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Posts posted by jkingeek

  1. 15 hours ago, dlandon said:

    You have to set up and test the Zoneminder email inside the Docker with the Docker cli, not the unRAID cli.


    to get into the docker from the unRAID cli:

    docker exec -it Zoneminder bash

    Then test your email.

    Ok, I knew it had to be something along those lines... I got logged into the docker and can send test email manually but when I set up a filter to email on an event (which I'm not sure I did correctly) I get the following message in the syslog inside the docker:


    Dec  5 22:15:45 aeb2d1aae291 zmfilter[601]: ERR [Can't send email: SMTP Failed to connect to mail server: Connection refused
     at /usr/bin/zmfilter.pl line 817.]


  2. I took a second look... I figured out why it wasn't working after I re-installed the docker.  my /var/cache/zoneminder was mapped to the wrong folder.  Still not sure why it broke during the update though.  Does the update try to change the /var/cache/zoneminder mapping to a default or something?  Mine is mapped to /mnt/cache/.apps/zoneminder/data   when I reinstalled it wanted to default map it to /mnt/cache/appdata/zoneminder/data



  3. Updating the docker is all you have to do.  What did you upgrade from?  Another Zoneminder docker?

    Just upgraded your docker. Just reinstalled your docker to and it doesn't seem to be working.... events show as "new event" seconds =0 frames are null/null and score is 0/0.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I applied the latest update a few days ago when it popped up... everything "seemed" to go ok.  I could see live video again after the upgrade however all events showed up as null length etc.   I can't play any of them...  I'm just going to reinstall the docker but wondered if I was supposed to upgrade some other way when the updates show up.  I thought I read something in this thread about dlandon getting the updates working.

  5. Unless the disk is mounted before the docker service starts then there is no way that Myth can see it, hence why it is recording inside the container.


    To check go to settings/docker and stop then start the service after you have mounted the disk in Unassigned Devices.


    You da man CHBMB!  I wasted so much time on this.... it's working now, something so simple.

    Thanks 1000x

  6. I really need some help, I've gone over the setup video several times, tried building the docker several times, formatted drives etc...

    My docker mappings do not seem to be taking effect.  I have an 120g SSD drive (unassigned device) which I have formatted (XFS) via unassigned devices and mounted as /mnt/disks/myth


    my docker mappings are:


    /home/mythtv  <->  /mnt/disks/myth

    /db                  <->  /mnt/disks/myth/db

    /var/lib/mythtv <->  /mnt/disks/myth/recordings


    I connect to the docker using guacamole, I configure it, I map the Default storage directory to /var/lib/mythtv/recordings as in the video, I exit the myth config, I click no, I click no, I shutdown the docker, I start the docker.  I check the logs of the mythtv docker but I don't get all the printouts that SB gets in his video.  I can connect to the backend with my kodi, I can see live tv... however, it is recording to INSIDE the docker file.  I can not get the mappings to take effect.  When I open mythweb and check status it shows the disk as about 8gig. 


    Maybe I've been staring at this from the same angle for too long, I need some ideas.... thanks.

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