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Posts posted by Soulflyzz

  1. hello,


    I ran the check in maintenance mode without -n

    this is what I got 


    Phase 1 - find and verify superblock... bad primary superblock - bad CRC in superblock !!! attempting to find secondary superblock... .found candidate secondary superblock... verified secondary superblock... writing modified primary superblock Phase 2 - using internal log - zero log... ERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to be replayed. Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before re-running xfs_repair. If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use the -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair. Note that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount of the filesystem before doing this.

  2. The cause of the issues was a failing power supply on those six drives.

    I powered down the server, replaced the power supply,

    powered the server back up and could see all six drives, 2 were still unmoutable after starting the server.

    stopped the server, removed  the drives from the server hoping to emulate and still said unmoutable after starting it back up.

    Zeroed the 2 drives, stopped the server and have added them back as new drives.


    they are currently rebuilding but still say unmoutable so I will try your recommendations in 24-48 hours when those drive are done rebuilding.

  3. Diagnostics included




    In the last 2 weeks I have had 

    Unmountable disks present:
    Disk 23 • ST6000VN001-2BB186_ZR14744R (sdad)
    Disk 24 • ST6000VN001-2BB186_ZR144E4P (sdah)


    crash I was able to rebuild them and it happened again.


    This also happened to me about 4-6 months ago and I was unable to correct this issue and purchased 4 brand new 6tb disks and started me bunch of my collection over.


    is there anyway someone can look at this and maybe give me an idea of what is going on.


  4. 19 hours ago, ljm42 said:


    Does it help if you set the container to not autostart, then go to Settings -> Docker and disable the Docker service, then enable it?


    That did not work for me.


    The only thing that did work was the step I provided earlier


    On 7/14/2023 at 8:30 AM, Soulflyzz said:

    I was able to correct this issue myself.


    1 - I created a new Plex Docker called "Plex2" then stopped that docker right after creation

    2 - Aimed the original "Plex" docker to that appdata folder fired it up and a new "Plex2" appdata location.

    3 - Fired up "Plex" docked and it ran correctly as if it was a brand new install.

    4 - closed the "Plex" Docker then aimed my original "Plex" appdata folder back to the ordinal "Plex" appdata and it fired up and started working.

    5 - Deleted the Plex2 docker.


    this also happened with Readarr and I was able to get it working the same way.


    Hope this can help someone in the future.


    *edits for spelling errors


    • Like 1
  5. I was able to correct this issue myself.


    1 - I created a new Plex Docker called "Plex2" then stopped that docker right after creation

    2 - Aimed the original "Plex" docker to that appdata folder fired it up and a new "Plex2" appdata location.

    3 - Fired up "Plex" docked and it ran correctly as if it was a brand new install.

    4 - closed the "Plex" Docker then aimed my original "Plex" appdata folder back to the ordinal "Plex" appdata and it fired up and started working.

    5 - Deleted the Plex2 docker.


    this also happened with Readarr and I was able to get it working the same way.


    Hope this can help someone in the future.


    *edits for spelling errors

    • Like 1
  6. Hello,


    Running 6.12.2 with a few dockers clean install from about 2 weeks ago.

    Running Plex and went to add some Extra Perimeters for NVidia GPU pass through and the docker failed the update.


    Now when I try to run plex I get this error, I also get the same error

    Execution error

    Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)


    If I try to Delete it I get this error

    Execution error

    No such container


    I also tried to reboot the server and I got an unclean shutdown and the reboot took forever and did not fix the issue.


    I have attached a log in hope that it will help


    • Upvote 3
  7. I have another question since the restart, I can open a new post if wanted.


    I see in the main dashboard that I have a ZFS bar that I assume is ZFS memory it is pegged at 90 - 100% all the time.
    Is there a way to give it more memory or is this going to be a bottle neck I will continue to struggle with.

  8. Hello,

    Update I follow through with the recommendation i read on the post i linked in the first request.

    the sever boots up and I can get into Unraid GUI with the second option but the server will not load up on local host or the local ip.

