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Posts posted by HynesJeff

  1. I'm not sure who else is having this problem, but the container wont start up on a second run. A workaround is to remove and re-run the container.


    Using the User Scripts plugin, you can create a custom script to fix it and just re-run the script any time it breaks:


    # Ensure image is up to date
    docker pull zurdi15/romm
    # Remove container (expected to fail if container is running)
    docker container rm RomM
    # Re-create docker container
    docker run \
      -d \
      --name='RomM' \
      --net='{DOCKER_NETWORK}' \
      -e TZ="{TIMEZONE}" \
      -e HOST_OS="Unraid" \
      -e 'IGDB_CLIENT_ID'='{CLIENT_ID}' \
      -e 'PGID'='100' \
      -e 'PUID'='99' \
      -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman \
      -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]' \
      -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://github.com/Eurotimmy/unraid-templates/blob/main/RomM/RomM.png?raw=1' \
      -p '8091:8080/tcp' \
      -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/romm/config.yml':'/romm/config.yml':'rw' \
      -v '/mnt/user/roms':'/romm/library':'rw' \
      -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/romm/resources':'/romm/resources':'rw' \
      -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/romm/logs':'/romm/logs':'rw' \
      -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/romm/database':'/romm/database':'rw' \


    All values with curly braces need to be updated to your own configuration, and modify whatever else you need. The volume mapping configs for instance is what I use, but yours might look different.


    I have it set to run at array startup.

  2. Thanks, I fixed it by moving it to /var/log/nextcloud and mapping that to another dir inside .../appdata/nexcloud


    However, now it looks like that data directory contains another file that is being opened; /data/files_external/rootcerts.crt and I can't figure out how to move this. 


    For this i raised a bug: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-nextcloud/issues/309

  3. On 2/5/2023 at 10:02 AM, Roxedus said:

    You just need to restart the container, you can also use the update button in organizr.

    this does not work for me, i've been stuck on what looks like a version from 2 years ago: 2.1.496


    I tried clicking update now, and going to updates and clicking install. Still on the same version


    EDIT: Started over from scratch by running 2 containers side-by-side and re-configuring new one by copying old settings.... Works now.

  4. This just started to happen all of a sudden. I cant start docker or create any files on the FS.


    The mover wont move anything off it....


    Any help is appreciated


    Btw the drive didn't fill up, smart checks all pass. I don't see any hardware problems.


    Its been happening randomly recently but a restart usually fixed it. This time it does not seem to be working. 

  5. how do i continue from a crashed/unfinished move ?


    I tried moving all my data off a disk to encrypt it, and 3/4 of the wya through, the plugin somehow died, had ti disable and re-enable. now most of the data exists on both disks - how do i remove the duplicates and continue where it left off?


    EDIT: Trying to re-run tells me there's not enough space on target disk, so i found that choosing a few subdirs at a time was slow, but worked.

  6. for some reason there is no way for me to see the show log or download the log for the user scripts when i run in the background:


    going to the path in the terminal, can see it:
    /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/ ... /log.txt


    Any ideas?


    Another issue is my drive is only going 5MB/s writes.... seems very slow



  7. On 1/30/2021 at 5:02 PM, skois said:

    I haven't done any benchmarks, i just selected model 4 because from the comparison chart on developers github seems the best.

    haven't tried to do any GPU passthrough, but i would like to, i'm gonna try maybe next week!
    Right now i'm planning some down time, moving server to rack and whole network!

    I was planning also to create a docker with pdlib, but once pdlib goes to stable alpine, LSIO said will include it.
    Right now only if i update the docker or change something needs to reinstall ( i have done some updates to the install script, to check if it is instailled before install it)

    Here is the updated script

    if [ ! -f $FLAG ]; then
      apk add --no-cache --upgrade make cmake gcc g++ php7-dev libx11-dev openblas-dev re2c
      rm -rf dlib pdlib
      git clone https://github.com/davisking/dlib.git
      cd dlib/dlib
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ..
      sudo make install
      cd /
      git clone https://github.com/goodspb/pdlib.git
      cd pdlib
      PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig ./configure
      sudo make install
      rm -rf /dlib /pdlib
    #  touch $FLAG
      echo "Already run of 1st boot. Delete /config/firstboot.log to run again on next boot"


    this doesn't seem to work for me - any ideas? UI still says "The library pdlib is not available."



