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Posts posted by ThatNewb

  1. I was able to passthrough my dedicated gpu via uninstalling the vnc display driver and then passing through the dedicated gpu. That worked without problem now. Apparently there was conflict when having both.


    For the igpu passthrough I gave up for now. Most likely IOMMU group issue but honestly could be others and as such plex was installed as docker.


    I couldn't get plex to use my igpu even with it being seen in unraid but was solved finally when having to direct the device path. Put it in the plex preferences.xml

    ex: HardwareDevicePath="/dev/dri/renderD129"


    Hope this helps others who are having issues down the road.


  2. On 12/7/2022 at 7:27 PM, gehenna said:

    I don't think you need to group your PCI Bridge in the IOMMU GPU group.  Try removing that and rebooting

    I set the PCIe ACS override to downstream and it split the group so the AMD gpu and sound is by itself in it's own IOMMU group now. However, it still does not start up. The server seems to hang after trying to load the rom and since no rom is given it skips. After that it does nothing.

    also if I set it as multi-function or both it will not boot unless I use csm enable and that disables multi-monitor (setting that allows both igpu and dedicated gpu to be used at same time) which I assume is needed to passthrough igpu to the vm.


  3. the igpu when started shows the following.



    river":"virtio-blk-pci","bus":"pci.0","addr":"0x5","drive":"libvirt-1-format","id":"virtio-disk2","bootindex":1,"write-cache":"on"}' \
    -netdev tap,fd=37,id=hostnet0 \
    -device '{"driver":"virtio-net","netdev":"hostnet0","id":"net0","mac":"52:54:00:2e:35:a4","bus":"pci.0","addr":"0x4"}' \
    -chardev pty,id=charserial0 \
    -device '{"driver":"isa-serial","chardev":"charserial0","id":"serial0","index":0}' \
    -chardev socket,id=charchannel0,fd=35,server=on,wait=off \
    -device '{"driver":"virtserialport","bus":"virtio-serial0.0","nr":1,"chardev":"charchannel0","id":"channel0","name":"org.qemu.guest_agent.0"}' \
    -device '{"driver":"usb-tablet","id":"input0","bus":"usb.0","port":"1"}' \
    -audiodev '{"id":"audio1","driver":"none"}' \
    -device '{"driver":"vfio-pci","host":"0000:00:02.0","id":"hostdev0","bus":"pci.0","addr":"0x2"}' \
    -device '{"driver":"vfio-pci","host":"0000:00:1f.3","id":"hostdev1","bus":"pci.0","addr":"0x6"}' \
    -sandbox on,obsolete=deny,elevateprivileges=deny,spawn=deny,resourcecontrol=deny \
    -msg timestamp=on
    char device redirected to /dev/pts/6 (label charserial0)
    2022-12-07T23:30:31.701076Z qemu-system-x86_64: -device {"driver":"vfio-pci","host":"0000:00:02.0","id":"hostdev0","bus":"pci.0","addr":"0x2"}: IGD device 0000:00:02.0 has no ROM, legacy mode disabled
    2022-12-07T23:30:31.701300Z qemu-system-x86_64: -device {"driver":"vfio-pci","host":"0000:00:1f.3","id":"hostdev1","bus":"pci.0","addr":"0x6"}: vfio 0000:00:1f.3: group 9 is not viable
    Please ensure all devices within the iommu_group are bound to their vfio bus driver.

  4. update:

    I updated my bios Asus prime b560 plus to bios 1601. It allowed me to throughput he dedicated gpu without crashing unraid when it fails to boot. The igpu still causes unraid to crash.

    The dedicated gpu log has the following error.


