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Report Comments posted by darthcircuit

  1. 1 hour ago, James_J said:

    how do i enable hughpage?

    i think my VM have performance issue due to the hughpage not enabled.

    i have 256GB of total memory.

    This is the command I ran to allocate the hugepages on my system. I’m using 16gb of ram In numa node 1 so you may need to adjust it for yours. 

    Each page is 2mb by default so I had to allocate 8192 pages to get 16gb of huge pages.

    echo 8192 > /sys/devices/system/node/node1/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages


    You have to do this every time you reboot your server. 

    then just enable hugepages in your xml file for your vm


    25 minutes ago, limetech said:

    Or just be patient - this issue will get resolved very soon.

    I’m happy to wait :) just trying to figure out what the game plan is. 

    EDIT: just read through my last reply and I realized that I came across as rude. Wasn’t meaning to. Sorry about that. I’m just trying to get everything running as best as I can. I appreciate your hard work :) 

  3. 32 minutes ago, bastl said:

    @darthcircuit 3-5fps more or less? come on 🤨 1080ti for 4k as the bare minimum and 60fps in most games on highest settings not even reachable. If you have a high refresh rate monitor and want a good 4k experience, get a 2080ti 😂

    I'll use your argument from before. Why buy new hardware when this works fine for me? I never said I was wanting to use a high refresh rate or even 60fps (although most of the games i play run at that). I just want to game from my couch on my tv smoothly. 3-5 fps isn't much, but it helps. Why should your edge case performance come at the expense of my edge case or vice versa? All I'm asking for is the option. I had the option before.


    If there's a problem with 4.1, just put in a disclaimer when it's selected that there's problems with qcow2. Or just patch 4.0.1 like it was in 3.x so i can fix it myself. Or let me manually update the binary myself. There's lots of solutions to this problem.


  4. 14 minutes ago, david279 said:

    Are you using a AMD GPU? if not you could switch the machine type back to i440fx and that would give you the correct speeds. 

    I'm running an Nvidia 1080ti. I'd prefer to stay on q35 if i can. I haven't done a lot of testing on i440fx, but everything i've been reading from people with my same setup (Threadripper) says i'll get better perf on q35 on my windows VM.


    Even if 4.0.1 was patched to take the <qemu:commandline> option again, that would be better than nothing.

  5. Is there any way of manually updating qemu to 4.1 in RC5 or upcoming builds? I won't be using qcow2, especially compressed. I just pass through the whole controller for my windows 10 vm. Since 4.0.1 doesnt allow me to use the previous patch:


    <qemu:arg value='-global'/>
    <qemu:arg value='pcie-root-port.speed=8'/>
    <qemu:arg value='-global'/>
    <qemu:arg value='pcie-root-port.width=16'/>

    Which means my pcie lanes are only running at 1x speed. That will be a problem.




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