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  1. A stable version was installed on my box today. This is my first install so I have no idea what I'm doing. When booting to gui I can't read the edges of the screen, because everything important is displayed off screen. This box is hooked up to a 4k tv through hdmi. The tv doesn't have dvi which fixed someone else's issue. my other devices in the house are phones, so until I can setup wifi on the box I can't remote in. In the gui it doesn't appear to give me the option to change eth0 to the wifi adapter. I tried rebooting to console, and got the same issue. I tried xrandr which worked for someone else. I was then greeted with "command not found". Lsmod gives me a useless list where the first 3 characters of everything is cut off. Right now my best option is to disconnect all data drives and hook unraid directly to the internet, then remote in from the phone using mobile data. I still have the option of booting back into windows and adding more things to the usb drive. Any suggestions?
  2. What about a setup with 4 hard drives. 1 solo windows 2 unraid 3 vm1 4 vm2 Under normal use you would boot drive one and have just normal windows. With 2 graphics cards in sli. Then your friend shows up. You say hang on and reboot your system from drive two and unraid splits the GPU's and starts 2 vms. Would you have to open the case and remove the bridge?
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