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Posts posted by xflo4444

  1. On 2/28/2021 at 7:39 PM, ich777 said:

    Sorry wasn't clear enough in my previous answer.

    You should be able to connect to the server via the Steam Server Browser with 'YOURINTERNALIPOFDELUGEVPN:2457' if you also created a port entry for the ports UDP 2456-2458 in your delugevpn template.


    Sorry I really can't help with that and I'm also not sure if this is possible via a VPN because you have to physically open the ports for the IP address that you are connected through and then can connect with the 'VPNPUBLICIP:2457' with the Steam Server Browser.


    Really don't know much about PIA and if this is possible through there services.

    Have you shared other services through the VPN that are accessible from the internet?

    I will try to route another docker through delugevpn for testing.
    But I guess I'll have to wait till we get a proper internet connection.

    I'm pretty much a newbie to the whole network topic 🙁

    But thx nevertheless for trying to help me! 👍

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  2. 2 hours ago, ich777 said:

    That is indeed a good question. I think you can or at least have routed the traffic through correctly but please keep in mind that I don't think that is possible to connect to the Container since you have to open the ports on the public IP address from your VPN so that someone actually can connect through it.


    I guess i have to open the ports as you said. Are those the ports of the pia vpn?

    The ports of my binhex delugevpn all seem to be closed. Of course the bittorrent services still works, but it's not perfect...

    As far as i understand you need some scripts to open pia ports if you are not using their official apps.

    Maybe this is possible with a virtual VPN router like spaceinvader one has shown in one of his videos?

  3. Hi guys, does anyone know how to route the valheim gameserver docker through a vpn container?


    I am stuck to mobile broadband, so I can't foward my ports. But I heard it should be possible if the gameserver is routed through a vpn that supports port fowarding.

    My binhex-delugevpn is running fine with Private Internet Access, thx to Spaceinvader One ☺️

    But if i try to route the valheim docker through it, it doesn't connect.

    I added the valheim ports 2456-2458 to the delugevpn docker as described in Spaceinvader One's video "How to route any docker container through a VPN container":


    I also set the valheim network to "none" and added "--net=container:binhex-delugevpn" to the extra parameters.


    Is it even possible to route a gameserver through delugevpn?

    If not how can I make the valheim server work with vpn? Do i need to set up a virtual vpn router?


    Any help would be much appreciated 😟


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