    2022-12-07T23:27:22.026621Z qemu-system-x86_64: kvm_set_user_memory_region: KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION failed, slot=7, start=0xc804300000000000, size=0x10000000: Invalid argument
    kvm_set_phys_mem: error registering slot: Invalid argument
    2022-12-07 23:27:22.486+0000: shutting down, reason=crashed


  5. So I decided to try to passthrough an igpu but it causes unraid ui to crash. I'm not able to access vms, dashboard, and a few other areas but ultimately unable to access the unraid gui completely. I'm able to access the actual shares on other PC etc. The VM also doesn't successfully start. The only way to solve the hanging problem is to force restart via holding the power button. (having auto-start vm and server was a nightmare as safemode did not stop vm autostart)


    Later put in my amd gpu and it does the same thing when trying to passthrough.

    I tried to follow spaceinvader's gpu passthrough guide later and found that my gpu (while it shows up in the form view) doesn't show up in the xml view. GPU has 01:00.0 and XML is below (maybe I missed it?). The igpu has 00:02.01 which I can't find in the xml either.


    I then took a look at the IOMMU group and wasn't sure if the grouping was causing the issue. Take a look please?


    I enabled in the bios multimonitor so that the igpu and the dedicated gpu are both active and why both are here but it did not make a difference when multimonitor was off.


    Thank you for reading.




    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <domain type='kvm'>
      <name>Server 2.0</name>
        <vmtemplate xmlns="unraid" name="Windows 10" icon="windows.png" os="windows10"/>
      <memory unit='KiB'>16777216</memory>
      <currentMemory unit='KiB'>16777216</currentMemory>
      <vcpu placement='static'>18</vcpu>
        <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='1'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='11'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='2' cpuset='2'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='3' cpuset='12'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='4' cpuset='3'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='5' cpuset='13'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='6' cpuset='4'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='7' cpuset='14'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='8' cpuset='5'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='9' cpuset='15'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='10' cpuset='6'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='11' cpuset='16'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='12' cpuset='7'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='13' cpuset='17'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='14' cpuset='8'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='15' cpuset='18'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='16' cpuset='9'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='17' cpuset='19'/>
        <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-5.1'>hvm</type>
        <loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi.fd</loader>
        <hyperv mode='custom'>
          <relaxed state='on'/>
          <vapic state='on'/>
          <spinlocks state='on' retries='8191'/>
          <vendor_id state='on' value='none'/>
      <cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none' migratable='on'>
        <topology sockets='1' dies='1' cores='9' threads='2'/>
        <cache mode='passthrough'/>
      <clock offset='localtime'>
        <timer name='hypervclock' present='yes'/>
        <timer name='hpet' present='no'/>
        <disk type='file' device='disk'>
          <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback'/>
          <source file='/mnt/cache/domains/Server 2.0/vdisk1.img'/>
          <target dev='hdc' bus='virtio'/>
          <boot order='1'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
        <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
          <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
          <source file='/mnt/user/isos/win10 8-6-2021 use this.iso'/>
          <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
          <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>
        <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
          <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
          <source file='/mnt/user/isos/virtio-win-0.1.160-1.iso'/>
          <target dev='hdb' bus='ide'/>
          <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='1'/>
        <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-ehci1'>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x7'/>
        <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci1'>
          <master startport='0'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
        <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci2'>
          <master startport='2'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x1'/>
        <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci3'>
          <master startport='4'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x2'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'/>
        <controller type='ide' index='0'>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
        <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
        <interface type='bridge'>
          <mac address='52:54:00:2e:35:a4'/>
          <source bridge='br0'/>
          <model type='virtio-net'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
        <serial type='pty'>
          <target type='isa-serial' port='0'>
            <model name='isa-serial'/>
        <console type='pty'>
          <target type='serial' port='0'/>
        <channel type='unix'>
          <target type='virtio' name='org.qemu.guest_agent.0'/>
          <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
        <input type='tablet' bus='usb'>
          <address type='usb' bus='0' port='1'/>
        <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
        <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
        <audio id='1' type='none'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/>
        <memballoon model='none'/>




    IOMMU group 0:[8086:9b33] 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Comet Lake-S 6c Host Bridge/DRAM Controller (rev 05)


