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Posts posted by j2los

  1. On 3/10/2021 at 8:41 PM, Brandon87 said:

    I've been having a problem for the last 2 weeks where I cant get Sonarr to connect to Deluge. It keeps giving me the error


    Unknown exception: The operation has timed out.: ''


    Anyone else encounter this issue starting about 2 weeks ago? Was working perfectly fine up until then, and because I have automatic updates enabled I wont ever know when the issue exactly started.


    Any logs I can post to assist in finding a solution?


    Any solutions to this? I have this as well as dead connections to my indexers via Jackett. Sonarr works perfectly though.




  2. 18 hours ago, j2los said:

    One of my trackers has blocked port 6890. I can't seem to override the default port. Is that hardcoded into this app? I see when I launch the container I get a 'watchdog-script' output saying it sets the port to 6890. 

    Not sure if my question got lost or it's just stupid. Where can I alter this 'watchdog-script'? 

  3. Yep that last one worked, thanks.




    Resulted in success



    2020/05/04 12:31:21 ==> Startup Settings <==
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Sonarr Config: 1 server: @ /downloads (apikey: true, timeout: 10s)
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Radarr Config: 1 server: @ /downloads (apikey: true, timeout: 10s)
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Lidarr Config: 0 servers
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Folder Config: 0 paths
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Parallel: 1
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Interval: 2m0s
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Delete Delay: 5m0s
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Start Delay: 1m0s
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Retry Delay: 5m0s
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Debug / Quiet: false / false
    2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Log File: /config/app/unpackerr.log
    2020/05/04 12:31:21 [Radarr] Updated ( 0 Items Queued
    2020/05/04 12:31:21 [Sonarr] Updated ( 1 Items Queued
    2020/05/04 12:31:21 [Sonarr] Waiting for Start Delay: My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS (1m0s remains)
    2020/05/04 12:32:21 [Unpackerr] Queue: [1 waiting] [0 queued] [0 extracting] [0 extracted] [0 imported] [0 failed] [0 deleted], Totals: [0 restarts] [0 finished]
    2020/05/04 12:33:21 [Radarr] Updated ( 0 Items Queued
    2020/05/04 12:33:21 [Sonarr] Updated ( 1 Items Queued
    2020/05/04 12:33:21 [Sonarr] Extraction Queued: /data/completed/My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS, extractable files: 1, items in queue: 0
    2020/05/04 12:33:21 [Unpackerr] Queue: [0 waiting] [1 queued] [0 extracting] [0 extracted] [0 imported] [0 failed] [0 deleted], Totals: [0 restarts] [0 finished]
    2020/05/04 12:33:21 Extraction Started: My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS, items in queue: 0
    2020/05/04 12:33:33 Deleted (recursively): /data/completed/My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS_unpackerred
    2020/05/04 12:33:33 Extraction Finished: My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS => elapsed: 11s, archives: 1, extra archives: 0, files extracted: 1, wrote: 1938MiB


  4. Log says there are no extractable files in the directory, but there are. Not really sure what is going on. Using same host directory as Sonarr/Radarr.  Path in the logs appears to be correct. 





    2020/05/04 10:53:19 Unpackerr v0.7.0-82 Starting! (PID: 220) 2020-05-04 10:53:19.744859322 -0700 PDT m=+0.001297767
    2020/05/04 10:53:19 ==> Startup Settings <==
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Sonarr Config: 1 server: @ /downloads (apikey: true, timeout: 10s)
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Radarr Config: 1 server: @ /downloads (apikey: true, timeout: 10s)
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Lidarr Config: 0 servers
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Folder Config: 0 paths
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Parallel: 1
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Interval: 2m0s
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Delete Delay: 5m0s
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Start Delay: 1m0s
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Retry Delay: 5m0s
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Debug / Quiet: false / false
    2020/05/04 10:53:19  => Log File: /config/app/unpackerr.log
    2020/05/04 10:53:19 [Radarr] Updated ( 0 Items Queued
    2020/05/04 10:53:19 [Sonarr] Updated ( 1 Items Queued
    2020/05/04 10:53:19 [Sonarr] Waiting for Start Delay: My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS (1m0s remains)
    2020/05/04 10:54:19 [Unpackerr] Queue: [1 waiting] [0 queued] [0 extracting] [0 extracted] [0 imported] [0 failed] [0 deleted], Totals: [0 restarts] [0 finished]
    2020/05/04 10:55:19 [Sonarr] Updated ( 1 Items Queued
    2020/05/04 10:55:19 [Radarr] Updated ( 0 Items Queued
    2020/05/04 10:55:19 [Sonarr] Completed item still waiting: My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS, no extractable files found at: /data/completed/My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS
    2020/05/04 10:55:19 [Unpackerr] Queue: [1 waiting] [0 queued] [0 extracting] [0 extracted] [0 imported] [0 failed] [0 deleted], Totals: [0 restarts] [0 finished]


    Sonarr config : 



    Unpackerr config : 





    Not sure what the red file name means. Maybe that's my problem? 

  5. Thanks for this tool. I can't find docker-compose on my nerd tools. Am I crazy? What am I missing?






    EDIT : It looks like maybe it was removed? Tracing back this thread, I installed python3, python-pip, python-setuptools and libffi and then went to console and pip3 install docker-compose and that seems to have installed it?  Does this sound accurate?

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