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Posts posted by BobbyPoor_Boy

  1. 20 hours ago, binhex said:

    2 things to check:-


    1. go to unraid docker web ui, left click sonarr and select 'edit' then top right click on 'basic view' toggle to turn it on to 'advanced view', then check the 'repository' it should be set to 'binhex/arch-sonarr' if it has a colon and then some value then you are hard set to a particular tagged image, remove the colon and the value after it.

    2.  go to unraid docker web ui, click on top right click on 'basic view' toggle to turn it on to 'advanced view' then click on 'force update' link.


    this should sort you out, and to answer your question, no i would not expect an old CA plugin to block updates to docker images.


    Worked for me.  Thank you for your help with all the dockers you maintain!


    Gave a Tip as well. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, thunderclap said:

    You're probably already doing this, but are you using your dynamic DNS address in Minecraft and not your IP? Something like minecraft.duckdns.org:19132? I made the mistake first time by including the https//.

    yes.  I have tried with my current IP address and with the DuckDNS name without the "https" .   neither works.  verified at https://www.portcheckers.com/


    It's driving me crazy.  i can port forward radarr, sonarr, and everything else i have tried without issues using the current IP address and my DuckDNS domain without issue.  It is just the minecraft docker I am having the issue with.  I did try a different minecraft docker and I had the same issue.

  3. hey guys.  i am having a terrible time getting external access working.  I don't think it is an issue with the binhex bedrock docker, but i am starting here first.




    I am using the Binhex Minecraft Bedrock edition. Internally the server is accessible.

    Externally I cannot access the server. I have setup port forwarding on the router, but still a no go.

    Tried changing the minecraft ports, but it seems any port that is assigned to the minecraft server and also setup in port forward will not work.


    I tested opening up other ports for other programs and they were all able to be accessed without issue.


    Example: Minecraft server is 19132 and setup port forward. No go. Radarr is 7878 and setup port forward and is able to be accessed externally without issue.


    What am I missing here?


    Other info: I do have OpenVPN, DuckDNS, and DelugeVPN. All are working and I have not noticed any issues.

    technical details:

    unraid server:

    Binhex minecraft bedrock port: 19132

    router: RT-AC3200

    router port forwarding: UDP And TCP forwarding for ports 19132 and 19133 to

    WAN IP is dynamic. But port 7878 (among others) is accessible with current IP and DuckDNS

  4. Update: 


    TLDR: the PCIE x8 slot on my motherboard is bad.  Moved controller to PCIE x4 and is booting without issue now.  All drives are showing up.


    Further Explanation:


    So I'm still not sure what happened with Disk 4, which is connected directly to the motherboard.  But user trurl had good advice and after unplugging/plugging in the various drives, cards and accessories, it looks like the LSI controller is causing the boot issues and disconnected drives.


    about 50% of the time that the controller is inserted the computer won't POST.  This is with no drives connected to Controller. 

    Sometimes it will post and start to boot to OS, but hangs on "starting SAMBA" and listing drives.  And sometimes if fully boots to the OS.


    With the LSI Controller removed it boots to the OS 100% of the time. 


    Moved the controller to the PCIE x4 slot and the PCIE x 16 (GPU uses this slot) and booted numerous times in each slot without issue.  So it looks like the PCIE x8 slot on my MB is bad.  Now booted and rebuilding the Disk 4.


    Thank you everyone for your help.

    its alive.jpg

  5. 17 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Disks 1,5,6 are all disconnected. Are these on the motherboard or the LSI? No point in continuing with a rebuild when other disks can't be read. All disks must be reliably read to reliably reconstruct a disk.


    Looks like the webUI is working from your screenshot, so it shouldn't be necessary to get diagnostics at the command line as suggested. Just go to Tools - Diagnostics in the webUI.


    Check all connections, power and SATA, then post a new diagnostic.


    That would be correct.  1, 5, and 6 are all on the LSI.  All the other drives are connected to the on-board sata.  Attached is the diagnostics. 


    Thanks for your help.


  6. 18 minutes ago, phbigred said:

    If you have a prompt login and type diagostics just to capture a log.


    First step shut down and reseat all cables. The drive dropping off may have had a similar problem. You mention an lsi card is it seated properly in the mini sad connection? May be worth finding out if your motherboard has Marvell controllers. Having this much weirdness at once makes me think whatever the data connections are being driven from is having a problem with unraid. Rerun the data cables/swap. I'll leave it for the more experienced to give more ideas. Also to be sure you aren't having any brownouts correct? Hopefully using a UPS of some sort.

    thanks for the suggestions.  here is the diagnostics log. 


    I have left it running and is about 36% complete on recreating the Disk 4 HDD.  Should i let it continue or just shut it down?    Not sure if I am causing more harm to keep it on or more shutting it down while it is trying to recreate disk 4.


    edit:  and it has been on a UPS with other devices plugged in.  I haven't seen any issues with the other devices. 


    I have only had the LSI for right at a week.  Didn't have any issues installing it or getting drives to show on it. 


  7. 6.7.2


    I have no idea on how to proceed. Been using unRAID for approx 1 month. If I had to guess there is a hardware issue, maybe memory or motherboard. Is my data just fucked or is there a path to recovery?


    Description: Yesterday received email notification that I had a Disk 4 that had errors and was offline. When I got home I checked and the drive was disabled. Had over 700 errrors.


    Took the drive out and put in a new drive and began to rebuild. Said it would take approx 10hours.

    Went back and checked approx 5 hours later and my server was offline.


    Connected a Monitor and keyboard and no image on screen.


    Performed a hard shutdown and powered back on, this time it was stuck on the BIOS. Shutdown again and unplugged USB to UPS. Powered up again and booted to unRAID successfully.


    But immediately started to receive literally millions of errors.


    Parity, cache, Disk 2, Disk 3 and Disk 4 are connected to SATA on MB. Disk 1, Disk 5 and Disk 6 are connected to an LSI SAS 9207-8i.


    Additional Hardware:
    Processor: 4790k
    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X
    Memory: Corsair 2x8GB 1866 DDR3
    PSU: Antec 850W
    GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 1050 TI


    unraid xfs errors 2.jpg

    unraid xfs errors.jpg

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