    IOMMU group 1:[8086:1901] 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 6th-10th Gen Core Processor PCIe Controller (x16) (rev 05)

    [1002:6810] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Curacao XT / Trinidad XT [Radeon R7 370 / R9 270X/370X]

    [1002:aab0] 01:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Oland/Hainan/Cape Verde/Pitcairn HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 7000 Series]


    IOMMU group 2:[8086:9bc5] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation CometLake-S GT2 [UHD Graphics 630] (rev 05)


    IOMMU group 3:[8086:43ed] 00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H USB 3.2 Gen 2x1 xHCI Host Controller (rev 11)

    Bus 001 Device 001 Port 1-0 ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

    Bus 001 Device 002 Port 1-8 ID 0b05:19af ASUSTek Computer, Inc. AURA LED Controller

    Bus 001 Device 003 Port 1-9 ID 05e3:0610 Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub

    Bus 001 Device 004 Port 1-9.1 ID 0951:1666 Kingston Technology DataTraveler 100 G3/G4/SE9 G2/50

    Bus 002 Device 001 Port 2-0 ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub

    [8086:43ef] 00:14.2 RAM memory: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H Shared SRAM (rev 11)


    IOMMU group 4:[8086:43e8] 00:15.0 Serial bus controller: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H Serial IO I2C Controller #0 (rev 11)


    IOMMU group 5:[8086:43e0] 00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H Management Engine Interface (rev 11)


    IOMMU group 6:[8086:43d2] 00:17.0 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Device 43d2 (rev 11)

    [1:0:0:0] disk ATA CT1000BX500SSD1 030 /dev/sdb 1.00TB

    [2:0:0:0] disk ATA WDC WD140EDGZ-11 0A85 /dev/sdc 14.0TB

    [3:0:0:0] disk ATA WDC WD120EDAZ-11 0A81 /dev/sdd 12.0TB

    [4:0:0:0] disk ATA WDC WD120EMFZ-11 0A81 /dev/sde 12.0TB

    [6:0:0:0] disk ATA WDC WD20EZRX-00D 0A80 /dev/sdf 2.00TB


    IOMMU group 7:[8086:43bc] 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H PCI Express Root Port #5 (rev 11)


    IOMMU group 8:[8086:43b0] 00:1d.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H PCI Express Root Port #9 (rev 11)


    IOMMU group 9:[8086:4387] 00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Device 4387 (rev 11)

    [8086:f0c8] 00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Device f0c8 (rev 11)

    [8086:43a3] 00:1f.4 SMBus: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H SMBus Controller (rev 11)

    [8086:43a4] 00:1f.5 Serial bus controller: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H SPI Controller (rev 11)

    [8086:15fa] 00:1f.6 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (14) I219-V (rev 11)


  6. It's amazing what sleep and playing around does.


    how to solve for other people if they stumble on this:


    1. add vm

    2. select same type of vm

    3. change primary vdisk location from auto to manual. navigate to the .img file of your VM


    • Like 1
  7. So I recently upgraded and had "fun" with bios problem and UEFI/bios booting.


    upon getting unraid to boot I had completely forgot about enabling virtualization.


    I tried starting up the vm and the kvm error popped up and upon clicking out of the error the VM vanished. I can still see the .img file of the VM but can't actually start it.


    Any ideas?

  8. I recently upgraded server and everything was working fine. I booted unraid up in GUI mode before  putting it back in the corner. It booted up fine and I removed the gpu from it. I then tried booting it again but then nothing came up.


    Upon looking at the bios boot options I only see the UEFI boot option on my flash drive which boots me into the bios and nothing after that. I thought maybe something was with the USB as it showed same thing on my desktop in the bios.


    I decided to make a test Unraid usb with a trial account and upon looking in the bios it also didn't show up.


    Is there a setting in the bios to make unraid boot viewable and bootable? or am I missing something.


    Bios is Asus uefi on both the server and main desktop although one is intel and other is amd.


    Thanks for your time.



