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Posts posted by twopossums

  1. On 3/7/2022 at 10:13 PM, JonathanM said:

    Do you have a flash backup? The flash drive has your saved templates.


    The appdata and docker.img should still be where you left them, but without templates it's a little more difficult to get them running unless you remember any deviations from the standard template that was downloaded with the container.

    there was a backup somewhere in appdata. When I redownloaded the dockers everything was there.  I just had to point all the download folders to the correct place again.


  2. I recently had my usb drive die on me.  I replaced that.  Got it registered and now I'm trying to assign my drives.  I wasn't sure which was the parity drive so I mounted all the drives to see which one wouldn't mount and selected that as the parity drive.  Now I think it thinks that I'm supposed to have more drives than I do.  That I'm supposed to have 4 plus a parity drive not 3 plus a parity drive.   It says its an invalid configuration. 

    Also (I think I did this right) I added a pool and then selected my ssd drive as the cache device. 


    When I try to start the array it says 'Stopped. Invalid configuration.'


    I'm not sure what to do at this point.  All the tutorials I find stop at how to replace the usb and don't go into re-selecting the drives.



  3. 19 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    Your entire issue this whole time has been not understanding path mapping.


    I'm sorry.  Was I unclear that I'm an idiot?  LOL. 


    Ok that seemed to be the problem.  I think what through me so much was this was all part of a larger break down of my whole system.  Everything had been working fine for months so when I corrected my cache being full most everything went back to normal but it seemed like everyday there was some new problem that lead me to believe there was some sort of underlying problem that I wasn't finding.  I had deleted my docker at one point and I guess when I restored it didn't didn't restore all my settings.  I feel like I'm playing wack a mole lately with a system that had worked fine. 


    My latest problem is some videos aren't playing that were playing before.  I'll figure that out though.


    Thank you for the help. 

  4. Everything is still listed under Activity queue so I guess Sonarr doesn't now how to move them. 

    There is nothing in /media/downloads/ complete and incomplete folders.

    I thought Sonarr was supposed to rename the 'weird' files. 


    edit.  I found them.  under /media/appdata/data/complete.   ???  WTH?  How did they end up there???  They should be downloading to /media/downloads.  How do I change that?


    edit 2.  I see why.  Under Sabnzbd I can't select the media folder.  But I can see it under Krusader. Maybe I lost some sort of permissions or something? 


  5. Hmm.  Ok so under Sonarr I just tried to add a random new show just to try out downloading (everything else was up to date).  The path is set to /media/The Other One (2020).   When I click on path all the tv show folders are listed under /media not /media/tv shows. 



    I set an episode to download.  Download successful. 


    It's nowhere to be found.  Can't find it under Krusader, doesn't show up in Plex.  It's not under the TV show share. 

    I don't think I can create a TV Show folder under media because there is already one there. 




    Hopefully these screen shots are helpful.  ;-)


    Is there something other than Krusader I should be using?  That's just what spaceinvaderone was using. 

  6. Just to make sure I understand.  Under edit container the hosts paths should be /mnt/user/downloads and /mnt/user/TV Shows.  Then when actually in sonarr set the path to /media.

    The path was actually set to /media when I got everything working again.  That's when I noticed the problem it was just saving all the new episodes under under media and not putting them in the folder TV Shows. 


    Sonarr message under health -   Missing root folder: /media/TV Shows


    Under Krusader I can't open root to see what's there. 

  7. I recently have some problems with my Unraid.  Basically the cache filled up and started causing errors all over the place.  Once I finally got the mover to move the files off cache things mostly returned to normal.  I still have one problem. 


    I can't seem to access the folders under /mnt.  Sonarr and Radarr and just downloading files and placing them under the media folder. I can't seem to get Sonarr or Radarr to see the tv and movie folders under /mnt.  I can change the Container Path of /media to /mnt/user/TV Shows/ but that doesn't seem to change anything and when in the webui for sonarr or radarr when i try to change the pat and choose /mnt nothing is under there. 


    I also tried going under tools-new permissions selecting all and start as I saw that suggested.


    I attached some screen shots and my diagnostic. 


    No Mnt.PNG



  8. Ok I think I've got it working.  So far so good. 

    So I set that one share to use cache yes.  The mover didn't do anything while I was at work.  So I set everything to share and also a few of the files might have been being shared on my DC++ program.  Certainly not all only one of those folders in Stuff was even available to be shared.  But maybe one file was holding everything up.  Ran mover again and it moved everything.  Docker was still acting weird.  So i deleted my docker.  Disabled docker the system then re-enabled docker then reinstalled my containers.  Now everything seems to work.


    The only glitch seems to be that both Sonarr and Radarr are saving files one folder up from where they are supposed to.  Meaning they are saving files to media and not movies or tv shows.  I you know a quick fix for that, that would be helpful otherwise I can go through the whole set up for sabzbd again because I can't find where you set that up. 


    Thank you for all your help.


  9. Maybe I'm not finding the right help text.  I read the unraid wiki for cache.  I think I've done everything that I'm supposed to do there.


    I think I see why you asked me what my stuff folder was.  When I look at what's on my cache there are tons of files from it that never got moved to there proper place.  I had that share set to prefer use cache but I've now set it to 'yes' and engaged the mover.  Nothing seems to be happening right away.  I'll leave it to run while I'm at work and see if it moves the files. 


    If not is there a way to manually move these files off the cache?

  10. S--f is just home media files.  I set that to cache prefer no now.  I had everything set to prefer yes before.  My cache does look full.  I clicked to enable the mover multiple times and nothing seems to change. 


    Like I said I deleted the docker.  I actually did it three times before it seemed to start working.  I think the trick there was restarting the server before reenabling the docker.  Things worked ok for about half an hour then sabzbd started to throw errors and stop downloading. 


  11. Deleting the docker image didn't seem to fix anything.  I went to settings-docker-enable docker- no.  Then delete image.  Then re-enable docker.  Then I tried to add container.  I tried plex and sonarr.  Both won't install.  They give error.

    Error: failed to register layer: ApplyLayer exit status 1 stdout: stderr: archive/tar: invalid tar header

  12. Yeah.  Changing it to 40 was something I saw suggested so I tried it.   Didn’t fix anything.  It had been set to 20.  So if my docker image is corrupt do I just delete everything and start over?   What should I do now.  Clean install of unraid?

  13. I've been using Unraid for several months now with no problems but a day or so ago I started getting several errors.  First Sonarr and Plex both had updates pending.  When I tried to do them they got hung up over and over and wouldn't finish.  Then they disappeared from the docker.  I reinstalled them but then couldn't launch their webui.  When I could get Plex to open it stopped matching movies and Sonarr wouldn't download anything new.  I tried deleting the docker image.  Then reinstalled everything but now Sabznbd won't download saying the disk is full.  Plex also seems to have lost its transcoding ability. 


    My system log is showing a lot of loop: Write error at byte offset 3722473472, length 4096. and print_req_error: I/O error, dev loop3, sector 7271136.  I'm not sure what that means. 


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