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Posts posted by kevkru

  1. 5 hours ago, ich777 said:

    What network modes are you using on both containers are they the same? Bridge, Custom?

    If you are using on one Bridge and on the second Custom it simply will not work since Bridge and Custom containers cannot talk to each other.


    If you want to use this container in Bridge mode you can create a new port on the Docker Template page in Unraid where the container port must be 8053 and point to a port of your linking (i would recommend you to set it also to 8053).


    EDIT: Also with the basic config the standard port on wich the DoH-Server runs is no 80, it's 8053 (Please note that you can't run port's below 1000 since you need root or sudo rights for this).

    Yep, indeed that was the problem (Bridge & Custom). Totally forgot to consider that.


    Works like a charm now. Thanks for your help!

  2. Hi, I just installed the DoH-Server docker. I'm using the Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager instead of the Let's Encrypt docker. 


    The problem is, I can't get the proxy configuration working (502 Bad Gateway). I think some variables are different compared to the Let's Encrypt docker.


    Should work like this:


    ----------------------------------------> | Reverse Proxy | ----------------------------------------------------------> | DoH-Server |

                                         |    |                                                      | |


    Can anyone help?

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