    Update. By enabling csm it boots off the USB just fine and works great but for some reason as soon as I remove the gpu it doesn't work anymore.
    Upon putting the gpu back to check the bios it had reset the csm to disabled. Any ideas?

  9. I found this on the wiki


    Add CPU scaling for AMD systems

    Problem: You have AMD CPU's and on the Dashboard, your CPU speeds never drop below their maximum. That means you are always using higher power, even when not needed (increasing your electric bill).

    Suggested fix: Add the line below to the config/go file; you can also run it right now at a command prompt

    modprobe powernow_k8



    where is the config/go file location?


  10. cpu fx-8320.
    mobo- sabertooth 990fx r2.0


    Your CPU is running constantly at 100% and will not throttle down when its idle (to save heat / power). This is because there is currently no CPU Scaling Driver Installed.


    the above is from the fix common problems plugin


    My server uses about 170 watt constantly. regardless of actual cpu load.

    The motherboard setting has been set to factory default and checked to see that power saving has been enabled. (as far as I know)



    Any ideas?



  11. On 4/6/2021 at 4:42 AM, spants said:

    how did you update? Was it the docker container or inside the docker container (which you shouldn't do)?.


    My template pulls down the official docker container with no changes. If there are bugs with Pi-hole, please log them at https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues or https://pi-hole.net/


    I clicked update all for all my modules at once.



    I posted it to pi-hole and it's a known issue.


    this seems to be the suggested fix



    though I'm unsure how to actually do it lol

    • Like 1
  12. not sure if this is the correct place to post possible bugs for unraid-pihole or pi-hole itself as I'm not sure what's the issue



    upon updating to

    Pi-hole v5.2.4

    Web Interface v5.4

    FTL v5.7


    when pi-hole restarts the dns server automatically resets to google dns. I had set it as cloudflare. Tested a 2nd time and it reverted back to google. Unsure if I'm the only one with the issue as I have not seen it posted with a simple google search. The issue seems to only happen with restart.  Changing DNS and clicking save seems to set the DNS to the one you want.

  13. On 10/17/2020 at 6:38 PM, Shadz said:

    Hiya, I'm having the same dilemma - Windows qbittorrent has more features and is easier to use than the WebGUI (which is required by docker). And then I'd want Plex running somewhere, but not sure where to put it.


    LIke you, I'm thinking of just running everything in the Windows VM to share resources etc. In my particular case, I don't ever see myself transcoding while I'm using the VM for gaming, so there shouldn't be any undue effects. It also simplifies my hardware setup - right now, I have a little M2 256GB drive for Unraid cache, but if I were to run Plex in a docker, I'd definitely have to increase that to 500 GB or more.

    I ended up using windows vm. It works well enough for my use case without the added hassle. I just wish there is an easy way to back up VM for obvious reasons.

  14. 21 hours ago, mattfca said:

    just to add a datapoint, I couldn't access the webui after installing fresh through CA


    I deleted and deleted the appdata, then reinstalled through CA, opened logs and saw it was doing a bunch of setup, waited till it was done, then was able to access webui.


    x% of times it must not do the setup correctly, so if you can't access the webui after a fresh install (don't change any setting, it should be bridge) delete the app and appdata folder and try again.

    I couldn't access it for 2 days but since I didn't get any help from the forum so I left it running as I had other things to do. I came back today due to this reply and just tried the web UI and it was working. No idea what is going on at all.



    on a side note. is there a way to get openvpn files onto iphone's openvpn connect app without being on the network? or is there another openvpn app in the appstore that would work?


    edit nvm. It seems I needed to have https:// in front for it to work correctly.

  15. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I just updated to unraid 6.8.1 and updated openvpn-as but now it doesn't work. (unable to connect with phone like before). I also can not pull up the web gui as well. I deleted the open-vpn from the docker and reinstalled but it still doesn't have websui. it simply says unable to connect.


    Also I connected to it right before the server update and docker update just fine. Any ideas what is going on?

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