  8. been getting this error:

    NO LOG FILE! - [] Failed to up file descriptor limit Operation not permitted
    NO LOG FILE! - [] setting up server logging...
    [2022-01-22 12:18:20:702 INFO] Starting Server
    [2022-01-22 12:18:20:702 INFO] Version
    [2022-01-22 12:18:20:702 INFO] Session ID 1afaab32-b2fe-4518-9117-b7bee205e37d
    [2022-01-22 12:18:20:702 INFO] Level Name: Family Server
    [2022-01-22 12:18:20:703 INFO] Game mode: 0 Survival
    [2022-01-22 12:18:20:703 INFO] Difficulty: 1 EASY
    [2022-01-22 12:18:21:823 INFO] opening worlds/Family Server/db
    [2022-01-22 12:18:21:823 ERROR] DBStorage chain is invalid. Possibly encryption-related, or bad DBStorageConfig passed. Reason: Unable to decipher/decrypt LevelDB.
    [2022-01-22 12:18:21:834 ERROR] Network port occupied, can't start server.


    Edit: NVM... looks like a corrupt world :(

  9. On 8/4/2021 at 10:36 AM, itimpi said:

    Have you checked that none of the ‘appdata’ share is on the main array?   If it is that would explain such a huge difference.

    my appdata is set to cache only but i just confirmed there are no appdata directories on any of my array drives, only on my ssd cache drive.


    On 8/4/2021 at 10:44 AM, comet424 said:



    have you also noticed  that Docker and VMs are completely slow on the top tabs   its like the SSDs goto sleep after a given amount of time and you gotta wait for them to spin up even though they are a SSD  they act like a spinner

    so clicking a Docker or a VM  takes about 10 seconds to populate give or take.  on a 3500 or a 7000 nvme like it was a spinner drive but once running   its quick

    no one in the forums could answer it. its still and un answered question i asked multiple times..so i wrote the tech support unraid to ask...  about the slowness and the slowness of 3500 and 7000mb/s nvmes  unraid  cant reach those speeds seems to be capped around 2500 and may spike to 3000 at the end of a Disk speed test..  so i asked them as no one could answer it in the forums

    i wonder if that would solve the issue..   if i change it from /mnt/user/appdata  to /mnt/cache/appdata    as all my appdata is on the cache but it will go to sleep and i asked this question for a couple years now


    i think i may have to try.. see if this would help mine..

    What do you mean by "top tabs"? Are you referring to the unraid UI?

  10. its been almost a year but I finally found the root cause to this (Been dealing with random crashes since)


    All my docker containers used /mnt/user/appdata - i have a lot of containers, and plex being one of them


    Changing them all to /mnt/cache/appdata not only hugely improved the performance of unraid and my docker containers (and plex from locking up/crashing), but it stopped unraid from crashing!!!!


    So in conclusion, unraid was crashing unraid. Nothing hardware related at all.



    And for anyone that is skeptical:

    # time find /mnt/user/appdata | wc -l
    real    0m33.611s
    user    0m0.842s
    sys     0m7.161s


    # time find /mnt/cache/appdata | wc -l
    real    0m0.770s
    user    0m0.178s
    sys     0m0.635s


    33.6 seconds vs 0.77 seconds... the difference is HUGE

  11. its been almost a year but I finally found the root cause to this (Been dealing with random crashes since)


    All my docker containers used /mnt/user/appdata - i have a lot of containers, and plex being one of them


    Changing them all to /mnt/cache/appdata not only hugely improved the performance of unraid and my docker containers (and plex from locking up/crashing), but it stopped unraid from crashing!!!!


    So in conclusion, unraid was crashing unraid. Nothing hardware related at all.


    I suspect the speed of my SSD (sabrent rocket 4.0), the number of files i have in appdata, my plex directory, and sheer size of my media library overloaded it somehow.

  12. Let me start off by saying I went through https://forums.unraid.net/topic/37579-need-help-read-me-first/

    Because my server is crashing i cant retrieve a diagnostics file from the looks of it. Fix Common Problems is reporting this:

    Your server has detected hardware errors. You should install mcelog via the NerdPack plugin, post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the unRaid forums. The output of mcelog (if installed) has been logged

    however I cannot run it as when I do:

    mcelog: ERROR: AMD Processor family 23: mcelog does not support this processor. Please use the edac_mce_amd module instead. CPU is unsupported

    Google turns up nothing but dead ends for the above to be able to run edac_mce_amd .... 

    The post mentions a Troubleshooting Mode in Fix Common Problems but I don't see it and there's no trace of config/logs/syslog.txt on the flash drive.


    I've been getting these crashes quite often (about every other week or so) all my hardware in my server is basically brand new besides some older drives in the array.


    Anyone have any suggestions for how I could troubleshoot this?

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