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Posts posted by ikkuranus

  1. 7 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    I think you are using a really old template from my container correct?


    You don't need to copy over anything and by default my container is using this version from Valheim+

    I'm running it on my server and it is working as it should:



    Are you also sure that the container itself is up to date? By default it uses this repository.

    That's probably It. I'll wipe the template and try again.

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  2. Valheim plus seems to be abandoned. There are a few forks which bring compatibility with the latest version of Valheim but if you copy them over the official version in this docker it refuses to start. (I believe it's getting caught up in the version check)

    Would it be possible to make one of the forks such as ValheimPlus_Grantapher_Temporary work with this?

  3. My cache drive has been failing for a while and I finally replaced it. My unraid server shows up and is reachable on windows network but after 30 minutes or more it no longer shows up or is reachable by \\name but is reachable by \\ip. If you reboot the server then it works for a while then goes back to only ip.


    I also have a 2nd unraid server which just backs up my media collection and that one doesn't seem to have this issue.


    I should note this problem has been happening since before replacing the cache drive. (probably around the time the drive started throwing smart errors and when it was having trouble writing.)

  4. I recently started consolidating media that was in my watchfolder from all of my smaller drives to one large. I did that so I could replace them with bigger drives. I have updated the unraid share (which my watchfolder is pointed at) to only include the new drives where they are stored but now filebot is processing many items that have already been processed. I should note that I do have an excludes file setup and it does get updated after running. 


    Any idea why it's starting to process old stuff a 2nd time?

  5. Has anyone got this working with webauthn on android?

    I applied the update which appears to have added webauthn support and no matter if I connect my yubikey through usb or tap for nfc it doesn't take.

    u2f works on my usual browser in windows if that matters. I should also mention webauthn doesn't work in the windows desktop client either(just says loading... indefinitely).


    Apparently the cause of this is because windows registers your fTPM as a webauthn device and what's worse is a microsoft account with a fido2 key attached hides the fact that it's not the security key being directly attached to your vaultwarden or bitwarden account.

  6. I'm trying to configure freepbx. Whenever I apply a setting change the reload animation goes on forever.

    Also, whenever I try and add my local subnets to the sip settings they don't appear to be working as calls don't have any audio and get dropped shortly after.

  7. 1 minute ago, ich777 said:

    You know that you are also have Backups in the Backup folder of Valheim?

    I implemented the backup function to do something against the worldbreaker bug.

    I was aware of the backups and where they are stored but I didn't know if it was a worldbreaker bug or if those saves would have the same issue as the current one.

  8. Valheim doesn't seem to be updating to the latest version that just came out this morning and nobody can connect (was fine before the client update)

    I have stopped and started the server to download the update but it just keeps saying it's up to date and continues with starting it up.


    I solved the problem by copying the server database and fwl files from /mnt/user/appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlds to my windows game client and loading and saving it and then returning it back to the docker appdata.


    nvm don't require Valheim plus if users aren't aware that everyone needs the mod installed.

  9. I get the following error when trying to connect to any ssh server which requires a keypair

    uacd[529]: ERROR: Auth key import failed: (null)


    I have exported it from puttygen using the openssh (force new file format) option



    key here on several lines


    also entered the passphrase for said key


    I am able to use said key in the built-in windows command line openssh client just fine.

  10. 22 hours ago, Djoss said:

    Are you taking about /mnt/user/appdata/FileBot/amc-exlude-list.txt ?

    I assume the path you entered are from the container point of view ?

    Nevermind. It turns out I had a few things from my last setup that normally wouldn't be processed at all by filebot and they didn't get put into the exclude list.

  11. Is it just me or does the /watch folder not respect the exclude list if you define one?

    my /watch folder is full of stuff from a previous virtual machine setup where it shared to the vm via smb.

    I have edited the exclude list I was previously using and updated the paths to match and it's still attempting to extract/process all the various archives.

  12. I'm trying to add my self signed certificate and key file to enable tls on the webui but the webserver always fails to start after adding it.

    At first I had put the key into the cert field and the cert into the key field but even after correcting that it's still broken.


    I was previously using the same key+cert on an older version of qbittorrent in an ubuntu vm.


    NVM, apparently you need to create the files inside the conf folder and set the path instead of pasting them into the webui like previously.

  13. I love how you can add new drives to the pool without a rebuild and the ease of use of everything.


    I'd like the ability to update all settings no matter if VMs/docker/array are active/started. Instead of disabling those options till you turn off whatever there should just be a button to restart those services and apply the new settings all at once. I also like the idea of having multiple cache pools/drives

  14. Is there some way to split up the parity check by a percentage so I can do it during the early hours in the morning? As it stands the parity check takes over 20 hours and I really don't want to have my NAS mostly unusable for the better part of a day.


    I notice there is a pause button for the check. Is there a plug-in or script that would automate that to pause and resume at configured times.


    Lastly, if there is such a plug-in, would using it cause any data integrity problems?

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