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Posts posted by Spaniel

  1. 18 hours ago, jonathanm said:

    Maybe I'm misreading that screen. Do you really only have 2GB of RAM? If so, I'm not sure that's enough any more. It's possible 4GB may be required.


    Ok definitely going to update that. We can close this post for now I got it to boot from the front USB slot so I think it installed.  It's at the tower login. So going to mess with it more tonight after work. Thanks and can close this now.

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  2. 20 hours ago, jonathanm said:

    Since the error seems to reference memory, my first troubleshooting step would be a memory test. Since you say you can't get the Unraid stick to boot without UEFI, I'd recommend downloading and running memtest86 from www.memtest86.com

    Ok did that like you said. I'm going to put in bigger hard drives but wanted to try and get unraid installed first to make sure it's worth it. Here was my results anything you see???




  3. I have a Dell t310 server that I am having trouble installing via USB. I can't get it to boot via the USB stick. So I tried to boot via uefi and I get the following error. Anyone have a suggestion as this is my first time trying to use unraid.  


    Also I have tried with the uefi checked and not checked when I made my USB stick.



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