    I cannot pull a diagnostic due to not having access to the Unraid menu system unless there is a way for me to do in in the CLI.


    Any direction on how I can get a fully restored Unraid without losing the data on my Array drives would still be helpful.

    And if I'm past the point of no return how to get started from ground 1 would also be helpful.

  9. Hello,


    I am looking to start Fresh-ish with 6.12

    I currently updated and converted my 4 Pool / Cashe drives to ZFS but when I restored the data nothing came back :(

    I am not to worried because my system was becoming a mess and I was wanting a reason to start over.

    How do i go about doing that without losing all my data on my 28 Array drives with 80TB of storage.

    I followed this guide and post 5 but I think I messed up.



  10. 11 hours ago, Gragorg said:

    My swag is no longer working nothing on my end was changed and my log is spamming


    nginx: [emerg] "stream" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/conf.d/stream.conf:3


    Any help would be great.



    I am having this same issue and I have found a temp solution.

    I went into the condole and deleted that file that was crashing the system. Then rebooted swag.

    everything came back online and is working for about 24 hours then that file came back and broke it again.


    have you or anyone sound a cause or solution to this issue yet?


    ***Before anyone spams me I have found the solution by continued reading in this tread.

    Delete if wanted or keep as a reference on please read before you post.

  11. Hello,


    I would love to give my feedback
    I am running a Dell r720 with


    2x Xeon E5-2690 @2.9GHz

    256G of ram

    2060 Super


    I have the steam headless installed n app data on a btrfs cashe only drive

    and steam game folder running off a ntfs unassigned device


    Currently my testing is on Linux supported games only

    Binding of Issacs worked everywhere

    but Half-life 2 will only work when installed on a ntfs drive (Read this hole thread to figure that one out)

    but I still have other "Modern" games that will load then crash 2 examples ate Borderlands 2 and Halo infinite.


    Can anyone supply any idea what might be the cause why they will try to load then just crash?




    with the release of 6.11.0 I feel its time to join the 6.10.3, I am currently on 6.9.2 with no errors.

    I am running Docksocket, update assistant said something about not supporting it on 6.11.0 but it said it should work on 6.10.

    Is this true or should I just stay on 10.9.2 since everything is working perfect and not worth messing anything up?


    Thank you,

  13. Hello,


    Generic question, I am running blakeblackshear/frigate:stable-amd64nvidia and everything is working as I want it to with Frigate.
    But in homeassistantcore (Docker), when I try to Set up a new integration, i add the Frigate info  IP address http://***.***.***.***:5000/ which i use to view Frigate and it comes up with "Failed to connect".


    I have read that the integration requires Version 10.*.* and this docker image is Version 9.*.* has anyone else ran into this issue or is it just me?

    Is there a known solution?


    Also i will add this integration did work at one time before that big update the broke frigate and I had to update the .yaml.


    Sorry if this was long winded but I wanted to supply as much info as I could.

  14. I tries to get this app working as well but failed every time.

    I'm running Unifi pro-4 Router running IDS and found the cause to my issues in my router Logs.

    It sees the traffic as a trojan here is one of the hundreds of blocks my router did.


    ET TROJAN Possible Compromised Host AnubisNetworks Sinkhole Cookie Value Snkz


    Time08:56:30 AM



    TypeA Network Trojan was Detected



    I am not accusing SpaceinvaderOne of anything!

    I ran this app 3 different time and my Router is full of these the hole time it was running.

    Hope this helps anyone else that is having issues and see if anyone else sees the same?

  15. *Update*

    I have disabled my 5 am Mover.

    I did a Maintenance mode repair -L on all 20 drives.

    Removed the second e-sas cord between the r720 and md1200

    Started a parity Check

    *Forgot to disable spin down on the drives


    I woke up this morning with the parity check at 60% complete with only 2 errors on the first 10 drives.

    All my dockes look to be running but all my shares are missing again this morning.

    Also when I checked all the drives were spun down



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