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MKIV Surfer

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Posts posted by MKIV Surfer

  1. 7 hours ago, dlandon said:

    That would be a good idea.  Honestly I am at a loss, Linux thinks the drive is mounted, but by all indications, it's not.


    Before you do that, remove the disklocation-master plugin.  And try again,

    Thank you for your help. After uninstalling dislocation and uninstalling the disk, it still didn't work. We'll just chalk it up as unfixable. I might try plugging it into my sata to USB adapter and see if that works. Thanks for all the help.

  2. 4 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Has this just started to be a problem, or has it always been  a problem?


    Try one more command for me:

    mount | grep /dev/sdk


    I have had UD installed for quite some time but just never got around to using it, so these drives have just been sitting there in the plugin but have never used it.  So not sure if its been a problem or not because I just now was looking to use it.



    I wonder if I can shutdown, unplug the drive and restart the tower.  Then replug the drive back in or would that not do anything?


  3. 5 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Linux does not think the disk is mounted, so I don't quite get what is happening.


    One last request.  Post a screen shot of the UD page.  Is this a USB disk?


    Next response I'll have some ideas for you to solve this.

    One is a USB drive and one is a Sata.  The Sata (hitachi) is the one not working.



    Also, the check mark is not blue for the Hitachi drive either to run file system check.  But I'm assuming that is because it has trouble finding it.

  4. 3 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Post diagnostics so I can have a look.  Normally that is from the situation I described to you.


    Also show me the output from the 'mount' command from the command line.


    Again, thank you for helping me so quickly.  I have attached the diagnostics for you and here is the results of the 'mount' command.




  5. 7 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Uninstalling and re-installing UD doesn't do anything.  I see users try this all the time and it never works to fix problems.


    Most likely what you've done is to try a copy when the disk wasn't mounted and you created a mount point folder.  Get into a command line and do this command 'ls /mnt/disks/' and see if the '/mnt/disks/MN1240FA14K9LD' folder is there.  If it is there, run this command 'rm -R /mnt/disks/MN1240FA14K9LD'.  Then you should be able to mount the disk,

    Thank you for the quick reply.  I saw that on another thread and tried that.  This is all I get when doing that.  I'm assuming because I don't have any disks mounted in UD.


  6. I am trying to mount a few drives to and everytime I try to mount the drives I get the following error in device log:


    Jan 22 11:46:06 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount of 'sdk1' failed: 'mount: /mnt/disks/MN1240FA14K9LD: /dev/sdk1 already mounted or mount point busy. '


    I have tried uninstalling Unassigned Drives and reinstalling but still receive the same error.  Seems like the mount is stuck somewhere and I cannot remove.  Any help would be appreciated.


    I see the +sdk1 file in /dev folder.  Should I delete that or need to go another route?



    I am just trying to use Midnight Commander to copy files from the drive to my array.  Thanks for your help.

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