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  1. I found the issue Squid. Pure pebkac. I have a 4 port kvm with single button switch that switches between my work laptop, vm, and unraid rig. Work on port 1 VM on port 3 Unraid on port 4 So 2 quick taps without looking takes me from work to vm or back. If vm is asleep ctrl-alt-del wakes it up. Unless 2 quick taps was actually 3 which means I’m connected to my unraid rig in which case it triggers a reboot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I wish it was. In thinking maybe I kicked the plug or something. No kids, no pets in the study. It's a mystery. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. At about 4:30ish my server rebooted unexpectedly. What do I check for in the logs? tower-diagnostics-20220331-1816.zip
  4. Similar to the Steam library https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam Benefits. Will allow users to instantly guage whether their proposed hardware is being used with Unraid if we can see how users utilize hardware in their builds. Beneficial to developers as they might have a better understanding of how software should be optimized.
  5. solved! Cpu pinning. I pinned my containers to 2 cpus and gave my vm 6 it works now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hi, I followed space invaders video, and the passthrough of the 1030 GPU and usb controller was seamless. This won't be a gaming pc for me, just general use, but I still want to use my ultra wide monitor, so I got the Nvidia MSI GT1030 as my graphics card. Hopefully this was not a mistake. My problem is that the display stutters, is slow, drags, nothing smooth about it, this is just general use, not gaming. So: - It passes through fine, using either DisplayPort or HDMI. The graphics looks fine, if I don't open a browser. - When I try to load YouTube, the video buffers extremely slow, and playback is choppy, - Windows menu, mouse movement is jittery and display lags. 1. I've updated to the latest version of the Nvidia drivers. 2. I don't think I need to pass through VBIOS, as I don't have an issue with blank screen. 3. For some reason, even though I choose NVIDIA as my primary graphics card in VM settings, it defaults to secondary. Inside windows when I want to adjust my display, it always looks for a second screen, which is IF I use VNC, which I don't start... don't know if this is relevant. Further notes. - In my BIOS I have my IGPU set as primary, NVIDIA set as secondary. - I do a Windows hardware performance check in the windows box (that old tool that was available with win 7), (CPU = 9, Memory = 9, Disk = 9, Display = 2). This is all probably related. - I ran the msi patch and enabled anything that says GPU, no change. --------- Solved - It was GPU pinning. tower-diagnostics-20201201-2209.zip Any help at all will be much appreciated.
  7. Solved - crappy usb drive it looks like. Changed the usb and it’s been clean for a few weeks now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Is it possible to get the hardware profile uploaded by users? I would like to collate the information into a publicly accessible Grafana or similar dashboard to give Unraid users a view of what hardware other people are running. This would end questions like "is this GPU compatible" or "this piece of kit I want to buy" and would just generally be cool information. We can also expand this information into swapping or deals channels for user at a later stage? Kind Regards, George
  9. I figured it out! So I had this situation where my Samsung TV Plex client wouldn't recognise my Plex server. Just couldn't figure it out. The DHCP server automatically assigned an IP address which was fine for about a year. DHCP address - But what I didn't think about was that I created a wireguard client that also assigned this IP address as valid in its range. And when I tried to create a VM it was also assigning this IP address. A quick cleanup later and everything works again.
  10. Well, as per Spaceinvaderone's vid, I created a new network for the Jitsi containers. It should just my my standard router delivering DHCP. I wonder if I should try to put my VM's on their own network, how would I do that?
  11. I know there are a lot of posts on bad USB drives on here, just basically getting rid of some frustration. I've had my build up for close to a year now. In that time I have not been able to once (ok, I lie, I've had 3 successes) do a clean shutdown or a clean reboot of my system. Honestly, every single time I bring it down, I get a kernel panic on startup. Then I have to, build a new key (annoying my wife because I have to use her windows laptop, I've only got Macs and the USB creator doesn't work anymore) Copy my last backed up config to the drive. Start up and let it run through a whole new parity check. Today it was LZMA is corrupt, a hard reboot of the system and kernel panic. I'm always on the latest version. 6.8.3 in this case. I've run a 48hour memtest+. No issues. The thing is I'm not learning from my mistakes. I can't remember in which forum I read this, but the key to doing a backup of the flash drive, is to do it when the array is stopped, this stops the array from wanting to do a parity check after my unclean shutdowns. Also: This Sandisk Cruzer Blade of mine must be corrupt, so today I dug an old 4GB unknown name USB from a drawer and I moved my licence.... I'll have to see how it holds up. Interestingly, I had a look at the config file in my now corrupted boot up disk. What went wrong with that? This is maybe one for the devs: My cache disk assignment was all wrong in it. I have 2 disks in a raid 0 (don't hate me, I needed the space), but the assignment shows only one disk and it puts the second one in unassigned devices. Rant over. I'm thinking I should just never shut it down again. Ps. My shutdown procedure: - disable docker service. - spin down array - check open files for anything blocking - reboot -cry
  12. I had this issue. I switched to VNC viewer (Free) and just set a vnc password in your VM setup before you start it. I think my problem was changing my default ports around.
  13. I'm struggling to create linux VM's. I've tried a few different images, but all seem to fail out due to networking issues I think. Ubuntu, Lubuntu, arch. All fail. I've created VM's before without an issue, but since I last created a VM I have done the following: Installed Wireguard and Pihole side by side (so changed my server ports) Installed Letsencrypt Create a new network for Jitsi. None of these might be related, however maybe I missed something in there? I've attached the log file for the error I'm getting during the VM creation as well as my server diagnostics. Anything I'm doing wrong? tower-diagnostics-20200511-1637.zip
  14. I installed Jitsi, as per the instructional video of SpaceInvaderOne. I now see that there are new images available for Jitsi, but how do you update them inside Portainer? I've done a couple of google searches but all I see are arguments about rebuilding the image vs recreating the image and how you should do neither and I'm confused.
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