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Everything posted by kevkru

  1. How does the plugin differentiate between user wanted filechanges and changes due to corruption? I can see files Ive changed willingly in my log file. Is there some further documentation on how the plugin works?
  2. Yep, indeed that was the problem (Bridge & Custom). Totally forgot to consider that. Works like a charm now. Thanks for your help!
  3. Hi, I just installed the DoH-Server docker. I'm using the Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager instead of the Let's Encrypt docker. The problem is, I can't get the proxy configuration working (502 Bad Gateway). I think some variables are different compared to the Let's Encrypt docker. Should work like this: dns.sample.com:443 ----------------------------------------> | Reverse Proxy | ----------------------------------------------------------> | DoH-Server | | | | | Can anyone help?
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