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Posts posted by BackupAddict

  1. On 11/25/2019 at 8:01 PM, Ashe said:

    cd /boot/config/telegram
    Nano chatid
    Add chatid number to file

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Awesome thank-you for the details, all sorted now notifications arriving in my alert channel now.


    Easy once one know how but that said a simple chatid field in the UnRAID notification agent GUI for Telegram would sure be more user friendly than having to use terminal :)


    • Like 1
  2. Hmmm thx for the info, Just tried "apikey:chatid" but test didn't work, perhaps a day delay again.... not sure as the APIkey for my bot has a " : " in it perhaps that mucks things up.


    Nov 25 10:14:34 REMOTE ool www[5445]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/agent 'test' 'Telegram.sh'
    Nov 25 10:14:51 REMOTE ool www[25433]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/agent 'enable' 'Telegram.sh'
    Nov 25 10:14:54 REMOTE ool www[25433]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/agent 'test' 'Telegram.sh'

    first test listed in log above worked, then I add chatid with apikey using ":" in between and get no test message popup, to my eyes no error on either not sure why no results again once chatid added.


    However I just created a file called 'chatid' and entered the number in there

    Where do you put this file? As I am just using the built in agent not a custom user script and an UnRAID nOOb still :)

    I will wait and see if it starts working later with "apikey:chatid" if I patiently wait again, but another way if this fails would be welcome.


    Not sure why its so easy cut and dry with other dockers, but built in UnRAID usage has been difficult for me :/

  3. Well I am not sure why but after throwing my hands in the air and leaving it alone for a day, notifications starting coming in on my UnRAID notification bot.


    Now if I press the test button I get an instant message on telegram bot, yay But odd cause I didn't change anything just took a day to start working.


    Only thing I can't get sorted is how to get unRAID bot to post in my custom telegram channel I have that all the other bots for various dockers and other stuff post in to keep telegram cleaner. In Radarr docker for instance I can add the chat ID of my Notification channel into a field beside my bots API key and then they post in my unified notification channel instead of each bot posting in their own thread.

  4. On 10/12/2019 at 12:14 AM, killeriq said:

    Hello guys,


    Any guide where / how to setup Telegram bot for unraid? I know how to setup BOT , but not sure what to do on unRaid side.



    I am having issues as well setting up telegram agent in UnRAID.


    I can make the same bot work in Radarr and Sonarr where the GUI lets me add the "chatID" in a field. But the Unraid notification agent settings GUI doesn't have this.

    I get results in log and no error but nothing pops up on Telegram....

    Nov 23 13:18:20 REMOTE ool www[9010]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/agent 'enable' 'Telegram.sh'
    Nov 23 13:18:23 REMOTE ool www[9010]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/agent 'test' 'Telegram.sh'
    Nov 23 13:20:27 REMOTE ool www[14897]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/agent 'test' 'Telegram.sh'

    But setting up in a bot with Radarr docker on same UnRaid server works instantly, what am I missing?


    Found this in my searching and trying to figure this out is it related - https://github.com/limetech/webgui/pull/512

  5. On 8/19/2019 at 6:08 AM, helin0x said:



    Whats the issue with the icy dock, I've got them and they work like a champ. Even dropped a failed drive and smashed the bracket and icy sent me 4 more of them for free! 

    If they are too hot then you don't have enough exhaust to pull the air through and on top you can just swap the fans for any 3 pin 120mm fan if you dont like the ones which come with it (same with your case, who uses the shitty ones which usually come with it!). Corsair have some nice ones you just lose the neon light (oh no!)

    All spun up and chugging away: Array of fifteen devices    29.7 C


    Thank-You for the feedback on that Icy Dock, never did get clarification from anyone on why to avoid them. I ended up with a Lian Li and my case is large enough sliding drives out the back works but front door access would have been a plus.


    I ended up snagging this one , not perfect but is a bonus to stuff two 2.5" SSD's on the sides lol


    Now to find a solid deal on a LSI expansion card on ebay, anyone have advice on trustworthy ebay sellers / lots coming from china but always makes me apprehensive if I'm getting real goods, many say its better to find sellers selling used server pulled ones...

  6. Well like the look of Lian Li EX-36B1 but can't find stock anywhere shipping to Canada  :/ Found a Lian Li EX-332 that looks similar but only three 3.5 so less density.


    Any opinions on Lian Li EX-H34A or Lian Li EX-H33SX I can find some stock of them but in general more out of stock Lian Li stuff then in stock for their 3x4 density.


    Lots of time to hunt can get up and running without expansion bay. Regardless new parity drive showed up DOA today so build paused again, at this rate won't get back up and running till after my summer holiday mid month, :( I prefer to get things running sooner as some parts have return windows ticking but such it is.

  7. Thank-You both for the ideas and feedback.


    Was definitely considering the EverCool option as I could fill all four of the available 5.25 slots and gain six 3.5 slots. You swapped to Noctuas in your EverCool, were the stock fans loud or under performing?


    That said I also am thinking a three 5.25 by four 3.5 is more space than I intend to use anyways and I can then throw a better fan controller in the remaining slot and be able optimize running temp of my HDD a little better (Goldilocks not to cold, not to hot lol). So had been looking at the Icy Dock, but plenty of issues does not sound good. Main issue I found folks talking about was drives running hot in it, what else should I be aware of if you don't mind.


    Had not found those Lian Li options in the searching i did the other day, it looks very promising thank-you for sharing the link. I am off to find availability of one in Canada or import cost, might be a winner.

  8. Have a Fractal XL R2 that I am rebuilding old server into and migrating to unRAID. Looking to expand storage using the 3 - 4 of the 5.25 bays, priorities are quiet and easy to clean dust filters, easy drive swapping be a bonus.


    Would like something that I can swap drives easily, noise is a factor as this lives in living room. Seems all the favorite hot swap cages don't have to dust filters. Just read through sticky thread here and did't see and conversation about easy to clean dust filters on 5.25 to 3.5 bay adapters. 


    Found MB074SP-1B seems to be one of the few, I have found searching for a couple hours but availability here is poor be an import, some report poor cooling.


    This also this has a filter but not great looking due to poor drive swapping method and vibration dampening is not individual per HDD so they share vibration in the 3 pack cage and crappy quality - HD-AR-RBK


    Or do folks use the traditional iStar, Supermicro, Norco hotswaps and put something like this or this in front, not sure about magnetic mount as XL R2 front is plastic so would need to grab the cage or perhaps better add-on dust filter options for commonly used 5.25 to 3.5 adapters that I am missing, or other versions with built in filters.


    Final piece of my build proving a harder box to check than I thought it would be :)

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