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Posts posted by ViproXX

  1. On 9/11/2020 at 10:56 AM, Fudd79 said:

    OK, this thread needs some corrective input...


    The default ownership of /dev/dri/renderD128 is root:render, with a ug=rw permission.

    The Linuxserver.io Plex-container supports running as a specific user/group. Use that functionality!
    Add the user you run the container as to the render group.


    There is absolutely no need to change ownership or permissions on a system-device.


    Also worth noting: Using an nVidia consumer GPU to transcode imposes an artificial limitation of a maximum of two concurrent transcodes. This is hardcoded into the nVidia driver. Intel QuickSync has no such limitations.

    nVidia Quadro cards can do more parallel streams, use this list as a guide: https://www.elpamsoft.com/?p=Plex-Hardware-Transcoding

    Heya Fudd,


    as the linuxserver.io plex-container does not use any gpu (2 gpus in system) I'm looking for everything that might hint at what could help. This is the first time I read about running containers as specific users. As I understand unraid has "just" the user root, and thats it. Could you elaborate or point to a source for more information on this?

    Thanks a lot,


    Edit: all 'easy' things have been checked, I stubbed my nvidia-gpu vor VM use and want plex to use the igpu (i7-4xxx processor) as it did before I used a plugin to install nvidia drivers. now the plugin is depreciated and I can't change back. yes, modprobe i915 is in my go file...

    /dev/dri# ls
    by-path/  card0  card1  renderD128  renderD129

  2. I used the Plug-In "User Scripts" to put the drives only the VM uses to standby and to issue the nvidia-smi -pm 1 command. This is quite handy and works, although I have to trigger the script manually (in the Unraid-GUI) after shutting down the VM. One could set a schedule with cron for that, thou.


    Stay healthy!

  3. On 10/22/2019 at 9:17 AM, ph0b0s101 said:

    Hi Octa,


    so it seems that it helps to save some watts in idle without passthrough the gpu to vm. So I try to find a possibility to script the command after shutting down the vm. When I am succesful with that, I let you know.

    Hey, did you find a possibility to automate to power down the graphics card after shutting down the VM?




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