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Posts posted by DiniMuetter

  1. Hello all
    I could need some help. Did I do it correct?

    I asume the mount script is not fully correct. i have copied id from my windows Intel NUC.

    rclone mount --allow-other --allow-non-empty --cache-db-purge --buffer-size 32M --use-mmap --drive-chunk-size 32M  --timeout 1h  --vfs-cache-mode full --vfs-read-chunk-size 128M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit 1G gcrypt:/ t:


    Feel free to adjust the mount comand.

    Thank you


  2. Hello all
    Can someone explain me, what is prevent Radarr from changing not only the path where the movie is stored during the import, because the video files itself are not getting renamed, based on my naming settings. Everythings works fine, when Radarr finds a movie via Indexer:

    1. find the movie via Indexer, 2. Download via Sabnzb, 3. move files to the correct folder, 4. rename it, 5. delete the completed history in sabnzb. 6. sends signal to Plex Media Server to update the folder.


    I have to change the naming one by one. Is there a function to mass change the file naming (batch function)?




  3. Hello everyone.

    I am completely new in to this stuff, so please be patience with me.

    My goal is to have a powerfull Plex Media Server!

    Some specs about the server:

    • Maximum content resolution would be 1080p, there is no demand for higher (also not in the future)
    • Maximum of 50 users would have acces to the server.
    • Estimated maximum simultaneously streams ca. 15 users (ca. 5-10 of these would be transcoding)
    • 1Gbit/s Up- & Download via Fiber Internet
    • 2 HDD`s would be redudant.


    I expect to run the following Aplications in Docker.

    • Plex Media Server
    • Sonarr
    • Radarr
    • OMBI
    • Tautulli
    • SABnzbd


    These are my components:


    The hardware is already mounted in the case and ready to run. But I never used a RAID before and I am also completely new in to such kind of OS.

    I am not planning to change anything on the hardeware for the next 4-5 years. It will take me a while to reach the storage capacity of 60-80TB.



    1. Am I able to run the raid controller under UnRaid? Because I didn`t saw any support of the OS on the official homepage
    2. Should I really use the Raid 6 option with the hardware raid controller?
      Because the hardware raind controller are somehow the oposit off, the OS function. Do I understand that correctly?
      I heard from friends that having such a "powerfull" hardware Raid controller is much better than a software raid solution. So what is true?
    3. Depending on the above answers: Which OS should I use for my purpose? FreeNAS, NASfree, UnRaid, Openmediavault? I am totally confused.
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