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Posts posted by deathscreton

  1. 59 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    Since 6.8 includes Wireguard, I wouldn't expect a whole lot of attention being paid to these plugins in the future.

    I was not aware this was an option. This would have been nice to know much earlier.


    57 minutes ago, blinside995 said:

    Fair enough. WireGuard was incredibly simple to deploy.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    How is the performance? Does it cover the entire server or does it work like the OpenVPN plugin and only affect dockers?

  2. 8 minutes ago, trurl said:

    There are some torrent dockers with builtin VPN. Search on the Apps page.

    Hello! So that was actually my go-to when I setup UnRaid, however, the VPN Binhex included with the dockers was not compatible with my TorGuard configuration. Binhex warned that this may be the case and that not all providers would be compatible. I was unable to find anyone with a similar setup.

  3. Hello! Before I say anything, I should preface my message with the fact that I'm new to UnRaid and server hardware/networking as a whole. I do have some experience with home networking and consumer hardware, but nothing that would probably help me in this case.


    I recently installed the OpenVPN Client Plugin to help with anonymizing torrent traffic for my dockers (via TorGuard VPN Providor), and while it works, it is limiting my DL speeds HEAVILY. While I know using a VPN will affect speeds to an extent, this seems abnormally slow. My downloads via QBittorrent seem to be limited to a max speed of 1MB/s total when using the plugin. Without it, I get up to my normal 12MB speeds (sometimes higher depending on the hour). This affects all my torrent clients and sab as well. I've done some preliminary testing as shown with the attached files below (i've also attached my diagnostics in case that is useful):


    I've done VM testing (whose traffic I've learned is not affected by the plugin. All traffic seems to come through with my ISP's IP. This is actually pretty cool as I only want my dockers affected anyways), both with, and without the TorGuard client and built-in OpenVPN client (using generated files). The speeds, while a little slower than my desktop speeds, are still well above the speeds I get with the server plugin and dockers.


    I've also tried testing on my desktop. As you can see, both with the client and without, the speeds are high, so it seems to be related either to the docker or the plugin itself.


    I've changed ciphers as well, trying all of CBC and GCM (GCM seems to perform better, but I'm still locked under that artificial 1MB cap) as well as trying different servers. I also attempted opening ports via my VPN just to test, but it made no difference (I should mention that none of these tests were done with opened ports. My normal speeds of 12 and excess are typically done without needing to forward anything at all). All of this is going through my LAN. When I did my testing, I made sure nothing was downloading, and that only one client at a time was attached (though I should be able to connect up to 8 devices concurrently if I remember correctly).


    Before admitting defeat and just running a VM for all of my torrenting, I'd like to see if I can continue usage with the dockers for performance reasons. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any specific reason as to why this is happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!






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