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Posts posted by Hypknox

  1. Hey guys, it's been quite a while since I've added any drives to my array. I just finished preclearing a couple Toshiba PH3300U-1I72 3TB drives, here are the results.


    Everything seems okay to me, but I'm interested in other opinions.


    Thanks for the feedback!  ;D


    (2nd Drive results in next post)




  2. Wordpad seems to format a little better as well heffneil.


    Quick question regarding one of my drives.  This used to be my parity drive and I decided to go with a 3TB drive instead for parity so that I can use larger than 2TB drives for data in the future.  I followed your instructions listed here Joe - http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=6126.msg58998#msg58998


    I finished the preclear of my old parity drive successfully and out of curiosity decided to compare the results with the original ones some months ago since this is an existing drive from my array.


    Everything for the most part looked pretty similar except this time I noticed the following at the bottom of my start and end reports -


    SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1

    Num  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error

    # 1  Short offline      Aborted by host              90%      3104        -

    # 2  Extended offline    Aborted by host              80%      3029        -



    Should I be alarmed by this?  Is this drive ok or is it on it's way out already?

    I've attached the preclear reports for this drive in the even any additional information is needed.




  3. I have received my Coolink SWiF2-800's and I must say, they are SIGNIFICANTLY more quiet than the stock fans. I'm not seeing the same issues multiple people are referring to regarding the removal of the stock fan and installation of a replacement.  I had zero issues with all three units.  In all fairness, I was extremely careful due to the multiple "yep, I broke em too" posts.


    As long as you take your time and be careful you shouldn't run into issues replacing the fans.  I also suggest using your screw driver and gently pushing on the fan from the outside through the vents to help the fan slowly come off of each post.  Don't get impatient and try to simply pull the fan out.  Keep in mind that if you simply pull the fan out on a single post it's going to be increasingly more difficult to remove it from the others.  So try to remove them all 4 sides in unison, just a little at a time.  This same concept also applies when installing the replacement fan.


    I do enjoy the major decrease in noise, although I have noticed my drives run a bit hotter than they did with the stock fans.  I'm running around 33C - 37C.  It's 72C inside my house. I don't recall the exact temp of the drives with the stock fan but I'm pretty sure they ran cooler.  They are pushing a noticeable less amount of air than the stock fans did when you put your hand next to them.

    I consider this a non issue really though as those temperatures aren't dangerous by any means.  If I recall you're not shaking hands with danger until around 55+.


    I'll continue to monitor the HDD temperatures and update this thread if they continue to climb.


    So, overall impression of these fans thus far - A+.

  4. Newegg may have had the images set for the V1 Norco still, they've now been updated.  Amazon still had the V1 images up when I ordered one of mine but they still shipped a V2.  I don't believe you will find V1 any longer, unless an establishment happened to have some old V1 still laying around.


    The review Rajahal is excellent btw, I referenced it in the cases thread.


    In regards to a fan replacement for the Norco SS-500 V2, will any 80mm fan work?  should I shoot for 1500rpm or anything else in particular?  The model suggested in the review isn't available at any of the places I like to order from.

  5. Well, that was fun :o I migrated everything out of my main pc, everything from my unRAID server and swapped cases. Now my SS-500s fit just fine.  Quite a snug fight for my gaming machine in this Nighthawk, but it works. I'll more than likely get a modular psu to replace the one that's currently jammed into every possible crevice.  Had quite a good scare afterwards as well, blue screen of death initially.  I swapped sata ports for my hdds ssd and bluray burner and I don't believe it cared much for me doing so.  It's been fine after that initial blue screen memory dump though.


    Anyway, dgaschk, I would love to know how you managed to fit a Norco SS-500 into the XCLIO Nighthawk and close the door. What mobo are you using? With the bay making contact with the mobo it still stuck out of the front of my Nighthawk way too far, preventing the door from closing. I should have looked at the dimensions of the case and the bays a little closer upfront but oh well, it worked out since I happened to have a massive old Cooler master CMStacker case. This is the case that now holds my Norco SS-500s just for reference.  http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/cooler-master,828.html  It's quite old and I doubt it would be easy to find. It's also a bit overkill on size and there are much better cases these days.



    Despite my initial issues with fitting the SS-500 bays into the XCLIO I highly recommend these.  Here's an excellent review for them on greenleaf - http://www.greenleaf-technology.com/blogs/softwareandhardware/index.php?id=2230660860939828125



  6. So I went with the XCLIO Nighthawk, which overall seems to a pretty solid case.


    Major issue though - The new version of the Norco SS-500 5x3 bays.. these are definitely too long to fit in the tower...  :-\


    There's 0 chance of being able to close the door on the front with the Norcos in. So I thought at first, "Hey, I'll just have to remove the front of the case, it's not ideal, but it should work..."

    Upon further inspection the fan portion of the enclosure protrudes too far, you cannot even get the furthest possible screw hole for the Norco bays with it literally touching the mobo...


    Since this clearly wont work, I'm not debating new case or new 5x3 enclosures... End result will be a 15 drive system, what are you guys thoughts on this?  Suggested case that the Norco SS-500 will fit in? Or should I just opt out of the Norco SS-500 enclosures and go another route?

  7. I'm currently in process of setting up my first unRAID server and just finished a 1 cycle preclear of my first three drives (all of which are Seagate 2TB ST2000DL003 5900RPM drives).

    I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the integrity of these drives Joe.



    Information that may be relevant:


    - preclear version 1.13

    - Due to these being AF drives I invoked the preclear script as such "./preclear_disk.sh -A /dev/sdX"

    - Mobo - Foxconn A88GMV (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813186205)

    - HDDs - Seagate ST2000DL003 2TB 5900RPM (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148681)


    I will end up having an extra onboard SATA port since my end goal is a 15 drive system and my motherboard has 6 SATA ports. I'll be using Norco SS-500 5x3 bays (3 of them) I'm a bit nervous about the Norco-SS 500's

    now given the posts from joelones a few pages back. Hopefully these turn out ok.. I'll also have a Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 8-Port SAS/SATA and SATA2 Serial ATA II PCI-Express Raid controller card SIL3132. This leaves

    me with 1 extra onboard SATA port. Would it be advantageous for me to always preclear on that port?  Seems like it would for speed purposes but from some of the posts I've read I'm not sure if running a preclear would be

    optimal through an expansion card.


    First Drive preclear reports -




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