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  1. I have been trying to figure out how to get the Syncthing docker to have access to shared folders. If I try to add a folder through the webGUI I get a missing path error inside the added folder pane and a notification saying that permission was denied. If a layman explanation exists on how to set this up I would be super appreciative if someone could point me to it.
  2. This would be a fantastic tool to use. Thank you for working on this. I tried using it but ran into some errors. I tried the channel download feature and it will only work when selecting MP4. Also when I add a channel I simply get a spinning wheel inside the ADD button and no indication that the channel was added. The downloads folder does get populated with videos as it downloads them though. I did not try the playlist feature. The individual video feature does not work for me. When I change the GUI from Audio Only, the default, to Video and Audio the drop down for format does not change and I am unable to select MP4.
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