticed).


    Symptoms experienced: I would Start the docker and it would immediately Stop, wouldn't stay running.


    After a couple of hours of trying to figure things out, I finally realized that PIA put out NextGen OpenVPN files.  You will have to replace the old files and certs and opvn files.


    All easy enough to replace.  Once I did this, everything was back to normal.


    Like I said, completely my fault for not realizing this.  But maybe there are some others out there like me who do not pay attention.





    PIA users - The URL to download the OpenVPN configuration files and certs is:-


    Once you have downloaded the zip (normally a zip as they contain multiple ovpn files) then extract it to /config/openvpn/ folder (if that folder doesn't exist then start and stop the docker container to force the creation of the folder).



  13. Good Morning All - 


    Very new to unRaid and in the use of dockers.


    I have my array operational and I've installed the binhex-qbittorrentvpn docker without an issue and can download torrents without a problem. (although I do have the VPN portion disabled for testing).


    I'm very familiar with using a bittorrent client on a windows platform, but the usage is very different in this environment.  


    I am used to selecting a magnet link which populates into my client and then I can choose which folder I want each torrent to be downloaded each time, or I can even create a new folder location on the fly.  I normally do not rename items and I want to seed immediately.  In addition, I download directly into my Plex library folders because I want them to show up immediately in Plex as well as maintain seeding.


    So that's what I'm used to.


    When using the binhex-qbittorrentvpn docker, it appears the download location is set through the initial setup and there is no way to adjust the file location "on the fly" based upon what torrent you may be downloading.


    I hope I explained myself well enough.  Am I missing something obvious within the docker usage? 


    As an example, I've included a screen capture of the dialog box I would normally get for each torrent added to my client (via URL or magnet).



  14. On 7/28/2019 at 3:13 AM, tr0910 said:

    1-3 covered by UnRaid with Dockers and plugins and VMs.

    Remote access is also possible however secure solutions to 100% access require research and care. There is no single switch to turn this on.

    Parity will protect you from drive failure, but not from user error, theft, fire or water damage. Backups are still required for important data.

    UnRaid is a data downloaders dream and media consumption tool.


    Understood about actual backups - thank you!

    40 minutes ago, ddr said:

    I'm also a noob but I found the set up went fairly smoothly and I was able to find the answers to any issues here in the forum.  So I had my hardware bought and everything running over a weekend.  I have a ton of stuff to learn yet, but my core needs were set up and working very quickly.  I have a bit more experience than you in running a server through a web interface, but everything is fairly straight forward so you should not have any problems once you get your hardware picked out and put together.

    Just waiting, hardware is slowly trickling in.  Won't have everything required until mid next week.  Really just need to dig in and have at it.  Can't wait until I have something new and shiny. Thanks ddr!

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